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Posts posted by TrooperSev

  1. I have a couple of toons that I haven't used in the event that I've just been on fleet with. I've had no trouble staying away from the people blowing up.


    If you are 55, 2k isn't anything. Do one daily anywhere and you'll be able to buy 5. If you are under 55, just go to a planet and level. If you just have to use the gtn, try the bazaar area, or go to nar shadaa. pvp and fp queues don't need to be sat in on the fleet. Go to your ship or find a remote area of the fleet. (The LS and DS vendors are usually empty).


    What I'm trying to say is that you're complaining just to complain. You're the kid at the playground that is trying to take his ball and go home because everyone else is having fun.

  2. As long as the dps are focusing the dogs, you shouldn't be having any problems. Just tank him right where he starts and make sure the dps are a decent distance away. (I like them to stand against the energy door so they don't get knocked everywhere.) By the time the stun wears off, braxx should only be halfway to the dps/heals at the most and just taunt him back. This should actually be an extremely simple fight for the tank as you mostly just sit back and throw out a taunt now and then.
  3. Arsenal Mercs should have the free rail shot added back in, but I don't think the rail shot should be tied to a set bonus. It should work off something from the skill tree, like how pyros get a free proc and ap pt's get a free rp.


    My idea for rail shot:

    - Tracer lock now also reduces the heat of the next rail shot by 2 heat per stack. (Maybe lowering dmg per stack to 4-5% to offset a little)


    Also, the interrupt change would be an amazing QOL adjustment. With the amount of raid wide dmg that the new bosses do, I find my channels constantly longer than expected. I can't count the number of times that my unloads last tick has been clipped. This would result in a dps boost, that would help up compare to snipers/marauders(if they do indeed get some nerfs).

  4. What above poster said, you can run to the bridge manually because the speeder won't open til you complete the H2 storyline. You can also do the ops out of order. I'd recommend anyone that wants to do the ops just log on 30 mins early, jump in a group together and knock out the questline in 20 mins or so. That way when you do the op, you also can get the questline rewards which include arkanian relics, a good amount of coms, and a tauntaun mount(need max rep to use though).
  5. Pretty much what everyone has said. My guild loves to farm comms to get more gear. They run weeklies all the time and the gm pretty much wants everyone to gear that way. The kicker? They just beat TFB HM. Seriously. Now, I'm not saying its not an accomplishment, but the way they celebrated made me what to say "good job, but you're about 3 ops behind and overgeared for it to begin with."


    So, in short, no matter what gear is available, skill is a big factor. If people don't know how to tank properly(had someone say a tank is just a dps with more hp), if they don't kow their proper dps rotation for max dmg, or if they don't have the quick reaction times required of a healer, they won't get very far even if they are BIS.

  6. This was a change that we made with Game Update 2.4 to add functionality in another area, but it actually removed the functionality for Companion equipping. Luckily, after tomorrow's patch, Alt + RightClick will equip items from your inventory to your summoned Companion Character. o/''\o


    Lol, I had just figured out how to do this right before 2.4 hit and I went to do it the other day and it wouldn't work. Thought I might have been imagining it and had me questioning my sanity for a while. Good to know that I'm not going crazy after all.

  7. So tried to 8man sm pug last night on my healer. We actually did were making it through the waves but we kept hitting the enrage right before wave 9. I think the dps kept slowing down on the 2 guardian phase. Not enough focus.


    What we did was have 1 dps set to always go left/right/south. The OT would normally go left and the 4th dps would go right. When the two corrupters spawned to the south the OT and 4th dps would head that way to help interrupt them.


    We stressed the importance of interrupting the corruptors and after the first time it wiped the raid, we never had a problem with it until phase 8, but we were able to split the raid and heal through it easily. The only other issue I saw as a healer is that the dps weren't seperating the subertooths from the raid before killing causing stress on me and the other healer.


    I've come to realize that the more I run it, the less chaotic it seems. I think that is the main barrier to entry is having the knowledge of the fight. I just wanted to share what I learned as there are lots of people wanting to run the new ops and if anyone has a better strat please share.

  8. Main question: Has anyone successfully pugged draxus and if so how was the fight explained.


    I've been able to complete the dread fortress successfully with my guild but I've now gotten into 4 different pug runs on alts (to do the storyline) with disastrous results. The first boss is a pushover but once we hit draxus, everything hits the fan. I'm looking for a better (simpler) way to explain the adds and wave mechanics.


    P.s. Wish everyone who wanted to raid would at least learn what their interrupt skill is.

  9. Ap has a priority system like most classes. Stay under 40 heat for max regen.


    1. Retractable blade to refresh the bleed dot

    2. Flamethrower with 3 stacks of pft

    3. Rail shot with auto crit buff

    4. Rocket punch with free buff

    5. Immolate on cd

    6. Flame burst for filler


    RB should be the first thing you do. Not only does the bleed provide roughly 10% of your dmg but it also makes all your other abilities do 3% more dmg also. 3 stack pft is what you are aiming for by the time flamethrower is off cd. Also with the most recent patch it lowers its heat by 6 greatly increasing heat management. Don't RS unless you have the proc. it's a dps loss if it doesn't crit and RP has a lower cd than RS so it shouldn't be a problem. Also crits never miss.


    Gearing wise. Aim- power-acc 99.5,109.5- surge and last crit. Like the last guy said some crit is ok when the gear is high enough.

  10. If you could explain the difference between these two talents it would be appreciated (other than the cell requirement)


    The vangaurd/powertech one was changed in today's patch. It now reads:


    •Cell Generator has been redesigned: While High Energy Cell is active, players regenerate 1/2 energy cells every 1.5 seconds.


    Its a more consistent regen now.

  11. I like the heat system as it is, but a without the free rail shot, heat management is much more dependent. With the free rs, I didn't feel the need to actively watch my heat and was more focused on the raid/fp. I don't think the rail shot should be tied to a set bonus though. It should work off something from the skill tree, like how pyros get a free proc and ap pt's get a free rp.


    My idea for rail shot:

    - Tracer lock now also reduces the heat of the next rail shot by 2 heat per stack. (Maybe lowering dmg per stack to 4-5% to offset a little)


    Also, the interrupt change would be an amazing QOL adjustment. With the amount of raid wide dmg that the new bosses do, I find my channels constantly longer than expected. I can't count the number of times that my unloads last tick has been clipped. This would result in a dps boost, that would help up compare to snipers/marauders(if they do indeed get some nerfs).

  12. What this means is that each damaging tick of Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning will now grant 1 stack of Shadow/Dark Protection rather than heal the Shadow/Assassin tank. This means that one fully channeled Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning can grant all 4 stacks of Shadow/Dark Protection. The loss of healing and the addition of damage reduction are the only changes to the Harnessed Shadows/Darkness skill – the rest of the skill functions as it previously did.


    Thats how I was interpreting it, but I know many people were confused. Thanks for the clarifications. Anything else would have completely changed the sin tank rotation too much.


    While I will miss the self healing, I'm glad sins are getting back some mitigation. I love my sin tank due to the rotation and abilities, but I felt bad bringing it to guild raids knowing I could be a liability when my Jugg tank(who's rotations I despise) is so much better. Great step in the right direction.


    P.S. - The combat team has really stepped it up in their answers since the heal2full debacle. I and probably many others thank y'all for the responses we've been getting.

  13. Most people came to swtor because it was the newest mmo out there. If you look, you'll see it happening again with elder scrolls and wildstar and others. Its the same thing with every game in every genre, people see something shiny and automatically flock to it.
  14. I could tell you which I prefer but we might not have the same tastes.


    I recommend playing one of each up to lvl 15. By that time, you'll will have most of the core class abilities and should be able to make an informed decision on your own.

  15. Mercs bring a major raid wide utility. A 20% armor debuff. In fact when the game first started the cool thing to do was bring nothing but mercs because the debuff from tm stacked and hsm dmg buff benefitted from all other mercs tm buff.


    Honestly. The only reason to bother looking at parses is if there are multiple wipes in progression. Any other reason is only for epeen. If your group is downing the bosses then your dps is fine. Also you bring some extra raid utility with the kolto missle and instant healing scan. Dps parses can be misleading. Yeah that player might have done more but was he being a good raid member? Was he moving out of aoes in time? Was he just padding the meter by dotting adds? Those situations aren't noticeable from parses.

  16. i never used Missle Blast, since its an absolut stupid skill. it cost 25 heat, more than most of our skills. and only deals slightly more damage than our rapid shots (auto atk).

    when i first read the 2.0 patch notes i thought maybe the skill will be useful now. i was wrong.

    10% more dmg means just around 20% more dmg than rapid shots.

    even with the changes in the pyrotech tree its ridiculous.


    Also i never bought this 2.0 skill Missle Salvo, because its the only useless 2.0 skill of all classes.


    overall this skill should get changed or at least removed from your skillbar



    PS: sry for bad english...


    That's kinda the point of the op's post.


    I always felt that middle blast and power shot need more love in the arsenal tree. Buffing these abilities would give mercs some additional tools for various situations. As of right now mb is too heat intensive to use while moving. Also, the dmg is not much more than our basic attack. I'll have to come back after thinking about what some good alternatives would be.

  17. Just more confirmation of what I have been saying all along. BW won't buff PT because in BW's mind PT are OP. According to BW they were OP in 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0 and all the way through 2.3. And BW's has the numbers to prove it (according to them). And they do in a way. The meta average numbers for PT Pyros is off the charts. That's because only 1 or 2 players per server still play them and they are very good players. In contrast numberless hordes of bad players play snipers, smash monkeys, sorcs, op healers, assassins, etc. Their meta averages will never approach those of PT Pyro. So PT Pyro *MUST* be nerfed according to BW's logic.


    Bottom line here: once a class gets nerfed, it will always get nerfed. That's because the first nerf drives away the weakest players in that class. Nerfs cause meta averages for the class to RISE. Which causes more nerfs. Which causes even higher meta averages via more abandonment by weaker players. The players who stay in the class are the most stubborn, geared, dedicated players. That's why the meta averages for PT Pyro look so good.


    Nothing will ever change here until the class is abandoned by everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. Look at the post above mine:




    The guy luvs his class. He's literally loving it to death.


    My AP PT is my go to alt. only reason he is not my main is because I made a merc first and still love playing it too. I won't stop playing my pt mainly because I feel my dps is in a good place. It's not sniper level but I'm ok with that. In my mind that's a trade off of having to deal with the cover mechanic. (Which I despise) I've never been a detriment to my op or pvp team. And honestly I've pulled more aggro on my pt then any of my other dps. Why do we want pt's to be just like marauders? It would make the class lose its flavor. I'm ecstatic for the 2.4 ap buffs as it just makes the class better.

  18. Don't let the forums try to trick you. Pt dps is fine. The ones that are complaining are hardcore pvpers and, well, they would complain no matter what. They are always wanting themselves to be the best when it's just not possible.


    With that said my two favorite classes are arsensl merc and ap pt. I have no problem doing hm ops or pvp on either. It all comes down to whether you like being up close and personal with very good mobility or if you like being more of a back line nuker with less need to move. I will point out that I can usually solo more group content on my pt usually due to instant abilities as my mercs castec abilities get interrupted more easily from knock backs and such.

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