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Posts posted by Kudaran

  1. Considering Eternity Vault was probably tested in Beta, I'm very surprised that this **** is even occurring. Nobody likes to spend 10 minutes trying to get back into an Operation, and trying all sorts of things, only to find out all you can really do it reset and reform the group, and spend another half an hour clearing trash. Basically if you don't one shot it, you're going to have sooo many problems.


    But they're off making it so you can use /emotes while you're on a mount or in a taxi.



    Priorities, right?

  2. I know the perfect workaround!


    Everyone in your group MUST have a webcam, then you video conference everyone into the same channel. After that everyone breaks out their 28 sided dice and rolls for said loot!



    In all seriousness though, for the amount of /emotes there are, I was dismayed to find that there wasn't a /roll, or even a /random. Would greatly appreciate this, but I guess the pre-designated loot mode in Operations will work for now...

  3. There are rumors out there that if you increase a companions affection, it has a higher critical rate on the missions/crafting you have it do.


    I know for sure it decreases the time they spend doing missions or crafting, so I would assume it would also increase the critical chance too.

  4. Oh and I guess you are Mr Time traveller. Never say never.


    But getting mad over stupid RNG is probably the most memorable parts of MMO's! They wouldn't dare take it out!



    It could also be a conspiracy... the longer you don't get the pieces you want, the longer you'll spend PvP'ing, meaning you'll keep your subscription running longer.



  5. Average Operation compositions are (I assume intended to be):


    8 man:

    2 Tanks

    2 Healers

    4 DPS


    16 man:

    2-3 Tanks (Dependent on encounters, some trash is too hard to manage sometimes)

    4-6 Healers (Dependent on how hard the tanks get hit, and whether you're in the midst of learning the fight or not.)

    8-10 DPS (Based whether or not you hit the enrage timer, and the amount of tanks/healers you need in the group.

  6. Had the same issue with the second boss. It would randomly one-shot people outside on the Republic Ship, right after people had used the Stim Vendor to repair... so they had to repair again. We took a 10 minute break after that and it locked out on us implying that someone was still in combat with Gharj, even though we were all outside the instance. We didn't continue because we didn't feel like clearing trash for a 3rd time.


    Hopefully Eternity Vault will get some much needed bug fixes, but it'll probably happen when people start raiding it en masse. (In 'bout a month or so.)

  7. Pity the corpse dissapeared before i was able to turn on fraps [it was totally unexpected fight, i wnet to Tatooine to do some daily heroics and meet up the boss by accident], still the combat log shows i killed the bastard =)


    still the combat log shows i killed the bastard =)


    combat log


    Wait, what? I want one.






    Anyways, grats on the kill! I tried solo'ing the Coruscant world boss at level 50 and got absolutely wrecked. :(

  8. At least he doesn't have a hologirlfriend he can spam every 5 seconds.



    suck it up, I'd rather deal with a bad lizard tank than a healer who'd rather stare at a holograph and think he's helping. Not to mention the endless whining and cynicism, and losing affection any time you mention the force. With Qyzen you just gotta act tough to get affection, and pretend your some herald or something...

  9. Sorry you found a great new MMO to be too FULL for you to play. Well, so did us Aussies. Vent at BW for not launching in Oceania and providing us with dedicated servers. Of course Australians would want to stick together with their own time-zone related communities in the same way the millions of US customers will.


    You sound like a racist (racism isn't just the colour of your skin) telling us to get back to our own country.


    That isn't what I was implying at all, no need to get so butt-hurt over it. I'm not telling you to "go back to your country", I'm saying you guys deserve your own servers.

    It can't be too hard to establish another server and label it Oceanic. One of us has to leave the current servers, because unless either of us do, it's gonna be 45 minute queues 24/7.


    HAHAH Stupid American. 3am CST is 8pm for most of the Aussie players, IE PEAK TIME. That's when every man and his dog jump online to play.


    Oh, no, I understood that it was your peak times. But then again, you Aussies whine about the queue times during *OUR* peak hours. I've seen it in general since I got into the EGA. "Stupid americans" aren't the only ones complaining about it. So instead of attacking me, why don't you do... I dunno, something constructive?


    Solution: Get off our server if you aren't an Aussie.


    That's totally not an arrogant response. Regardless, I wouldn't mind doign this if I didn't have an entire guild that would need to transfer over too, but unless bioWare does something about that, it ain't going to happen.

  10. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the fact that established North American Servers The Harbinger and Swiftsure, have been coined the term "unofficial oceanic servers". What this leads to is severe overcrowding on those servers because you have not only North American Players, but also multiple other *ENTIRE* countries on the same server. I logged in at 3:00am CST today, and I had a queue. It really shouldn't work like that.


    What I think should happen is BW should allow North American guilds the option to transfer their guild to a new server, and make the current unofficial servers the official ones. Or just make a new server for the Oceanic players and transfer their guilds over.


    And before you start flaming about me being a selfish American, and how I only care about myself, the Aussies are going through queue too. I'm sure they're not very happy either.

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