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Posts posted by Bloodstealer

  1. Did I miss the part that said there was a race to the finish line .. I really must pay more attention.

    Buying something that is quite clearly a personal choice is .. a personal choice. You wanna race to the BiS by running CM pots continuously then come to the forum to cry foul and accuse BW of milking you for being so silly... I got no sympathy for you.

    Its not like credits are hard to come by and running FP'S etc to get tokens to buy the fleet pots is as easy as pie, you just don't wanna put the effort in to get them so this little crusade post is nothing more than a "lazyboy" whine imo.

  2. Yip, have to agree this event is just meh...

    As MMO events go . this has to rank in the top 1 of the most poorly presented and most boring.


    To spend even 15mins mouse clicking repeatedly and watch that basic little graphic move round ... totally lame.


    The Cartel pack opening is more fun to watch than this half baked idea of fun.


    The rewards are fine... the first time you get them, then the reality of repeatability hits all to soon except most if not all are BtL if I recall.


    It is nothing more than a credit sink plain and simple with a heavily weighted RNG system.. that much is obvious but not the main issue... the sheer lack of creativity and fun is the issuel, but that's my opinion..


    I guess I would rather go run clock tower in GW2, at least it gives some element of skill to the event.. or Mad King for a bit of light hearted fun and a little more entertaining fetch quests.... Nightlife Event maybe better being called Nightnurse... aimed at helping players sleep :)

  3. I just gotta lols at this farcical mess tbh.


    Seems other MMO's are also laughing now.. ESO just emailed out free unlimited access from today until ...YEP you guessed it, the 18th of April (COINCIDENCE YA THINK : ) )


    How could something that had so much promise, with a huge IP to count on, be handled so poorly and with such disregard for its loyal paying customers who have supported this game through sooo many issues in such a relatively short space of MMO time.

  4. This is a US game, rest of the world does not matter at all.

    Besides there are only 2 servers which have healthy population, Harbringer (US) and Red Eclipse (EU), its only about 1000 players world wide that actively play this TorTanic now.

    I am suprised that they still keep the other servers running with no players.


    1000 players worldwide... gees that'll cover just about the coffee bill for a month, no wonder they have had to turn the game into SWTCM (Star Wars the Cartel Market) :D


    Would love to see your source for those numbers.. or are you taking science fiction to a whole new level of conspiracy theory?

  5. Yes, EU still down. Maintenance was scheduled until 1600GMT, then delayed to 1700GMT. It's 1725GMT right now and EU's still not up. What/when/why?


    OMG folks and an extra 1hr and 25mins server downtime for EU!!.. that's it the SKY IS FALLING and life as we know it will be forever damaged.




    Seriously, some people just need to pull open the curtains, take a walk, sniff the flowers and chase the butterflies a whiles - life does go on away from your keyboard and monitor, honestly it does!

  6. As the title says.. every time I log into SWTOR now I am getting Firewall warnings re certificate authenticity relating to BRWC.exe.


    Has something happened within the patch relating to Bitraider to spawn this issue.


    Using Win10 Pro, all drivers up to date, both NAV and Malwarebytes show no viruses etc on the system.. never had tis issue before.


    Anyone else been seeing this issue since the patch this week??

  7. I dont play much but I DO PLAY and I it looks nice to have, one of the best mounts in the game I would say. I did the same in WoW, just bought a cool mount, but stopped playing after 3 months.




    Why would it? They Copy/Paste the NiM DP Council rancor into Eternal Champtionship!!


    Well maybe you should perhaps play a tad more, maybe then you would know the difference between a lightsaber and a speeder mount.... unfortunately this isn't Harry Potter, you can't fly the Arbiter like a broomstick... if we could maybe the price tag would feel a little more realistic .. a mount and a L/saber all in-one sounds groovy.


    Maybe next week they will put the crate-o-matic up for sale as well... that's not a speeder mount either btw.

  8. I had the game opening as a tiny sliver in the corner and this thread's recommendation fixed it:


    Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time. (The [Windows] key is the key with the Windows icon on it)

    Copy the following in to the text box and press ok: %localappdata%\swtor\swtor\settings

    Open the client_settings.ini file and ensure the following are displayed within, or edit/add if so required:

    Fullscreen = false

    D3DFullScreen = false

    RefreshRate = 60

    Save and close the file.

    Start the game as normal.

    Change graphic settings within the game as desired.




    Hope this helps.


    This ^^^


    Or delete the settings.ini file in your c:\users\"User Name"\Appdata\Local\Swtor\Settings\client_settings.ini


    When you next log in it should do a small re-verify and you can log into your character list screen and hit the settings tab to re-enter new settings - be sure to do a full settings and keybindings overhaul when you log into game though as these will also of been reset back to defaults.

  9. Yeah, of course I know that but isn't it ridiculous they are incapable to do this flawlessly or at all FIVE years after release? The better solution would be (or would have been since I start to think it's too late now and their winter sleep of ignorance lasted a few seasons too long) x server anyway but they also lack the competence to do this very move, the most intelligent one, an obvious move competent companies like Blizzard and I think almost any Mmorpg running company was and is able to.


    Some of us still remember the first server merge they did, that was painful enough for many of us at the time but we picked ourselves up and dusted ourselves down ready to get at it again.

    The players will do the same again should BW finally bite the bullet and merge some more.


    It is long overdue but I agree that the root of the issues this game has and always seems to of had stem from the engine and the technical know how on how to get what is needed out of it... Illum slideshows etc still send chills.

    However having played other MMO's with megaserver systems.. they are not the all smelling all colourful bed of roses either... such systems bring there own issues with them, but I think its got to the point that anything would be better than allowing it to stagnate any further.


    I do also think that Maximum has a good point.. making changes to underwhelming systems such as guild flagships would add at least a small amount of motivation again for many guilds/players other than grinding out CXP, but it needs to be more inclusive so that newer or smaller guilds get to be part of it as well. Not every player wants to be part of a fortune 500 elite/pro raid/conquest. Some prefer to keep smaller sized for their own reasons and not have to go spamming every channel repeatedly to keep up with the churn and burn recruitment.


    I fear though, that SWTOR lacks the creative capability these days to come up with improved systems for things like grouping, guilds and the economy normalisation so what we get left with is out of date, poorly thought out and mechanics / systems which in itself don't help in retaining server numbers. Even renaming a character has little areas not tidied up, like the Guild Ledger - change a name but the ledger wont reflect or at the least add the new name into the ledger.... so many QoL issues exist and have either been left unaddressed or never thought of in the first place.

    5 years without a server xfer system that actually works rather than a half baked attempt is just another example of this issue imo.

  10. I have given up on the whole exchange mullarkey.

    After countless tickets to support some CS came back saying he had checked all my characters and I had no warzone comms or any data crystals on my characters at the point prior to 5.0 dropping... really, cos pretty much everyone one of my 20+ characters had crystals and at least 3 or 4 of them had PVP comms, as I never spent any and used to hunt around the openworld pvp zone on tatoine when the chests used to include them, as well as having several chars who had reached around valor lvl 50ish when I used to do any warzones etc.


    I probably only spent crystals on maybe 1 or 2 characters ever and even then still had some and I know for a fact several were reaching limits prior to 5.0 so to be told none of my characters were owed anything was just rubbish imo.


    But then I got the gold standard reply... the same CS then decided to tell me that if I tried to open up the topic with support again I would likely have action taken on my account and that I could no longer post tickets via in game support.... top notch support, especially as 2 other CS's agents had previously said they had no way of checking exchange issues... I smell a rat tbh, so now I have given up, I can't raise tickets and none of the spam reports etc are being emptied now either so I am permanently at a message max, with no way of clearing them out anyway.

  11. fyi they don't come in the mail, your crystals are removed and the money is just in your balance with nothing telling you your old balance and what you got for your crystals.


    No really....


    Some of us are astute enough to of checked our balances prior to and after the removal of crystals.... even after their pushbacks to the Friday then Saturday.... maybe that's why they wanted the pushback to allow players account balances to change and hope it masks the lack of reimbursement.

    Right now I am open to all manner of conspiracies, especially as the Bioware silence on this is deafening.

    Even support are closing tickets with automated out of date messages stating reimbursement is taking place two weeks ago, or, as was the case with my latest ticket that got answered today, with support saying they have no idea and no way of checking then closed!

  12. people are using multiboxing programs to create tons of credits out of thin air as explained in the following thread




    first they did it with treasure hunting lockboxes, then that was fixed, then they moved to slicing crewskill lockboxes. whenever you see someone standing in front of a vendor for 24 hours a day they are using crewskills to create credits with slicing lockbox missions and then just vendoring the items for even more credits. then they use multiboxing and do it with 15 or more accounts per computer. bioware is very slow to respond. i can't say they are in on it i think they are just way too slow to respond.


    I am of the mind that it's not BW's slow uptake on the issue .. it's their full on reluctance to do anything about it fullstop that annoys the hell out of me.


    I do however take great delight in hearing about players who have gone to shady lengths to get rich quick only to find their gaming accounts hacked and burned followed by a call from their banks to advise they have nowt left to spend this month. :D

  13. Whether the bots, multi box farmers, goldspammers etc are benefitting BW or causing inflation of the GTN etc or not - one thing I thing many of us agree on is that BW simply aren't bothered by it and allow them to run rampant throughout the game.

    It's like they couldn't care that accounts get hijacked, mail and chat is repeatedly spammed to frustrate their players and now with the "free lvl30 " Pokémon" BS from SWTOR's No1 gen chat spambot abuser being thrown in as a sweetener. Players dumb enough to use these shady services might be opening up their mobiles to deeper hacks and not just their swtor account verification codes.

    But as long as the cartel packs can keep flowing, all is good back at HQ I guess :D

  14. Hate to compound the issue but it seems there has been a slight stealth nerf to cartel packs as well now... items that go into the stash now appear to be perma bound to the character drawing them down.


    Before we had to wait a period of time before being able to sell items that we get that are unwanted.. now after that waiting period the items are now perma bound to the character anyways.


    My sith inquisitor now has a nice selection of sniper rifles, assault cannons, blaster pistols and rifles all bound ready for her to use just filling up those extra slots in the inventory.... oh wait they must just be just for show.



  15. Since the patch today I've noticed freezing after opening legacy bank or guild bank.. not the normal lag associated with opening these but actual game freezes also just random client crashing back to desktop every 5mins or so.


    I love maintenance days :)

  16. Sure getting older crates older stuff helps with the supply demand price hiking but... why on gods earth do they promote the crates as having a crafting material of at least prototype quality when the 2 lots i've gotten out of a couple of crates is now obsolete in game and no longer useable.. its vendor trash.


    As for the credit boxes... great ploy to push additional Cartel sales for Escrow transfers BW :)

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