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Posts posted by HeatedCoffee

  1. Returning player here, I noticed I get a lot of Unassembled Components from Warzones, and figured why not try it out. It takes FOREVER to kill ONE person. We went 2v2 at one point, and ran around each other in circles, not getting anything done. The damage we do is INSIGNIFICANT! This isn't fun at all, it's frustrating and pissing me off. It's been like this since launch, there is no excuse.
  2. I want free-flying space combat.

    I want to rule the space over Tatooine in my gunship while my bros are at the turrets and in their bombers and fighters.

    I want to loot the wrecks of pubbie ships, then I want to store my excess space parts in my garage by my house on Tatooine. My girlfriend is trying out interior decorating and architecture, so I have no idea where she put my storage chests.

    I want people to ask me what I do, and I will answer "I'm a pilot!" or "I'm a moisture farmer!".


    I want to be immersed in my game. SWTOR does currently not offer such immersiveness, and I doubt they ever will.

  3. I was going to make a thread on this issue, but I'm glad to find it on the first page of suggestion box.


    In pretty much every MMO I've tried, I've been going with the soldier theme with the fitting outfit. On Imperial side, the Imperial Trooper armor is the only such outfit to my knowledge. And no, Republic trooper is not for me.


    GooseGrims' suggestion of paying $150 for this armor simply blows my mind, the sheer level of stupidity is making me dizzy.


    The Imperial Trooper Armor is such a central part of the lore that it makes no sense for only a small ever-dwindling fraction of players to be able to acquire it. If CE owners should be too discontent with the decision of making the armor available to all, they should remember that all products are subject to 3rd degree price discrimination; in this case, products and services become cheaper over time in order to capture the maximum reservation price of each customer segment.

  4. Please devs, let us choose ourselves what warzones to queue for, or even let us know which one we're about to join before pressing 'accept'.



    inb4 swarm of biodrones buttmad over me questioning the flawless decisions of Dear Leader Glorious Bioware-sama. Please dont ban me bioware.

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