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Posts posted by Vincit

  1. Have you done max affection on all the companions yet and completed all the conversations? I'm wondering what 500 extra presence from all that does for a companion. Right now I've got all 20 imperial companions done and am working on the republic side. Seems to get easier and easier as I go.
  2. Raiding to get gear should ALWAYS be the only way to obtain the very best gear.


    else, what would be the point of raiding if i can just buy full DG at 50 on the gtn?


    Or you could say...

    Crafting end game gear should be the only way to obtain high end game items... else what's the pointing in spending hundreds of hours and millions of credits crafting?


    Personally I think Raid quality gear should be craft-able.. But I also think the mats should be only found in the raiding areas...

  3. Our guild lost members steadily with each major update. With each server merge and renaming fiasco, we lost members too. When our guild leader, who was also the raid coordinator, took a leave of absence when his latest child was born, we went from about 50 active members to 10 or so.


    Now he's trying to come back, and Bioware STILL has not fixed his payment issue. Plus I lost my name in the renaming fiasco and am STILL waiting on a supervisor contact. But hey almost 2 months and a half dozen requests to speak to someone higher up isn't bad, right?


    I love the game itself. I really enjoy most of the people I meet. But the major decisions made by management and the lack of any true customer service has pretty much driven my guild under. Sad thing is, there ISN'T any other game I want to play right now. So once my sub runs out I guess I'll just save money until one appears.


    Unless I actually GET a contact from a supervisor...

  4. So what some people are saying is, "I want to make millions off of getting lucky and winning the roll for a schematic, but I don't want anyone else to make millions by PAYING ME millions so they can try to get lucky REing the same thing."


    Do the crafters in question really think the people making them rich by spending 30-40 MILLION credits on the 15-20 armorings they buy are wearing them? Of course not. Te folks making them rich are the ones trying to RE the items, Eliminate that market, you make a lot less money.


    If this gets "fixed," the next thing we'll hear, from the same people complaining about it, no less, is, "Crafting is dead, the GTN is dying! I can't make a profit anymore!! SWTOR is dooooomed!!!!"

  5. Its Disney... so let's see.


    They'll use the OT actors in roles as their older selves. But they'll want to keep some things in the Disney family so to speak.


    Shia Lebeouf will be Ben Skywalker.


    They'll retcon Lando's son into a daughter, played by Raven Symone.


    Not sure where Christi Carlson Romano will fit in, but the voice of Kim Possible HAS to get a role too.


    And Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez have to get roles too, just to bring in the younger Disney fans to addict them to the new series of films.


    All this is pure speculation... Disney would never use stars of one franchise to make another have an instant audience, nor would they prop up the careers of failing talents they've invested so much time and money in, right?

  6. The two combatants face off, sizing each other up.


    Vader makes a snide comment about Spidey's mutant powers paling compared to the force.. Spidey makes a sarcastic comment asking whether the mask is to help a whiny asthmatic breathe or to hide his ugly mug.


    Vader gets pissed and Force Chokes. Spidey, whose body is unnaturally tough, is partially immobilized but his throat is not crushed. He lashes out with a web and accidentally hits the faceplate, yanking it off. As Vader starts to suffocate himself, his concentration breaks, freeing Spidey.


    Spidey looks at the dying Vader and says, "C -- both of the above..."


    The entire 501st then opens up on Spidey, yet they all miss. He webs away to freedom. They really need to add a course in marksmanship at the Imperial Academy...

  7. When I make higher end stuff for mats plus a tip, I make the item first ten trade it to the person in question for mats plus a tip. While this does require me to have the mats on hand before I can do anything, it also means I don't run out of mats and the buyer doesn't get ripped off.
  8. I suppose the question becomes, then, "how real do you want it?"


    Do we really want a 12 hour long briefing with a dozen chair warmers, plus the flight crews providing transport? Do we need to see some poor SGT manning a video projector or slide machine? Do we then go from that briefing to where you and your senior people start briefing your team?


    While it might be funny to have your companion interrupt the briefing to point out the range on your transport helo was calculated using extra fuel bladders, but the cargo space was calculated without them meaning you have to either add a second bird or plan for a midair refueling at night, is it really needed?


    Should we have a montage of the months of training before the mission?


    How much reality do we need or want before it starts to get, well, boring?

  9. ***DISCLAIMER*** As a former US Army Infantryman who never had a Security Clearance I can safely say that nothing I am about to divulge is classified information. ***DISCLAIMER***


    1. In the US Army our Special Forces Recruits are not even allowed to try out until at least the Rank of Specialist (e-4).


    2. IF selected as a e-4 the soldier is promoted to the Rank of Sergeant (e-5) (even if they only just got promoted to e-4 and would not normally be eligible to go before a promotion board) before going to the Qualification Course.


    3. By the end of the Qualification, before running a single mission, the soldier is at least a Staff_Sergeant (e-6). (again this is far faster than the normal speed of promotion)


    4. A Special Forces Squad is not a normal Military Squad and is far higher ranked it's not unusual to have Master Sergeants and Sergeants Major in a Squad. They also will contain Officers (notice that was OfficerS plural) and operate as a 6 man team, with a Major or Captain in charge and a LT or Warrant Officer who will be the second in command of the squad as well.


    5. Special Forces teams will directly answer to a General, I'm not saying a 4 star but normally at least a 1 star Brigadier General will be in charge of a Operation or series of Operations.


    If you want to fact check any of my information please do I got a large portion of my knowledge from reading Black Hawk Down which had a General in charge of the overall mission even though the composition was a Battalion of Rangers and some SF. The rest was gathered over years of talking to SF qualified personnel, including SF Recruiters when I was interested in joining SF.


    As a former Captain (Intel Branch) I can attest to much of what is in here. I led a 12 man team in the early 90s:



    a CWO3

    A Master SGT (who, as a former 1st SGT for an infantry company got called "Top" anyhow)

    two SFCs

    two SSGTs

    five SGTs


    The CWO3 had been in service almost as long as our youngest team member had been alive. And, rank wise, my team was considered light for our Group. And I took the vast majority of my mission briefings with my WO and MSGT present and usually from a Bird Colonel, but on two occasions from a Brigadier General (I remember those well.)


    Special Operations is just "different."

  10. Still got a shot at life.


    Yup. And you can also get experimented on by mad scientists then forced to fight other prisoners to test the results of the experiments. Or possibly get eaten by your fellow prisoners. All for the whopping crime of being opposed to the political maneuvers of the folks in power. Like chopping off the legs of a jaywalker.

  11. Commit an infraction in the Empire and you die. Commit an infraction in the Republic you get a slap on the wrist. It is like comparing the US to Nazi Germany.


    Or you could get sent to a secret prison planet and put in stasis for decades because you were a political dissident who hadn't even broken any laws...

  12. Space missions. I love em. No wear and tear on your gear, and for the first time each day you do them you get the fleet merits, which can help with armor, gear for the ship and even crafting mats.


    I tend to level up on space missions simply because of the time involved. I often have to go AFK for extended bits, and space missions are in little 3 to 8 minute chunks, easily doable part time when working RL. Plus, if you do have to leave a space mission its not like getting yourself blown up is gonna hurt any group you are in, anyhow.

  13. I'll be keeping my sub, tank you. BUT I won't be paying for the next update either. Why not? Well, for one, I don't have any idea how big it will be, and given the track record here to date, "big" is a relative term. Big enough and I'll pay for it, eventually. Once I've gone trough all the current content. I still have several story lines to finish, after all.

    But if its small, and buggy and not full of stuff I want... I'll wait. Until its fixed, and cheaper...

  14. Years ago, back in the stone age of 1997-2000, I used to work for a company called Simutronics which was the creator of the grand-daddy of all MMOs, the text based Gemstone II, started all the way back in 1987. (If you ever played in the Centaur Village of Alliance of Heroes or shopped for stuff for your player home, you probably saw something I worked on in one of their many text based games.) They were working on this thing called "Hero's Journey" which used a new and radical 3D engine they were designing called the Hero Engine.


    Heavily modified, this engine is what we are currently playing SWTOR on now. A 14 year old design at its heart. So updating it is probably a pain in the hind-end for the devs.


    Probably be easier to scrap it completely and build a new engine from the ground up.

  15. Op asked about the 3 he mentioned, get off your artsy, hipster, better-than-though high horse.


    Sorry I didn't realize I couldn't suggest alternate authors that were much better in my opinion than his three. That made science fiction what it is today. That his three borrowed from to do their works. Or even HIRED in some cases.


    But I stand corrected by the thread police for having an opinion not deemed worthy of someone who uses the word hipster. Moving along, Officer Unfriendly...

  16. Ray Bradbury, Doc Smith, Philip K Dick, Heinlein, Harlen Ellison, Asimov, Clarke Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, any of them contributed more to Science Fiction to me than the "big three" mentioned in this thread.


    Its from people like these that Lucas borrowed ideas from to weave the tapestry that is Star Wars. Lucas himself says Doc Smith was an influence on Star Wars. Ellison even wrote episodes of Star Trek (anyone remember "The City on the Edge of Forever"?) And if you liked Blade Runner, Total Recall or The Minority Report you can thank Philip K Dick. He wrote the books or stories all were based on (and many more as well,)


    If you want to really experience the feast that is science fiction, don't just nibble on the fancy appetizers, go explore the vast menu of delicacies and delights from other chefs...


    PS: For a more modern cuisine, look to folks like: David Weber, David Drake, Eric Flint and John Ringo, to name just a few.

  17. You'd make a bad P.I..

    If mentioning the Forbes list wasn't enough of an indicator, then I'll just let you know that it's very possible anyone on that list...even near being on that list..can afford more than one place of residency.


    You'd be amazed. Like knowing Knight and Paul Allen of Microsoft fame are the only billionaires with private residences in Oregon. Knowing the "Florida Oregon" connection limits things, too. Plus the OP clearly states he lives in Oregon, as in a home, not just one of many properties daddy owns. Besides, go down the Forbes list and look for billionaires with 14 year old kids. Good luck finding one.


    Which brings me back to my point: Stuff like this boasting about how great a player one is and how fantastic their life is only serves to dilute the OPs criticisms about the game,

  18. Just so people know, the Forbes list includes one person living in Oregon, Phil Knight of Nike fame.


    His sons include Matt, who died in a scuba accident in El Salvador years ago; and Travis, an animator who worked on the cartoon the PJs and also did a rap album. Neither is anywhere near 14.


    Plus to be frank, if he was a topped rank healer on his server, yes, someone would have heard of him. There are differing levels of fame.


    Given this and the "mistake" about when he played WoW, one has to wonder about the OP.


    Sad thing is, many of the complaints are valid, to a point; but it is all lost in the noise that is fabrication about one's greatness to bolster the points.


    I'll be sure to let Phil know someone is pretending to be his son the next time I see him at a Ducks game.

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