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Posts posted by Ratham

  1. No the imps dont have more damage output. They have better players most of the time since the "evil" faction in MMOs tends to attract a lot of the good pvpers for whatever reason.


    As for jedi being OP for being iconic? Uh, no, its a class-based game, it has to be somewhat fair.

  2. 4. Make SWTOR credits the only real currency in the game. NOT real money and a stupid website taking me away from the game display.


    8. Fix everything that doesnt work, group finder, etc.


    You're playing a F2P game, there's always going to be an "alternative currency"


    "Fix things that dont work" .....duh?

  3. No, they're completely different classes. That would be like changing from mage to warrior. This game's leveling is so easy / fast too, you can just level another character. They're all mirrors on the other faction too.


    If you have a Sith Marauder but want a Juggernaut, make a Jedi Knight and play Guardian, it's the same thing but a different story.


    Otherwise, if you still complain it takes too long, you might want to find a new hobby such as casual phone games.

  4. I put this in the pvp section because most of the reason I quit was because of this. I didn't even reach endgame content either.


    Every single time I'm in a warzone the winner of the fight is always decided by who has the most stuns. I can't even stun anyone due to everyone's level advantage.



    I stopped reading here.


    Cant stun anybody due to level advantage...? Stuns are stuns, it doesn't matter what level you are.


    Plus you have a stun escape on a 2 minute cooldown along with a resolve bar, use your CD wisely.


    If you got chain-stunned by multiple people, they would have killed you anyway.

  5. Class balance = "I died in pvp, whatever class killed me is overpowered"


    Faction balance = 1 side has way more players and always/usually wins anything open world. Happens from there being no restrictions/system to help the lower populated side and more people play a certain faction.

  6. you could always play on a pvp server where that is ok.....unless that is only for people that are real pvpers.


    Your argument is invalid as server rule set is irrelevant. The only thing that PVP servers do is let you kill people out in the open (Which barely happens anyway) the majority of the content / progress is still done through questing/pve.

  7. learn to play? LEARN TO PLAY??


    I hate onions. I know how to cook them just fine, but I hate their tastes. by your logic, I have to force myself to like them anyways.


    some of us don't like pvp. its just not fun to us. simple as that.


    that said - the flagging from AoE issue is a long standing crap in multiple MMO's so unfortunately, the only way to deal with it right now is not use AoE (and that btw, includes companions as well - their AoE can flag you too) my personal choice? I don't really care about legacy weapons much, so I'll just be doing the rest of the dailies during off hours on multiple characters - thank you legacy wide rep.. if I still manage to find a heroic group for it? then - bonus! otherwise... meh.


    I wish it was different. I wish I could just pve on pve server without having to drastically change my playstyle. but you cannot control other people, only what you do yourself.


    I'm pretty sure a lot of pvp players dont like pve but we're forced to do it anyway.


    It goes both ways, live with it.

  8. Why do they always give to the PVP crowd. So unfair.


    I really hope you're not being serious. We pvpers have gotten TWO warzones added since launch.


    You PVEers have gotten WAY more updates/new content than we have.


    If you dont like pvp / are really bad at pvp, great. But don't complain when a part of the game that you're personally not good at/interested in gets updated.


    "Stop giving people more of what I dont like"

  9. We probably would never make a non-English speaking player race. I know it seems attractive, but simply put, hearing alien for way too long drives you crazy. An early build of the game had Tython populated by a race other than Twi'leks, and after about the fourth quest, you want to put a fist through your monitor.


    So any races we add in the future will need to plausibly be able to speak basic.


    I wanted to drive a fist through my monitor just listening to Yuun on Hoth.

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