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Posts posted by Luvinn

  1. Those $5 went to the establishment you pre-ordered your game from, not Bioware.


    Take it up with them, but I doubt you'll get the money back, since it wasn't an early access fee. It was a pre-order fee.



    What he said. You paid 60 bucks for the game. 5 dollars was a deposit. The game won't magically be 55 dollars if you cancel.

  2. What boggles my mind is that people seem to be arguing that if you arent in the game on day one, then you might as well not even play. It's like people think that everyone on a PvP server all started at the same time and power leveled so they could just grief all the lowbies.
  3. Just remember that as you keep whining on the forums about how many waves there are.


    Don't think of it as "I'm not getting in on the 13th", think of it as "I may be getting in prior to the 15th".



    That makes more sense than everything I have ever heard about anything.


    It's sad really, the reason we can't have anything nice in this world is because when you try to be nice, you get blowback. Its like feeding a starving dog and he bites your hand off.

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