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Posts posted by JeffrenBrek

  1. No. You are 100% wrong Cindols! AND, YES!!!! We want ranked to pop on TEH every day, every hour, every minute! Dang skippy bro!


    Stop saying RPers are bad pvpers, this annoys me Cindols. I don't even RP, but, if I did, I would take offense to this! The pvp on TEH is just as "good" as on other so-called pvp servers. Just fyi.


    Agree with this. Not sure where all this nonsense comes from in this thread.

  2. Concealment's roll grants 100% resistance to all tech and force attacks, or in other words it can be used to neuter many classes burst, while also kiting them at the same time.


    Also since you are failing in the context department I was stating that all of those classes are far better at dealing with a focus, I did not say anything about deuling PTs. Stop being dense.


    Yeah, and how long does it last and what's the CD? Yeah, thought so. Any PT that isn't dense can avoid firing his burst into roll. It's not that difficult.

    As for the last part, let me refresh your memory:


    Vanguards and Commandos because neither class has anything capable of negating a hardswap. Both classes can easily be globalled through every single one of their DcDs.


    You made it sound like everyone and their mother can kill through a PTs defenses which is, quite frankly, nonsense. The only way to kill a PT though KO combined with Shield and adrenal is to have high burst damage, which not every class has.


    I also find it funny you completely ignored my other points. So how are the other classes better at dealing with focus? Marauder? Nope. Gunslinger? Nope. Scoundrels? To extents.


    Edit: All you have to do is look at the ranked top 100. That paints a very clear picture of the situation each class is in.

  3. Let me highlight something for you.




    This is totally right, for most classes the only way they can be globalled is if they don't use proper DcD, however there are two exceptions. Vanguards and Commandos because neither class has anything capable of negating a hardswap. Both classes can easily be globalled through every single one of their DcDs. Trust me I have had it done to me and I have dealt it out to others, it is stupid easy to global PTs.



    Marauders - UDR, Camo

    Juggernauts - Reflect, ED

    Gunslingers - Effectiveness varies by enemy comp - Evasion, diversion

    Scoundrels - Combat stealth, if concealment, roll

    Assassins - Shroud, combat stealth, Phasewalk

    Sorcs - Barrier, H2F and make them pay.


    If a Marauder uses UDR to stop a PTs burst he signed his own death warrant. Maybe in future updates he'll be fine because UDR no longer takes health, but as of right now UDR kills you just as sure as a PT burst does.

    Gunslingers will get nuked by PTs no matter what, unless the PT in question is terrible.

    Roll doesn't help an awful lot. PT with his almost-force-run speed will catch up easily.


    As for the last two, well...


    Also to global a PT with KO up, you need to have classes with burst to do that and if possible not melee. A Balance Sage and Vigilance Guardian for instance don't have the burst to nuke through KO, especially with the speed and CD that HoL has.

  4. trolling or serious? can't decide..

    Heard that the vg tank is one of the best pvp class atm, but the dps not being a glass cannon?

    On 1v1 a vg dps can best any other class, just as any other class can best a vg dps in 1v1 if the player knows what he's doing.. however.. a vanguard cannot handle being focused, not even remotely close to some other classes (can only think of the commando dps that is worse).

    If you don't agree, than I'd suggest queueing in solo ranked, wait for a 4dps vs 4 dps match. After experiencing what it really means getting focused I dare you to say it is not a glass cannon!


    Incorrect. The reason people assume PTs are glass cannons is because nowadays all 4 players have to focus that PT or risk being globalled if the PT is any good. Naturally, PTs drop if focused by 4 players, which is as it should be and which happens to virtually every class. Being dropped by 4 Players =/= Glass Cannon.


    You want to play Glass Cannon in Ranked? Go play Marauder, Sniper or Merc for a while.

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