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Posts posted by BreadHelmet

  1. any Jedi or Sith so pathetically weak in the force that they were unable to mind trick their captors into walking away deserves whatever the hutt court system gives em. and in case of the sith, it would've been a miracle for em to get off of korriban.


    in case of my merc, i'd go with blizz simply because he has a rocket launcher in his.......pocket?

  2. I think that's the sad puppy inside of you that just really wants guild capital ships.


    i did want guild ships, but they should've been released at launch. and as far as my previous statement. i'm just basing it on the utter lack of new stuff coming out with the upcoming expansion.


    we're getting 5 levels with a new area to quest through em with, with the new levels, every skill tree is getting wrecked. we're getting 1 new operation. they decided to bump the level of tfb to 55, and before any of the devs says otherwise, Nightmare TFB is NOT new content its just a rehash of the same crap that every raider is sick of. the expansion also offers no NEW flashpoints. just hardmodes of flashpoints that tend to be skipped completely when levelling. biowares biggest msitake was letting ea buy em out

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