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Posts posted by hiddenpuudji

  1. I use consumption in PvP as often as I can early in my rotation, sometimes not caring if it's free or not, and then I stop bothering with it as the ***** hits the fan. I see the nerf slowing sorcerers down quite a bit but from what I understand some other classes are getting some love and as long as you have a balanced group it shouldn't be too bad.
  2. Oh God, please tell me you're joking?


    So big scary PvP'ers like yourself need better gear in order to defeat scrubs like myself?

    I thought PvP was about beating your fellow players on an even playing field, not about who had the most spare time in which to farm gear.


    Oh, and I actually laughed out loud at your "hard earned gear" comment. Thanks! :p


    i love these people who are so sure they are 10% expertise away from face rolling all the people who have grinding 100's if not 1000's of wz's for their gear...yeah, i'm sorry buddy but i know i can beat you because i've spent that much more time playing wz's.

  3. You don't get the differecne between pvp and pve.


    PvP needs players as opponents. PvE has mobs. If new players are faced with a gear gap, many of them will not enter pvp, leaving pvpers with less content.


    The easier it is to enter pvp on equal footing with others the more pvp and the better pvp you have. Only people who don't want pvp but want to farm new 50s for cheap kills oppose closing the gear gap.


    lol...just lol. I had to login and quote this because it made me lol.

  4. Tank/kill...adds spawn...CC 2 kill them off one at a time. Tank/kill...adds spawn...CC all 3, burn boss, kill adds one at a time. Get loot.


    Wow, you know how to type out exactly how to kill this boss, you must execute it flawlessly everytime, and I bet you can get 3 pugs to 1 shot him just because you know the fight, hell you don't even need vent if you type it out like that...


    lol. GG.


    on a serious note, he's on farm....or was till he dropped crap loot.

  5. TIL; There are some seriously delusional people on these forums. If you think GW2 looks that awesome then go play it but to post about a game that you have never played as though it will be the best thing ever...


    I post in these forums from work so I'm normally not influenced by having just gotten face rolled but I can bet that 90% of the "PvP sucks, Endgame Sucks, and GW2 is awesome" posts are from people who need to L2P and they're only raging because they don't understand the game systems and or they just got rolled by a premade (OMG why do good people partner with other good people? nerf them!)


    If you DO understand the game systems, and you hate SWTOR so much, please do us all a favor and smash yourself in the head with your keyboard and or monitor till you pass out (or just stop playing/posting) and hopefully when you wake up you'll be able to play GW2...

  6. There should never be premade queue only. Pvp is like deathmatching. You cannot prevent good people from seeking out other good players to team up and dominate with. Are the adds stacked in their favor? Well if they stack the 'best' class and role only as sorcs, they're gonna be mad when they get nerfed. Besides real ****** pvpers role whatever they want and role you that way. The main reason you lose to premades, as someone else already said, they have communication, you probably don't. Couple that with the fact that they all probably already have at least 500 expertise cuz thats all they do, you're ****ed.

    -are playing it.



    -are whining on the forums 'while they wait for their subscriptions to run out' which is an interesting excuse, because if I didn't like the game, I certainly wouldn't wait for the sub to run out to go find something better.



    -are posting from work because they can't be online playing it.


    its really that simple.


    pretty much this ^^

  8. that's kinda dumb that you're being frozen out of groups because they don't want duplicates, they should really just shut up and play

    i've run a bunch of fps with 4 SIs, it's funny, but certainly not something I'd kick someone out of the group over

    now running an 8 man operation with 8 SIs is a different story


    I never build a group with more than 2 of the same class unless its a guildy who needs a drop. As a healer I leave nothing to chance, if you can get at least 3 buffs, its worth the extra few minutes LFM.

  9. What a great example of the derision and dismissal I referred to in the OP. Keep up the good work.


    Here's my point.


    If you want a game without gear gains then go play Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, etc.


    Get it?

  10. We've heard a lot of complaints from people just hitting 50 that PvP balance is skewed in favor of players with gear. Often their complaints are met with derision and dismissal. I thought it might help inform the conversation if I showed just a couple numbers to illustrate the current power imbalance in PvP. Granted it paints an incomplete picture of the issue but it helps to understand the magnitude of the imbalance.




    Player in full battlemaster has 18000 health fully buffed

    Fresh 50 has 12500 health fully buffed


    Player in full battlemaster with 15% dmg bonus and 15% dmg reduction

    Fresh 50 with 0% dmg bonus and 0% dmg reduction


    To kill the BM, the fresh 50 will have to do 21177 damage (before mitigation) to the BM

    To kill the fresh 50, the BM will have to do 10870 damage (before damage bonuses) to the fresh 50


    As you can see, the battlemaster has a huge advantage over a fresh 50 as the fresh 50 has to do almost twice as much damage to a geared battlemaster to kill them.




    0.85x = 18500

    18500/0.85 = 21177


    1.15x = 12500

    12500/1.15 = 10870


    I would take this more seriously if the arguement didn't make you sound like a big crybaby.


    " WAH!, I wasn't able to play as much so I fell behind and now people are killing me really fast!...no seriously fast ! Why wont you take me cereal!?"


    I can't stop myself from lol'ing through your whole post.


    Also, next time you come across a full BM vs anyone with 0 expertise, lol at them for me.


    Advice: Don't go 1v1 against BM's. I don't and I have plenty of champ gear. I prefer to gang up on BMs instead of getting smashed.

  11. Not at all true. Bonethrasher has never "roflstomped me by random target switching", a decent player in a half decent group manages threat, uses CDs and medpacs etc, and survives. Any boss AoE in this game is easily avoidable for melee players. My 16m NM op currently brings two marauders (we are 5/5 EV, 3/5 KP in our first week of NM raiding).


    If you bring a melee who thinks that it's ok to simply tunnel vision the boss and pays no attention to the fight, that will bring the raid down. It's easier to get around that by bringing more ranged, but to suggest the mere presence of melee players is already hurting the raid is presumptuous.


    Funny cuz a player who "uses cd's and medpacs" is, in my book, the top 10% of players in this game. You overestimate this game's playerbase. From a healer's POV I normally ask for ranged in PUGs cuz I'm normally with my melee guildy. If the player is a random I'd rather have a random ranged 10 times out of 10.


    Also, I prefer to bring all 4 classes if possible. Having all 4 buffs can make up for dumb PUGs.

  12. I'm still waiting for someone to counter the aguements I've made that Battle Masters killing new 50s are different then new 50s killing level 20s


    You are asking someone to counter the arguement that a level 50 battlemaster can kill a fresh level 50. You're asking for a gear-less game.


    Congratulations, you can play Street Fighter all day everyday. And Streetfighter is awesome, and you will never EVER have a gear dispute.


    Now go away.

  13. Naga user.


    Wow. Some interesting concepts at work here. Call me crazy but I use...


    F1-F5 buffs

    1-5 interrupts and FL

    NAGA (17 button mouse, only use about 10) for the rest.


    Omg the naga takes weeks to master. Def worth it. Especially when you're leveling and you don't know how many abilities you'll end up with. But after almost a month at 50 I can't imagine healing without it.


    Also naga is near 70$.


    Consider the naga because you become incredibly more mobile when 10+ abilities are used by your right thumb. My movement really opened up and I found I'm able to tab target and move extremely fast cuz I don't have to press too many abilites with my left hand.

  14. nice discussion, much of the gear we'll be wearing at end game is unmoddable at this point anyway, though, so hopefully the end result of 5/5 is these same ratios. If not then crafters will be put to work (awesome). And for crafters it helps to know which stats are money stats.
  15. For those 2 BH situations, Who needs more practice tanking? and Who is this peice of gear a bigger upgrade for?/Who needs it more? should be the first question asked. /roll really isn't needed in either of those 2 cases. Also all things being equal, let the 2 of them decide on who gets what, and if you can craft the gear, whyy would you only make 1 when you have 2 people who need it?





  16. wow, some classic trolling here. sorry OP, just ignore them. So after skipping through the trolls I wanted to sympathize because the PvP exchange system is frustrating to me as well.


    I'm a Sith Sorcerer and I saw Force-Master piece...sounds awesome!...and it has the most willpower of anything available....its GOTTA be the healer set right?...right? oh..wait a minute, why the F--- would I care about casting a dps dot faster..wait a minute...ARRRGGGHHH, *****IIIIVVVAAAAAA!!!!...


    Yeah so the labeling could be more intuitive or be just more clear in general all around in the PvP section of the fleet. Pretty dumb to miss out on a genuinely useful set bonus because I was duped into buying the "Force-Master" vs the "Force-Mystic"



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