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Posts posted by Val_Den

  1. Not sure if anyone has seen this blog http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20110429

    Is this some kind of joke or a sarcastic slap in the face? Please note the part about the GUI font.


    I canceled my account. In the reason why section I wrote, I can't read any GUI text and it is causing me physical eye strain.


    There is a new content update http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates and yet not even a whisper about fixing the GUI.

  2. so need this thing to increase size i refuse to play if i keep getting headaches and i will go back to WoW just to avoid this problem if it persists for too long as i have no idea if its doing any harm but i bet it is and i dont play games to get worse health i play it for fun and fun alone


    I completely agree. As a consumer I have the right to voice my complaint as it should be, with the pocket book. I am going to cancel my account until the UI is improved. I don't feel that the UI will be improved anytime soon because, as far as I know, the development team has not acknowledge our complaint in any way.

  3. I am middle aged and have a hard time seeing the font as well. The amount of eye strain has kept me from being able to play the game well enough to keep up with friends and guild mates. My work around has been to ask my friend to give me a brief on tool tips and conversations. I feel like I am imposing on them.
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