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Posts posted by DarkLordSid

  1. People might as well stop searching for that next game that is like SWG, its never going to happen, at least not for a long time.


    MMO's have changed and not all for the best. All MMO's today are about getting everything done as fast as possible, and if you actually are forced to interact or count on anyone for anything then its gotta be changed. Community now is something that we old MMO players talk about, most of the players today just want the game to be quick and fast, gimme, gimme, gimme.


    If you ever find another game that has a community as strong as SWG it will be a niche game. Thats not all bad, it just usually means less profit for the company which means slower updates and less development.


    Luckily I find SWTOR entertaining, but after watching what has been produced and what is to come in the future, all there is to look forward to is easy *** leveling/gameplay and a multiplayer game type community.


    Have to say, it's nice running into you folks again and getting a chance to chat. And what an awesome guild you guys have too, had a couple of people help out or just hang out with us, it's nice to feel like part of a Star Wars online game family again.

  2. Ah, never mind. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.


    Had a long post on serious thoughts, all it would get is harassment and sneering. I gotta quit tilting at windmills.


    Hope all you folks are finding a happy place in the game. It's not what SWG was for both good and ill, and I still miss a lot that we had there, the sense of a broader community.


    Not gonna happen here, we get the worst of that it seems. Maybe it will change, but I'm being an optimist with burnt hands, "I should'a known better".

  3. You know we're on the Republic side, right? LOL Gunner is running VADR on the Sith side of our server if you want to play Sith. Otherwise, I think I will actually be on Saturday. I'm skipping rehearsal because I have to sing at a benefit that night and I am not driving to the theatre and back twice in one day (it's a 35-40 minute drive one way). So I'll be around Saturday afternoon until probably about 5 or so Central time. And yes, I always thought that kid was a Sith.


    Awesome you are still performing, good to hear! Yah, I figured y'all were still on the light side. Which probably means you won't see much of me in this game for a while, as most interactions are factional at least in the beginning. Kitty is working on Light characters, she has some on both sides.


    But me, well I'm not intrinsically evil, but there is just something about... well how does that NPC put it... something like...

    'There is nothing more serene than the cries of rebel spies being gassed from their lair only to emerge into the waiting arms of blasters of their compatriots... except for sunsets.. no, no; you have to get up early for those...'




    (NOTE: I meant sunrises... but it's even funnier wrong... so I'm leaving it).

  4. I have been at rehearsal every night this week until fairly late, and will be away every evening until Sunday, so I probably won't be on a whole lot till then. But I will probably be on Ava when I am.


    DLS, I passed your message along to Cherry and he says to tell you hello and best wishes to you and the missus. :)


    Danke, Hope he's well and happy and the same to you and Trill as well.


    The Missus immediately created a character on Canderous and so I'm working on one too, leveling up to where we are on the other server. I miss my Sithy powers, can't wait to get back up to speed. Thank goodness for my British accent, at least I still have that.


    And for some reason, the more dark side I go, the darker my skin is getting. Didn't seem that dark when I picked it, but with time it just seems to be getting darker. I'll be blending into the shadows soon, to find me you'll have to look for the glaring yellow eyes...


    "He had yellow eyes! So help me God! Yellow eyes! " A Christmas Story


    Scott Farcus; Sith Lord. No doubt about it.

  5. Hey Sid! Definitely recognize you sir. Shooting you a PM, good to see you!


    Hey guy, hope it's all well with you and the rest. Sent you one in return.

    Been a while, some things the same, some things changed, but still around and still entertaining friends and strangers, lol!


    A belated happy new year to all, even though it's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fiiiiine).





  6. Greetings to former Tarq members!

    Some names fill my hearth with warmth, others... not so much.


    We (the missus and I, who celebrated our 25th anniversary last year) are on a west coast server, so most of you we probably won't see about, but wanted to drop in and put in a word or two for those we missed so much.


    SWG was a great place when it was great, the best people we knew there were kind, fun and considerate. Won't miss the drama, and certainly I'm not going to get into any of that again. Ever. But there were those that made it worthwhile to come and play there even with the high drama in the background. And we miss those people. You know who you are.


    If you recognize the name and want to catch up, drop me a line. I don't check in the forums too often, so it may be a while. Maybe I'll even tell you who I am in game this time.... or not, lol! It was a lot of fun having people guess. Gracen even paid a million credits when that was a lot of credits for the intel, and still she was never sure.


    But I digress; it was fun, hope to engage in some no drama RP after the "great grind" is over.


    Cherry Red, if you are out there, we're thinking about you and wishing you and yours the best. /tiphat.


    Off to play. Ta ta.


    DLS00 (Dark Lord Sid) Letting the Wookie Win since 2004


    P.S. If you see Pave, slap a big orange road cone on him for me, for old times sake. Zombie pudding indeed.



  7. In Galaxies it took me a while to find the center for my character, but in the meantime I was able to still RP around the general faction. For instance; I used to go to the cantina and start up a discussion on why the Rebels attacked the Empire's peaceful battle station for no reason whatsoever. That usually got people going. Then I treated it as enemy propaganda, "Can you prove to me that the station was NOT there and the Rebels didn't fire first?" Well, you can't because everything there was toast, no observers or survivors. Or were there? Just a simple question can lead to hours of spirited discussion.


    And somewhere along the way you might start to think how your character feels about the events around him/her and start to develop a persona.

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