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Posts posted by Reico

  1. We shouldnt even be support EA/Bioware after what they did, and fact EA is trying to monology the gaming industry players are only ones whom can stop it, if EA does suceed every game will be releashed with problems because they care only for the numbers not the players and will release unfinished products knowing people are to ignorant to boycotte them for doing so.


    Wait, so Bethesda is owned by EA?


    Is that why Skyrim released with so many bugs and massive CTD issues?


    Uh oh, hole in theory.:tran_grin:

  2. So, because I have other, more important, things to do in life rather than log on to SWTOR every day, I am not considered a 'valued' customer? Somebody who has purchased the game and game time, who tries to play at least two or three times a week is not 'supportive' or 'loyal'. I cannot help but to feel insulted.


    Every player without level 50 characters is completely right to be feeling unfairly treated, heck so am I. I suppose we are unworthy of the extra gift playtime, however should continue throwing our money at you.


    Why would you even care about the free handout if you have "other, more important, things to do in life."


    Christ I have people that barely can play in my guild because of family etc and they still have at least one 50.


    I guess you people with "more important things to do" need 3 years to get one 50. Guess the people in my guild with "more important things to do" just know how to manage their time better. /shrug

  3. There is a vast difference between having downtime to get everything up and running, and being down 20+ hours a week. This is total crap, you're being a fan boy and trying to convince yourself that it will all get better and then it will be roses and sunshine.


    It won't in the forseeable future. The problem isn't with the game, or the software. It's with Bioware as a company.


    You are correct, sometimes the servers in WoW would be down for more than 20hrs in a week. Thanks for pointing that out.:tran_grin:

  4. I haven't been writing here very much latley but when the servers are down I guess I could write some lines. :D If there is anyone with late SWG experience I would be happy to hear them out :)


    Well first of all I don't want to start a complain theared even if i'm pretty sad about everything this game had to offer. Some parts are really really good but pretty quick you get tierd of it. I don't know if I am the only one who think one of the main problem is the small locked maps; it would be so much better with a world wide game where you could run all over the maps.


    I used to play SWG and did if for a long time, that game was flawless; remember the first time on tattooine, you could run for many many hours to get to the "end" of the map. That game had so much to offer and if you just wanted to PVP you could log on your BH and hunt play jedi's.


    But my main reason with this post is; SWTOR isn't it very close to the NGE combat uppdate that BIO did in the late days of SWG? The patch that made the whole game go down; from having ALOT of players to lose them all over afew weeks, i'm one of the guys who quit when that came. My point is; Is there anyone here who played SWG with the combat uppdate (NGE)? Isn't it very similar to what SWTOR is?

    The feeling I have right now is that SWG (with the NGE-combat uppdate) is almost the same as this game right now? With just a story and remakes.


    So, anyone with late swg experience that feels the same?




    The simple fact that you compare anything to the NGE means you never played SWG.


    But by all means, troll on.

  5. Hi,


    Time is dwindling before patch, and I have 2 mil credits.

    I want to spend them on mounts as an investment. I will not ride them, I'll bank them. But I have a dilemma:


    Will 1 Baron (the blue and yellow 2 mil one) will be worth much more than 2 commanders (the white 1 mil ones) PUT TOGETHER? Have people been stocking up on the Barons, therefore making the banked commanders actually MORE rare (and therefore valuable) in the future?


    I'm pretty certain that one Baron will be worth more than 1 commander, but I have to wonder if 2 commanders will be worth more than 1 Baron in the future, just because people want any kind of limited mount, even if it's not as cool looking or not initially as expensive.


    Can anyone with experience with discontinued item prices in other MMO's weigh in?





    It's only tradeable to people with the valor rank right?


    Color choice is kind of subjective, I don't really like either but you might be able to make more of a profit from 2 mounts over 1.

  6. No one is raging about not having rated wz. People are mad because of the bait and switch they pulled on us, I am unsubbing as bioware is a company that imo cannot be trusted anymore , unless they hire new and better developers.


    Pretty hard to prove bait and switch when it says clearly on the PTS...


    The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change.


    Herp and a derp.

  7. I'm just curious. In light of the removal of ranked warzones on the imminent release of 1.2 I'm wondering how PVE players would feel if Bioware removed the new Operation or Flashpoint because they felt it wasn't working properly?


    How would the PVE players react to this type of thing and do you even think Bioware would risk it since the PVE playerbase is larger and from everything I have seen is valued more by Bioware.


    Do you think they would release the content with the bugs in it or would they delay the entire 1.2 patch until they fixed the issues?


    1.1 was delayed for a week or so but it only had one new flashpoint. I'm just wondering what people think as a whole to the difference between how PVE and PVP are treated and if cutting content from a major content patch is acceptable if some of the features are ready to be released.



    Well said OP! See my sig for the answer to your mystery.

  8. And if you wanna talk about a over hyped disappointment just look at RIFT which was labeled as the "wow killer". I dont think any game will match RIFT in terms of a disappointment due to hype.


    Fixed that for you. Going to guess you don't remember their advertisements. I've never seen anything outside of the community claim this game would kill WoW.

  9. I can enlighten you.


    I was a SWG beta tester, and CE holder (gotta love those shades) I still have my lightsaber on my Keychain. I played on SWG/Kettemoor did my holo grind for jedi I left shortly after NGE and came back for a brief time and left again.


    Comparatively SWTOR is ten times as fun as SWG ever was; I like the direction the game is going and have no plans to leave any time soon. I also find the jilted SWG fan that purchased TOR just to grief on the forums an embarrassment to one of the few decent things about SWG...the community.




  10. So, when the NGE push came along, we were asked to reimagine the game.


    Not just small changes, but rebuild it.


    And it was needed. When we were asked, we were bleeding subscribers.


    If I remember correctly, somewhere around 10k a month. LOSING 10,000

    subs a month.

    Note – I think our subs were closer to 160-180 than 200k. It was a bad financial situation no matter how you look at it.


    It was not idyllic. You can remember it as an amazing game, but it wasn’t.


    Hell, all of you who recall the grand ole days of launch seem to

    conveniently forget that everyone quit shortly afterwards.




    Why would BW want to copy a design that even the designer says is bad. What they did with the NGE was pretty much copy WoW to stabilize the game.

  11. And for the record IMO, SWG was superior in every way except voice acting, they sure as hell didn't have empty servers because people were bored 3 months after release. The character creation and crafting system alone had more depth then this entire game. Too bad they pissed off their entire playerbase with the CU. Eliminating classes is a sure fire way to get people to unsub.


    People were unsubbing long before the CU/NGE, that is the main reason for the changes.


    Also fixed your quote.

  12. yeah, too bad


    Trashed SWG, got WoW, what an exchange


    How can you trash something that was already trash?



    Well, being as the game was by Bioware, which was the same company that made KOTR 1 & 2, it turned out pretty much as I expected it to turn out.


    Kotor 2 was made by Obsidian

  13. If everyone was in plain robes, then you would probably be complaining about lack of diversity.


    You can only do plain robes so many times, and their already there from 1-49.


    Pretty much, people cry that they don't look like a homeless man that just found some tattered robes in a dumpster.


    Some of the gear looks great, some looks bad. The problem is the artists don't really have an overall theme to work with. You have iconic gear that people want. So you make that gear then what? Make a different color of that robe?


    For better or worse id rather have a variety than looking like a homeless man in a dumpster for the games lifespan.

  14. I knew I would get "some" useless answers but this is getting funny tbh. Thanks to the 2 people that gave decent answers.


    I can't even log in anymore.


    Whatever time i log in I feel like the fleet just closed for the night and I'm the overnight janitor.


    This game sucks.



    Funny, could say the same thing about the majority of your posts.

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