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Posts posted by Zoroth

  1. Hey, are the developers aware of the fact that, when Blizz says "A villa tin kini rum pah", it literally sounds like (as in identically) to a norwegian saying "I want things in my b**t"? I.e. "Jeg vil ha ting inni rumpa". :rolleyes:


    I just find it hilarious, and he says it almost all the time, like when he attacks etc. And I'm constantly like, "OK Blizz, I get it already! I'll go get you something to use at the nearest shop!" I knew Jawas were technophiles, but seriously?!!


    What's the funniest comment you've heard from a companion, whether they actually said it or it just sounded like it?

    Pvp UI

    I just move it all to 7.5 justification and get rid of the 3rd quickbar. Full screen = win.


    This is the best UI "system" in any MMO I've played.


    How the heck do you do that? What's 7.5 justification?

  2. And as you see the item im reverse e gineering is purp.


    I thought purple was the highest grade and that you couldn't RE higher? That you could only crit on crafting?


    Am I not getting something here? Who have ever been able to get Legendary items from crafting?

  3. For every slicer on your server, the value/utility of credits earned through questing, pvp, vendoring and space missions drops. (These are things EVERYONE does)

    For every slicer on your server, the value/utility of credits earned through slicing drops.

    For every slicer on your server, the value/utility of every other tradeskill increases.


    On a server level, slicing is very destructive to the economy.


    Yes and there's twice the chance at crashing an airplane as there is crashing a car. Not only that, but drinking water increases your chances at getting cancer and even if you don't get cancer, drinking water is a guaranteed death sentence for all human beings.


    These thing are perfectly true, you just forget two crucial things - context and magnitude. ;)

  4. 2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


    I have a feeling you made a whole new thread just for me. Regardless, I made such a thread so let me answer this second point of yours:


    a) No, I do not want to beat pre-mades while in a pug.


    b) I want to beat other pre-mades while in a pre-made AND beat other pugs while in a pug.


    Cheers. :)


    I don't quite follow. Who is scared of facing other premades?


    The people (like the OP) who seems to think that everyone who complains about the pre-mades are whining, of course. Just because we're saying that we're against the current pre-made systems, people immediately jump the gun and assume that we are whining noobs without a pre-made group of our own.

  5. I wouldn't hold out too much hope for ranked PvP helping you. Sure, some skilled PvPers will go do that for the challenge, but many will stay in the un-ranked matches for easy farming with less competition.


    Well, if nothing else, then it at least provides us with a fair method of challenging ourselves. I consider myself not the best, but pretty solid. I'm picking up on medals (around x5-7 when solo queuing against other soloes or less pro pre-made groups) and I feel like my game could improve further by having people on my team also knowing how to act - when to throw the Huttball, what turret to focus on, team going as one big group etc etc.


    Being in a pre-made fixes a lot of this for me, but then I'm up against zero competition, no challenge whatsoever. If I'm to be pre-made, then I wanna fight other pre-mades too. So either I get steamrolled by pre-mades, or I steamroll the opponent WITH my own pre-made.


    I just think this is too imba. But hey, I'm just a whining noobs so, hey :rolleyes:


    So I feel pretty confident in myself, again that may be just me thinking it but I'd like to have it tested and seen for real and not just keep getting slightly vexed because people aren't tactical and that I get ganked to the extent that I am.


    I got nothing against getting killed, I often suicide on some players myself because I'm keeping them distracted on me rather than the Huttball, for instance. But once in a while, I like a good challenge like the rest.

  6. It's a higher percentage and you are incorrect in assuming everyone wants cross server wz's. Me and my guild are enjoying the personal aspect of seeing players you know from your own server.


    I'm not assuming anything, I'm saying that - weighing all factors up against eachother - it's better with cross-server.


    But I think your point about knowing your competition is good, definitely valid. I just don't think it's that important for most PvP'ers. But maybe I'm wrong, who knows.

  7. ETA = Never. If you're waiting on cross-server anything, unsubscribe now. Bioware has said they do not want to implement cross server queues. This is a good thing.


    They have said NO SUCH THING. What they talked about are the infamous Dungeon Finder for Flashpoints, has nothing to do with PvP. As it refers to WoW.

  8. Well I 100% agree that we need a Ranked Bracket. The ranked bracket would give Serious 50 PvPers something to brag about and an actual challenge rather than just steam rolling undergeared PUG groups. It would def reduce the amount of pre-mades in the groups with fresh 50s, However I don't see this being a problem. As many have said before me , this is an MMO. Make some friends , learn from them or teach them, and que warzones together. There is a very large Republic guild on my server that runs premades all day every day. I find that If I get one or two decent players in the que with me , by luck or by pre grouping, We win at least half the matches.


    As for you insisting people must be using voice chat to target you , that is wrong , I consistently tell the PUG groups I'm in to zerg down the healers and to mark them when you find one. This mark stays on you the whole match and does not need to be reapplied when you die. It is actually very easy to do all this via ops chat and no voice.


    If you don't want a gear handicap go play an FPS or something. Granted not all but definitely most MMO's work through progressing your character though gear levels to become stronger. If people didn't have access to better gear or a way of improving their toons power, many wouldn't play at all , and probably no one after they maxed out their characters potential.


    Thanks for a solid reply.


    I agree to a lot of what you're saying, but again I have to disagree on the idea that I "just need to join friends". That doesn't solve the problem I'm talking about here. It only solves "my" problem, assuming that were even talking about me, personally.


    I can easily make pre-mades with people, this has nothing to do with me. It's about solo queues having bad mechanics. I can avoid it, but this is a game not just for me and you, it's for a multitude of players and besides, Solo queue is there for a reason. Bioware is obvoiusly not having the same policy as the group PvP'ers who don't give a crap about solo pvp.


    Conclusion: Yes add a ranked 50s bracket , otherwise top end PvP'ers will have no reason to continue Subbing every month. But , DO NOT do it for the reasons sited in this post.


    Uhm, that was part of my reason.


    Otherwise good reply. Also, I stand corrected with your reply on Voice Chat. Thanks for a good tip on how to solve the issue to some extent. But again, these are counter-measures, it doesn't fix the broken mechanic.


    Let's hope that the ranked PvP is enough though. And that they get cross-server queues so they can better control who's going up against whom.

  9. -Game is obviously based around group play (ex. companions, numerous heroics, hardmodes)

    -MMO's are generally themed around teamwork with other players

    -OP wants an MMO to be judged on individuals in a WZ


    So, essentially you're saying that PVP should be **** for single-players and only work for groups, is that it? Geez, great solution. Ok, so tell me exactly why the Solo queuing is included in the game to begin with, then? Yeah thought so, it's because they intend for the PVP to be meant for BOTH groups and singles. Not either or.



    Stop crying OP. Bioware, give us 8 man premades so my current 4 man team no longer has to carry the likes of OP in every warzone I enter.


    So now, you're suddenly agreeing with me? and yet, you assume that I'm one of those you need to carry around? So on one hand, you think I'm whining because I think the current system need to change, but you're not whining even though you now say yourself that you don't want newbies in your group.


    How exactly do you know that I'm not in the exact same situation as you? Oh that's right, I started this thread so I must obviously be a noob who's whining about thing...



  10. So you don't want to give me the opportunity to grab a few friends and run some warzones? If they don't allow me to have that then I'll just stop PvPing all together. It's the only part that's actually enjoyable with PvP right now.


    And why is it the only thing that is enjoyable?...

  11. I must say that people in these forums sometimes represent the true meaning of egotism. It's clear that it's all about "me, me, me" and if I'M not the one with the problem, then there obviously isn't any.


    When will you people learn that MMOs aren't about YOU defining the game for everybody else?




    "Oh nub, you don't like empire, then roll republic."

    "Oh you pwned by pre-made, make a premade yourself."

    "Oh you ain't got a single champion piece in 20 bags, too bad stop pvp'ing then nub."



    I am completely and utterly amazed at how the community in this game is, the forum community that is. Horrendous lack of respect and understanding for other players who don't fancy playing the game in the exact same fashion as you do.


    1. Game should reward player skill, not reward exploitation. PERIOD!

    2. Game should make all game features equivalently rewarding to all players. PERIOD!

    3. Gear progression should be EVEN, not broken and erratic. PERIOD!

    4. Game should make BOTH republic and empire EQUALLY playable and rewarding. PERIOD.


    I mean, what's the point of having a game feature to begin with, if it's broken? Oh wait, yeah that's right. YOU didn't get caught up in the problem, so obviously it's a non-issue.


    Total avoidance of the issue. Try to see things from other people's perspective, for once. That is all.

  12. You missed his point/ pre mades won't disappear they'll get on vent count to 3 and all Q solo. this will usually put them on the same team at the same time. Not always but usually.


    You make a good point, I guess the only solution is to introduce ranked PvP, so that truly skilled players are singled out from the poor ones, regardless of pre-mades.


    But waiting till march to get ranked PvP, and if that's even a meta-pvp system or a separate pvp thing alltogether (like arenas)... meh, we'll see.


    My point is that I don't want to rely on pre-mades to be able to win in warzones, that kinda defeats the whole purpose of going solo to begin with. Of course I can just make friends and do pre-mades, but that's not solving the problem it's avoiding it by doing like the rest. It doesn't fix the mechanics.

  13. Seriously if you can't make friends in an MMO to go pvp with and do well. maybe you should be waiting for a single player game instead?


    I'm sorry, but you're such a complete egotist. But why wouldn't you, you're probably getting 10+ medals because you're able to hide behind a team, rather than getting them for your actual, individual skill level. I don't know, but your reply completely avoids the issue by making it about me and whether I got friends or not. What if I did have friends and I was part of the pre-mades? The problem would still exist for everyone else who didn't.


    So essentially, you're telling us that, if we don't have friends to play with in PvP, then too bad we shouldn't play PvP at all. Well, again I find that to be an incredibly egotistical notion. No offence.


    It's got nothing to do with me, it's an in-game feature that's utterly broken.

  14. PvP isn't so active that you couldn't solo Q your way into a premade either just by clicking the button at the same time.


    Yes, but what about the rest of the players who aren't as lucky? I might be lucky, but it doesn't fix the problem itself.


    Also, a pre-made consisting of 4 players, means that there's only 4 spots available in an 8-man game. It drastically decreases the chance of joining one.



    It's not my fault I have 3 friends that want to PvP with me, and you have none.


    It's not your fault that the meat industry is just dumping 20%+ of the meat in the garbage dump either, to keep prices balanced. Why should you turn a Vegan? You shouldn't, but it's still a problem and it needs to be fixed. You can have your pre-made, but against other pre-made groups or in ranked PvP to make things fair and much less exploitable etc.


    This isn't about you and your friends, this is about the people who would exploit the feature and deteriorate the PvP for others.

  15. The system is useless, they should have some sort of increased probability mechanic for each bag opened. And then just change the battlemaster system alltogether to fit this better.


    I find it stupid that some player "just happen" to get 3 pieces in 3 bags, yet other players don't get anything in 20+ bags. It creates an INCREDIBLY uneven gear progression in the game.


    I also strongly feel that all the Centurion gear should decrease a few points in cost, because once you get Champion gear they're all redundant anyways. So WHY on earth be afraid that players ever get a full set of it too early? It's NEVER going to happen, and it's the Champion and especially the Battlemaster gear you want to limit.


    Another thought is to increase the Valor cost with each new gear piece obtained, but that's a bit more complex so maybe it's not the best solution.

  16. Seriously, Bioware. Are you even watching your own metrics, lately? I mean, do you even realize how ridiculously imbalanced (read: OP) the pre-mades are compared to solo queued?



    What's so bad about pre-mades?


    Well, let's compare solo and group queue:


    Pre-mades - more often done by seasoned PvP'ers who know how to play and often use voice chat like Ventrilo or Teamspeak to coordinate their attacks. Even if you're a bad player, you can just follow the leader and provide help as cannon fodder, because 3-4 organized people is usually enough to lead the group on.


    Solo groups - more often done by intermediate to newbie players who have no idea how to team up properly, because most people don't have that kind of meta-game experience. Whereas the pre-mades are usually done by a specific player type, solo queues are much more general (I am sure your metrics can easily show this, if you even have these types of metrics to begin with). Even if you're a great player, you playing like crap because you're a minority against an enemy majority.


    Conclusion: There is simply no way most solo groups can ever match the level of most groups that includes a pre-made. Therefore, the current policy MUST change.





    Pre-mades is prolly one of the worst ideas ever for pre-ranked PvP. A nice thought for RANKED PVP though. So until you add ranked PvP to the game and couple people up against eachother based on their actual player skill level, you DO NOT allow pre-mades in the game.


    It totally destroys people's PvP experience when they realize their up against pre-mades. And it also destroys the match itself, because the minute we realize it, people start farming medals instead of trying to win the match - because they know that they won't.





    Just a speck of dust in the big picture, but I just played a bunch of matches now for the last 1-2 hours and I won 2 of them. I even have my personal experience damaged because I know the enemy team is telling everyone on vent that I am a healer and therefore I need to be ganked.


    So imagine that, my record in getting ganked by 3+ players in a match is maybe around 7-8 deaths, if not more. Now how the heck can they do this, if they're not immediately identifying me and singling me out through voice chat?


    It's like this, I die and then I respawn. I jump out and meet the enemy, often tactically smart with regards to attacking just 1 along a corner or similar. STILL I get ganked in seconds. Thankfully though, the PvP in this game is so gear-focused that I now have less issues because my gear is lv51 or higher. Another stupid feature that hurts the players who just happen to have the wrong gear level, but can still be excellent players.


    Maybe you should reduce the returns on gear improvements too? Just a thought, cause getting 2-3 shotted in a match when having just basic 50 gear is just too laughable.


    I'm sorry Bioware, but this pre-made PvP nonsense is complete BS, and I'm sure that many agree. Even pre-mades themselves who find themselves up against ZERO competition and just stand there without scoring the last goal because they just group up and farm medals like the rest.



    You guys need to seriously rethink your pre-made policies. E.g. set pre-made gear levels to a certain ranked default or whatever.


    That is all.

  17. I could make a list of the things that SWG had in it that no one game has even come close to having in one game.


    Yeah and I could make a list of the things that WoW has in it, or SWTOR has in it, that no one game has even come close to having in one game.


    I could also make a rather big list of all the pointless, redundant back-water features in SWG that I would NEVER want for any other game to ever have.


    But I won't, because I'm not 5.

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