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Posts posted by Andronicos

  1. Same thing is happening to me, Since the update textures are much lower than they used to be under the LOW option but not only that, they are stuck there. Meaning changing the options to High (or Low) won't make any difference. 

    In the patch notes it was mentioned they changed how the textures are loaded, I suppose whatever this fix was just isn't working as now the textures are stuck on a placeholder extra low res.

    Just in case this is helpful; this issue (and the flickering textures issue) used to be fixed by running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 7 or XP. Now that compatibility mode is broken, we are seeing these issues make a resurgence it seems.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I have been playing since release, I was there when you had to be careful during cutscenes because a silver with 2 ads would smoke you if a you weren't quick on the buttons when the cutscene ended, let alone the chapter bosses that you had to try several times to figure out what to interrupt to win.


    And let me tell you, leveling is infinitely more fun now than it was then. Now you actually feel powerful, like this era's version of Luke or Anakin back then you where just a grunt. If you didn't had a healing companion early you had to stop to patch up after every silver mob group. And not to mention it took twice as long than it does now to wipe a mob group.


    If the game is too boring for you switch your companion from healing to damage, it's what I do and it works. Mobs can actually kill you if you don't stop to heal in between pulls or in the case of ossus and other "ex-endgame" zones a silver group can still kill you if you are not paying atention.

  3. Since last night when I click on the launcher to, well launch the game nothing happens. Looking into the Task Manager I can see the process is running in the background.


    So far I have tried this solution but it didn't worked:


    "Ensuring that you have the launcher closed and gone from your Processes list in Task Manager, delete the following files in the client installation folder and sub-folders (deleting these files will not cause the whole client to be re-installed): - "Patch" folder - "Patcher_-1toXX" or similar folders - "assets_swtor_XXX_XXX" or similar folders (do NOT delete the folder named "Assets") - "Patcher.version" file - "Launcher.settings" file - "Launcher.exe" file


    Once this has completed, please restart your computer in Safe Mode with Networking, then go to http://www.swtor.com/download, download the latest launcher setup file and run the setup over the current installation. After this (while still in Safemode), please try the patching again."


    I was using the non bitraider launcher in case that makes a diference.

  4. I would say go with Immortal because it opens up more companion options to take on questing, with Immortal you can roll with Vette, Jaesa or Quinn and it won't make much difference, If you go with the DPS trees you are pretty much stuck with Quinn if you want a painless experience.
  5. I'd like to request you go back to the original design of the Trailblazer chest & boots It used to have a sleek look and now it looks atrocious with giant test tubes hanging off the side of the boots and the chest piece has a giant shoulder pad and neck line that looks like a giant goldfish bowl should sit on it. Completely ruined the PVP and PVE look I was going for with all this extra mumbo jumbo.


    +1 the trailblazer set was innocent of any advertising wrongdoing, why did it got changed? :(

  6. They acknowledged a few weeks ago that the art for Revan's robe was incorrect after someone pointed out to them that neither the promo art nor cartel items matched how Revan looks in-game.


    And so therefore Artwork shown on the cartel pack advertising image is demonstrably unreliable and should not be used as reference for how the items in the packs will look like, correct?


    So it would be far better for one to use the preview window perhaps?

  7. Thank you for the clarification. Maybe now people will understand that that if they got an item with different artwork than what's shown in the promo that it's incorrect and likely to eventually be fixed and that the Dev Tracker is there for a reason and that this was noted last month as an issue and their fault for not following it.


    So I should expect the Revan robes to be changed back into what they used to be? because the cartel pack image is clearly showing the old version in it's image...

  8. All right folks, I talked to our developers and got some clarification:


    • The Revan outfit was adjusted to look more like Revan’s armor in the game.
    • The Spymaster and the Phantom outfits were both adjusted to look more like their advertised appearance in the Cartel Market, after we received more than a few remarks about this dissimilarity. This is to ensure that customers receive the advertised appearance.
    • Currently, the Stylish Dancer’s outfit is advertised as being white, but it should be red, as it appears when you preview the item. This will be adjusted for a future patch.

    We apologize for any inconvenience. In the future, we will ensure that all assets are in alignment on the Cartel Market. The final products are meant to look like the advertised art.


    If this is so I would like to politely ask why was the Trailblazer set changed for? it is not advertised anywhere so there was nothing wrong with it, yet now this outfit's looks where changed from under our collective feet without any sort of warning whatsoever (forum or otherwise)


    That was the polite part now the rant :D


    So the old sets where changed to match the vague advertising pictures, but with the new dancer set the picture will be changed to match the ingame looks? :mad:


    I'm done with the cartel store as I can't trust anything I buy in it will stay as I bought it anymore.

  9. You can easily hide the hood. Plenty of headbands out there, go get the one from the Nar Shadaa vendor.


    That was actually confirmed as a bug a long time ago, it should not hide the hood (and it didn't used to back at release), every time they release a patch I fear my guardian will be crushed under the hood oppression once again (well now I have the valiant set to fall back on but still)


    If the people that asked for the phantom and preceptor sets to be changed have their way the headband will be changed soon as well :(

  10. I spent a bit over 110 euro on packs to get the perceptor's armor (spelling) and to find its appearance that appauling was a catastrophy - to be fair I was also out for the hover chair mount. Needless to say I was pretty unlucky buying that many packs getting nothing.


    There's more players who were disappointed, who paid real money, that there are those who aren't. However, it doesn't matter, I'm sorry you feel that way. Truly. I'm convinced a ticket would restore your cartel points though - so the question is. Whine about it (which you have yet to do, don't take this as an insult) or try to solve the situation?


    You could have easily checked the GTN and previewed it to see what it actually looked like in game, it seems it was your own fault you wasted the money on the packs only to be disappointed ;)

  11. It's only logical, there will always be people that are in favor of "X" while others will be in favor of "Y" if anything you make has X and not Y, then logically X people will be happy while Y people will be complaining for the lack of Y, if then after some time you switch it around so that you now have Y while X is gone, then what do you think is going to happen??


    In these cases it is always best to stick with what you started since the above will always happen making changing something to appease complainers pointless.

  12. This is really bad form for BW, as a seller the last thing you want to do is change something from under a customer's feet after it was bought, I hope that the intended design was for the sets changed to be so from now on, while their old versions where meant to stay in their respective looks so to not antagonize all of the people that bought them, but this change was somehow bugged (hopefully this is it)


    As for the advertising cartel store depictions there are three things you need to keep in mind, the first one is that advertising pictures are always loose representations so should never be looked at too closely, one should always "sample" the goods as much as possible before buying anything ( I learned this when I was a teenager, I'm quite surprised some folks have still not figured this out), this sampling is done in TOR through the preview window, so it's quite logical to assume that people went and previewed the items and then thought than that was the official look, a fact supported by the Icons of the items which accurately represent the original "preview window" versions.


    The second one is that the Trailblazer set which has NO advertising images anywhere in the Cartel Store was changed as well for reasons I can't figure out.


    And third if we want to apply the "items need to be as in the cartel store image" logic to the Revan set then clearly the original ring-less version should not be changed since it is clearly advertised in the cartel pack image as without rings.


    Really though if BW thought the Phantom, Spymaster and other such sets where not being shown as intended then they should have pulled them from the store ASAP, then fix them and re-release with it's proper look, what should not have been done is to let them linger in the store for months so that a considerable number of people buys it based on their actual looks, and THEN decide to retroactively change it, this can't possibly have been the intention.

  13. Well Baras said both Vemrin and the SW where going to become Sith, so I guess he would have been assigned to some other minor Sith Lord that works under Baras in his power structure, alternatively since Baras is known to have had 3 Apprentices at once he might have kept him around as a minor apprentice.
  14. I don't agree with the assumed concurrency of the Baras/Warrior fight and the Knight/Emperor fight, other than that mail you get after the fight with Baras which is sent I think 30 real life minutes after the fight to the warrior, that however does not makes it 30 ingame minutes, I myself had time to make the several days journey to Corellia for my Black Hole dailies before I got the mail :D


    Not only that but judging from other mail that is sent to you during leveling it's clear the mails are not sent taking ingame time into consideration.

  15. Maybe what they could have done is if you are light side, you get a seat on the council along with the Master title, if Darkside just the master title, that way Kira can tell you how you would be on the council if you were less of a maverick :D


    Although I think the original General title was bloody great and sucks it got changed :(, hopefully one day they will add the "High General" title that Obi-Wan has during the Clone Wars.

  16. You are looking at it the wrong way, that set is not meant for Sith Warriors who already have access to that exact same model in 50 different colour variations but rather for the other classes that may want that iconic warrior look, so those 15 quids or 500k creds may be worth it for those, for example I paid 250k for the Honoured master chest for my Guardian because I love that Consular piece but I would never buy one of the Republic Heavy Armor models since I already have access to those (even if not in the same colours)
  17. Well if not the mobs then what should be there? empty space?? every game has weak enemies to fight on the way to the end of the Quest/Stage/level, its not hard to avoid them in this game either, you can't skip everything like you can do with Stealth classes but you can skip a large chunk with careful pathing.
  18. I like them overall, particularly Temple and her iceberg melting voice :D, Lokin with his mentor-like relationship with the agent (I find it interesting that the only class that gets a mentor-like companion is the one that needs it less IMO), I rather like Vector diplomatic personality fits in well with the charming persona my agent adopts so their friendship seems honest to me. I love Scorpio's voice and personality as well my very own HAL-9000, Kaliyo comes last but she I love to hate :D


    That being said though they are not my favourite group of companions, Smuggler and SW get that vote.

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