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Posts posted by Ariadna

  1. general.


    1- add more face presets so that there are less clones and hairstyles. lekku for twileks. a seperate slider to add lipstick colours, and other for eyeshadows.

    2- Animal mounts. and 2 seats vehicle mounts, to ride together with friends.


    3- more class quests, companion quests, more romance quests. new Flashpoints.


    4- raise level cap to 60, with the addition of new planets. such Naboo, Dathomir, Yavin.


    5- Creature taming, new crew skill. allow us to tame rare babie creatures, that later can grow and help us fight.


    6- player housing, other than our ship, is nice having a ship but would be even better if we could purchase properties and allow us to decorate them.


    7- more dancing emotes. allow us to make cantinas, clubs more functional, and good social hubs .

    8- more outfits, armor styles

    9- new race- Togruta.

    10- a more functional space content

  2. By mmo content do you mean useless WoW features like LFD? Because if they put LFD in this game I'm out. You think it feels single player now? Wait people people never have to leave the fleet.


    i never played wow.


    and no i mean, things like, expanding your class story, new planets, more quests, pve raiding content for casual players , (5 man groups) content for 2 players and companions high end content wise.


    player houses, more social tools for cantinas. dance emotes, player events. costumizable ships. working crewskills. high end crafted gear. new playable races, classes.


    more hairstyles, cosmetics, barbershops. animal mounts, gambling in cantinas.


    the continuation of your romanceable companion story . would fit well with player housing.


    decent looking Social outfits, beside light .


    and way more things that could turn swtor into a MMO. it currently feels too much like Dragon age 2.

  3. Even better, people should be given a rating system by other players. If you pass a certain rating percentage for ninja looting, your name changes to a black color so that everyone who sees you knows why your name changed to black. Ninja color for a ninja looting player. This should be account wide, not just that one character.


    Then, all the Black Named Ninja Looters, can start their own guilds, and cut each others throats needing on EVERYTHING, because nobody else will let them join their teams.


    wow, that actually is a great suggestion.


    you should post this idea in the suggestion, feedback forum.

  4. This...



    Please, I want names too, so I can ignore all your characters.


    how much you wanna bet, he won't do it?:D too much blah blah blah, he keeps beating around the bush. deep down, he knows the rules better than the two of us.


    it all comes down to , they roll need on all because they want and because they can. wich sadly reflects a large portion of the modern generation of mmo gamers.

  5. You amaze me. You *never* have been chewed out for rolling need on something that wasn't your class? You, as a MMO player, have not once been told of the unofficial rules of need/greed? You are honestly going to sit here and defend yourself and tell others that they need to explain the rules, that even the most newest of MMO players already know?


    No, this is why a request has been made to change the loot system via game mechanics. Much simpler and much needed.


    things would be easier, if everyone who roll need on all items. would post their character's names, and the server they play.

  6. Everyone already knows what the default group loot system is. If anyone wants to use a different loot system while in a group then the default one, they can speak up so everyone in the group can decide if they want to use a different one too.


    stop repeating yourself about the damn, default group loot system. you sound like a broken record.


    just be brave enough, and post all of your character's names, and servers.

  7. I would call it common courtesy to allow everyone who just ran the group content to decide for themselves what items they need - just like the loot system is set up for - and if anyone disagrees with the loot system, to speak up before the group runs the content, so the group can decide as a group if they agree or not.


    then let them know ahead of time, you want to roll need for all. if they are ok with this, you got nothing to worry about it. otherwise you are nothing but a ninja looter, and the chances that you will be ignored by everyone in the entire server, will be very high.

  8. i would call it common courtesy.


    For example the same way that i dont spit on busses/public transport i treat the people i ride with /play with with descent courtesy.


    For example not rolling need on OS and for Companions thanks to


    I have a main specc that i have joined the group for, and that i don't use companions in groups.


    So why should i roll need for gear for companions that i only use for SOlOING over someone that will use it in group content.


    some people are just way too greedy. they would roll need for all, just because they can.

  9. And I already stated countless times, if you have views on loot different from what the game provides, say so prior to the run. Because the system already works in a fashion you dislike, and you are the one wanting a change, you are the most likely candidate to speak up.


    i wont ever have this problem, personally. because i never group with people i dont know. i always group with guildies and friends.


    and yes i agree with you, if you doing a pug, you should always speak up to avoid unwanted drama afterwards.

  10. And you still don't get it. You cannot expect unwritten rules to automatically apply. There is no way to know the other person knows or even agrees or follows them without speaking up prior. So if you DON'T say anything about loot rules prior, and just run with it. And then proceed to badmouth say a Marauder who needs on an IA chest piece because they love the look of it and prioritize that over stats, how can you not see yourself as the one with poor behavior? You said nothing about restricting drops based on stats, yet still berate someone for it.


    ofcourse there is. this is why anyone with a bit of common sense, would explain the rules before going into the FP. you can also avoid PUG, you could keep grouping only with people you know, or you could avoid grouping alltogether.

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