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Posts posted by Scarletrobe

  1. I do not know what bioware wanted to accomplish but without a traditional tank healer dps dps group in flashpoints

    I've yet to find a group that can complete a flashpoint with the newly installed lock on respawning after death.

    The lock is on everything not just bosses but on bosses especially without a true group it is nearly impossible

    for the average randomly assembled group to complete a flashpoint. please change it back.

  2. I told him i would fight him and turned of the forcefield

    but instead of letting him suit up my character said

    "all i needed was a clear shot and she shot" him in the cutscene

    he said some ******** about me being a coward but **** it at least i came to kill him myself

    instead of sending someone else. I also dont surrender to jedi filth like his ***** ***.

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