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Posts posted by Nepumuk

  1. As healing Sage (Seer) I just finished maxing out all companions, and I really missed just having Qyzen out all the time. Dailies go basically like this:

    1. Optionally shield myself and Qyzen.
    2. Run in and bunch up mobs via knockback.
    3. Qyzen grabs aggro on what he feels like it, no micromanaging from me.
    4. Force Quake spam. Maybe some interrupting/stuns for fun. No heals.
    5. Move to next mob group.

    Qyzen and Seer is the perfect team. Occasionally I swap him with Nadia but then I would get interrupted more without him as aggro magnet.

    As Seer you should not heal while doing solo stuff, other than in very rare emergency cases e.g. when you got adds or overpulled.

  2. Mouse acceleration seems to have gotten worse since patch 1.2.


    For current hardware, mouse acceleration is a legacy feature, even for the desktop (Windows), so it should never be enabled for games by default. I still have a switch on my mouse software for turning acceleration off for Windows, but it does not seem to affect SWTOR.


    Please turn it off or add an option. Being able to alter this setting at least per INI file would be sufficient.


    My camera settings

    Smart Camera OFF

    Pivot Camera OFF

    Camera Rotation Speed 0%


    Average game performance

    FPS: 70-110

    Server Lag: 39-45ms



    Mouse: Razer DeathAdder, Driver: 3.05, Firmware: 2.45

    OS: Windows 7 64 bit

  3. Flashpoints, Heroics > Operations


    Even at 50 the daily heroics are now spread across 3 planets. But also while leveling I may have a few heroics left on a planet while already moving on to the next. Or I am on the fleet enjoying the VIP lounge or other leisure activities, so a galaxy wide system to find heroic groups should be an important core feature.


    I believe normal mode operations are intended to be very easy and beatable by pickup groups, therefore we should be able to use the finder for those as well. But as operations are intended for level 50 players only, Flashpoints and Heroics should be a higher priority,


    Usability > Robust loot system > Cross server group finder, account wide friend and ignore list


    There are a lot of LFG tools out there in other MMOs. All of which have shown to me that the most important features are those which get a critical mass to use the tool. Therefore, a good usability which makes it easy to use for players new to MMOs is a must. And cross server functionality should not be delayed too long.

    In order to make cross server an improvement for communities, we need tools to befriend players from other servers, as well as block out the bad apples.

    For obvious reasons in pickup groups, I should not be able to need items not intended for my class and current spec. There was a developer post about it a few weeks back so this feature is in the works already.


    ThtreLady - Can we get character achievement announcements in the guild chat channels? I.E. Krysari is now level 39, etc? I'd love to be able to congratulate my fellow guildies, but I have no way of seeing when they level up or kill something spectacular.

    Damion Schubert: This is a good idea - cheap but effective features like this are, as a designer, among my favorites. I'll bring this to the Guild Team, but no telling when they will prioritize it compared to the other guild love they are working on.



    I don't think it is good idea announce minor things like every single level. In various MMOs a lot of guildies were regularly annoyed by such kind of spam of insignificant achievements, e.g.: "ding level 3", or "10 fish!", "woot you clicked a button!!".


    At least there should be 3 options to turn it off or tune it down:

    1. Let me turn off any announcements from other players. So I can decide whether I want to see announcements from other players or not.
    2. Let me turn off any announcements I would trigger. So nobody would see any announcements from me. This is very important for such quiet situations when I am just minding my own business for a while and don't want to interact with people. Everyone needs some alone time sometimes and it's quite irritating to blare automated messages into guild chat during that time.
    3. Let the guild leader/officers turn off any or all announcement categories. So you could fine tune as a guild what kind of messages you see in guild chat. E.g. turn off level dings completely except for level 50, but leave messages on for defeating world and operation bosses.

  5. They should have kept the loot system. Take all or leave it would have been all we ever needed.


    On a serious note. The 2 videos seem pretty much the same to me in terms of general look and feel. The differences like UI and varying degrees and cartoony character models appear to be rather cosmetic than fundamental.

  6. Use the lift on the west side of the fleet to go to Interfleet Transport. Then take the taxi there to your destination.


    Tracking the Boarding Party introduction mission will highlight everything you need to know on the map as well. If you don't have that mission then pick it up in the main fleet area. Just circle the 4 quarters until the mission icon shows up on your (mini-) map.

  7. Heroics are not the problem, the lack of proper LFG support is.

    I'm glad they added so many HCs even on the starter planets. But having no appropriate system in place to actually help and encourage players to form groups is quite paradox.

  8. I'm having a hard time to imagine why you have problems. You don't give any kind of information to analyse the situation, e.g.:

    • Which mobs do you have the most problems with?
    • Which companion do you use?
    • Is the companion's gear level and stat appropriate?
    • Do you have any companion skills switched off?
    • What gear do you use, is it level and class appropriate?
    • Which skill "rotation" do you use?
    • How did you spend your skill points?
    • Did you forget to upgrade any abilities?



    Since the level we got Forcequake (30 something?) I was just jumping into the mobs and spamming Forcequake with a tanky companion like Qyzen or Iresso to grab as much aggro as they could so the channel got less slowed/interrupted. In mixed strength mob groups, once only the silver/elite mobs were left standing, I then finished them off with single target damage. Shielding companion and myself and stunning/lifting/interrupting mobs whenever I felt like it.

    The only time spent healing the companion was after combat, if I could not use the vehicle or did not feel like resummoning the companion, or if I pulled adds, or when soloing champions.

  9. Did they workaround the problem with the vehicle activation bar, by moving the delay to the beginning of the activation?


    I noticed yesterday that when I start to move forward the moment the activation bar hits the end I don't get dismounted anymore. Maybe I just have a slow reaction but a few weeks back I was able to consistently dismount myself when trying to move right when the activation bar was full. This does not happen anymore.


    But now there seems to be slight but quite apparent delay between when I click the vehicle button on my quickslots, to when the activation bar actually shows up, maybe 250-500ms. So it seems as if the activation bar is still inaccurate, as it shows up too late. Or maybe it was always that way and I just never noticed before.


    I'm testing on a level 35 Bounty Hunter, with 34 players on Alderaan, but no one anywhere in my vicinity. 50-70 fps and 43 ms, while activating and deactivating the vehicle.


    P.S.: 20 frame drops from just activating the vehicle in a otherwise empty area is a pretty big drop isn't it? :o

    The only life around are maybe 6 static NPCs in about maybe 60-90m distance.

  10. Amusing anecdote:


    Recently I actually encountered the first incident of such a companion ninja clown.


    We were three level appropriate Bounty Hunters and the jerk a 35 something Sorcerer in Athiss. First boss dropped orange Bounty Hunter legs and you would not believe it, without saying a word the scum just goes ahead selects need even after 2 of us already needed. I still have to laugh at the situation. 3 BHs, 1 Sorc, Sorc needs on BH gear. LOL!


    Me: "Why do you need on Aim gear?"

    Idiot: "I need it for Khem"




    After a little back and forth about basic loot etiquette, I had to ask him to leave as he did not agree. I could really not have it worded anymore non confrontational during the actual situation inside the flashpoint. On top of his other demonstrated social qualities he also turned out to be quite the pighead so I had to kick him.


    After that we cleared the flashpoint with a companion equipped in quest gear and left overs as 4th.

  11. There are certain terms in the MMO/RPG genre which are well established since a long time, way before World of Warcraft came along.


    So even when developers spice it up with new names the old ones won't just go away. Seasoned players know what terms like class, quest, spell, health, cast, etc. mean in the context, even if a game might use slightly different terms like profession, mission, skill, moral, activation, etc.. ;)

  12. It has probably been reported before, but even after patch 1.1.3a it seems stuns are still prone to be delayed even in high fps (60+) and low latency (50-) PvE situations.


    I had it happen multiple times, when trying to stun a mob while it was trying to activate a skill. I click the stun at least half a second before the activation bar of the mob would be full. Yet there is a small delay, the mob gets to activate the ability and my stun is applied right after and not before.


    This renders the stun pretty useless and only serves as wasting a global cooldown. As the Powertech version does not even do damage.


    Class: Powertech, Level 16-17

    Ability: Electro Dart

  13. Fleet>>>loading screen>> hangar>>loading screen>> ship >> galaxy map>> click system>> click planet>> esc twice>> loading screen>> airlock>> loading screen >> orbital station>> planet >>flight path >>daily location.


    For me it is not the time it takes to travel but the massive barrage of orbital loading click screens that are thrown in our way.


    E.g.: If they would only remove those baneful airlocks of doom and corruption, and if absolutely necessary slightly increase the walk distance in the orbital stations to compensate for the time, it would be a lot less annoying to run through this loading click screen gauntlet of mental devastation multiple times a day.

  14. It would be nice if there was an option to lock the chat window in place, so it cannot be moved or resized until unlocked.

    Additionally, there should be an option to allow the chat window to ignore mouse events/clicks when locked. So that a mouse click will instead be handled by the 3d world under the chat window.


    Especially in PvP (as it is faster paced) it often happens that I want to target a player via mouse but the chat window gets in the way.

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