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Posts posted by LawranceEttar

  1. Eric, devs, c'mon! What the hell is going on with the misleading and deceiving schematic descriptions on Kai Zyken? This is blatant ********. You are wasting our time and sub money since you never even tested this stuff before deployment or your doing this on purpose thinking its funny. 3rd schematic that did not give the paying subscriber what was supposed to be offered!


    I purchased in the first week the Synthweaving Exclusive Set 1 (Body) which is a schematic that describes a product that "contains Armormech Set Bonus Chest, Waist, and Head!" Took me 3 days to get the mats and craft, and once done it gave me: the Tunic, Mask, and Belt of the Controller which is NOT an Armormech bonus set. Its a suit for Force LIft. Cmon.


    Give me back my mats and some extra ember as reparations for this lying crap to paying subscribers. You waste our time and money when u get this wrong so many times. 3rd Schematic. Do you even test anymore?


    Law, GM Knights of Old Enclave

  2. Eric, devs, c'mon! What the hell is going on with the misleading and deceiving schematic descriptions on Kai Zyken? This is blatant ********. You are wasting our time and sub money since you never even tested this stuff before deployment or your doing this on purpose thinking its funny. 3rd schematic that did not give the paying subscriber what was supposed to be offered!


    I purchased in the first week the Synthweaving Exclusive Set 1 (Body) which is a schematic that describes a product that "contains Armormech Set Bonus Chest, Waist, and Head!" Took me 3 days to get the mats and craft, and once done it gave me: the Tunic, Mask, and Belt of the Controller which is NOT an Armormech bonus set. Its a suit for Force LIft. Cmon.


    Give me back my mats and some extra ember as reparations for this lying crap to paying subscribers. You waste our time and money when u get this wrong so many times. 3rd Schematic. Do you even test anymore?


    Law, GM Knights of Old Enclave

  3. Riley Howell was involved and killed in the NC University shooting yesterday in real life.

    "He loved Star Wars, birds, cars, snowboarding, going to the lake, Kentucky Hot Browns

    cooking from scratch with cast iron while listening to the Feel Good Classic Soul playlist,

    and his Lauren. He could also put away a pizza.






    He apparently was a Star Wars fan and I am sure a member of SWTOR.

    Let us all honor him for his bravery and selflessness yesterday in protecting other fellow students

    and friends on their last day of school... just like any jedi would.


    Remember and honor him and all the other fellow NC students on May 4th this year,

    along with countless other lives lost to gun violence.


    May the force (4tth ) be with you all,

  4. Eric, seriously what is the status on guilds getting their due rewards for conquest last week???


    Please give us an update. Don't give up and ignore the problem.


    Its really crappy when guilds work hard for conquest and you guys make a mistake and we lose all rewards from our work over the previous week. That is not the best way to keep your subscribers happy and playing the game.


    We are an active and large JC founders guild with a sizable guild bank, max xp / rep guild bonus, ventrillo & mumble chat servers, as well as a guild website.


    We seek new members for progression raiding as well as PVP. Please fill out an application on our guild website and we will contact you with 24-48 hours.


    Thank you

  6. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to see SWTOR soon take XP out of their Minimum requirements.

    It is an old OS that Microsoft is putting to rest soon. Hardware makers have already stopped supporting it.


    When they do, they should give us fair / adequate warning(i.e. 60-90 days). I think that is all anyone really expects.

  7. Hi everyone,


    Thanks so much for your patience with regards to this issue. Good news, though! We have identified a fix for the Windows XP users who are crashing when pressing "Play" on the launcher, and we are going to be able to deploy a patch this afternoon with no downtime to fix it.


    Once deployed, I'll follow up in this thread so you can log in, patch, and start playing! Please watch for a new update in the next few hours. Again, we appreciate your understanding.


    Sounds good, thank you Amber.

  8. I have read that there are other people (myself included) who cannot even login to the game. The launcher closes and then nothing. What I haven't found is where the creators that be have said they are working on this. Can anyone give me an update on this please?


    Amber, is there any update yet on WinXP fix? No communication going on, and its been over 24 hours.

  9. Eric,


    Since your a SWTOR community manager, is there a reason why we havent heard any updates about the WinXP user base that can not even access the game? Can you provide any updates yourself and tell us if the problem has at least been identified and when a plausible ETA on fix might be. There is no communication going on regarding the WinXP access bug.



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