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Posts posted by CodyM

  1. Is there a specific mob that has a higher chance of dropping it on Dromund Kass? I am having a hell of a time getting it to drop, And it's is a little expensive on the market.


    I would like to obtain this saber, so if anyone knows a quicker way to getting it to drop, I'd appreciate it.

  2. Sorry for the late reply, my sub ran out so I was unable to post on the forums.

    As long as you had deception builds listed under "tank" spec you were not making sense. Now with corrections much better.





    Yes, that is very good for tanking most fights.


    There are few variations that can be better on certain specific situations. I could go into more detail about those later.


    Yea any help you can give would be much appreciated mate. What variations did you have in mind?

  3. There can never be enough good tanks. =)


    And when it comes to assassin/shadow tanking, Kitru is basically the resident expert (god?) around here, so you should try to check Kitru's posts if you can re specs, gearing and tactics.


    Good luck!~


    Antiri - Dalborra


    I will! Thank you!

  4. I see. Thank you, I think I am beginning to understand. I am used to playing as a Sith Marauder with Annihilation spec. Not used to this.

    I like to get into the thick of it, planting dots that heal me over time while doing massive damage. I don't think I can get that as a dps Assassin. Plus I kind of want to try aomething a bit different while still being on the front line. So I may go and try the darkness tank build here: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rIroddfdGbRZcZbM.3

  5. You're really not making any sense now, and you certainly don't have any tank builds linked there

    I had them out of order, they are fixed now. Plus I got mixed up between darkness and deception in terms of tanking. Again not used to Assassin.


    And yes I am making perfect sense. There are multiple builds listed around, some for pvp, others for pve, i want to try and make a build that can be suitable for both. I an also unsure whether I want to go for being a tank, or for DPS. So I listed all of those builds above to see which 2 out of them all would be the most viable. I fail to see how you are having a hard time understanding this.

  6. The hybrid builds I posted before, apparently were not very viable to begin with. So I thought I'd create a new thread and post some of the build ideas I had found, and some that I edited from the ones I found and ask for the opinion from those more experienced than I with this class.


    I should also mention that my aim is to create a build that is viable for both PvP AND PvP. However I do not know how I want to approach this. Nor have I yet decided on whether I want to roll as a tank, or as DPS. So here are some ideas I have in mind;


    Hybrid build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcMsbbcZfbsRkGMR.3g

    My last try and trying to get into a hybrid build. It is different from the ones posted in my other thread.


    Madness DPS Builds:

    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bc0MZcZfMfRrrkGroz.3 -(may switch shapeless spirit with lambaste)

    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200McMZcZfMfRrrkGrzz.3 --(basically the same as the one above it, just instead i switched some points around in the darkness tree and switched shapeless spirit with lambaste)



    Deception DPS Builds:




    Tank build:



    Thoughts? How is the hybrid in terms of PVP and PVE? How is the tank build? Out of all of the DPS builds, which is the most viable for pvp and pve?


    If anyone has any build suggestions then by all means please post them.

  7. Force Horrors, Crackling Charge, and Raze are useless without Lightning Charge.


    Swelling Shadows, Energize, Dark Ward, Hollow, Electrify, and Dark Bulwark are useless without Dark Charge.


    You have to completely waste a point to get Death Field as a tank hybrid now, besides taking questionable things.


    Edit: Something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rIModdfzMZsMZfrzoM.3 That one point in Force Horrors is useless, but that's about it.


    I see, thank you for the help. The build you posted is good for both PVP and PVE then?


    Thank you again. I am used to Sith Marauder so the Sith Assassin is still very new to me.

  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rIrokdskZZfMcRrMz.3


    This build was created by combining the aspects of these 2 builds here:





    The first was meant for PVE and the second was for PVP. However, they were made prior to the ROTH. So I was able to combine the 2 and add in what one had that the other didn't, as well as using the remainder points to get a couple other perks.


    However, is this a viable build to go for? I'd like to ask for the opinions of the more experienced assassins on here.

  9. A neutral planet would be nice. But not like Nar Shadaa's promade, I mean one with a story in it that has the Republic and Empire grudgingly working together, which would involve Republic and Empire players able to form groups with one another and take part in conversations. Would be interesting.


    A continuation of the companion story lines would be fun as well. So would a trip to Naboo.

  10. It has been a month now since the Rise of the Hutt Cartel has been released. It is going to be a while until more major content like that will be added, which is understandable. It should take at least 3 more months until we hear anything for even story related content, much more for an expansion.


    But what would you want the next one to have? Another level cap raise to, say, 60? New and faster mounts? More companions? Planets to visit such as Dantooine, Mustafar, Yavin, etc? New CLASSES?


    What do you want to see in the next expansion?

  11. I have never been more disappointed. I had been eagerly anticipating the mask, and continuously kept watching the trailers, imagining how awesome it would look (considering that the rest of the set looked spot on like the cinematic). The mask is a bad attempt at their own cinematic. The eye section is way too long, it doesn't even feel right. The mouth portion of it is WAY too large, It doesn't look humanoid-wearable. And last, but not least, the mouth and forehead are red...the biggest disappointment. I've seen the cinematic more than +50 times now. There is no red in it. Please take back the mask, fix it.


    Sarcasm? I mean because guess what? The mask always had red on it http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120320201728/starwars/hu/images/c/cb/SithWarriors-TORtrailer.jpg. The mask that we get, looks exactly like the masks in the trailer but more detailed. And we have a better look on them.


    Guess you missed all that during all 50 times you watched the video eh?

  12. Didn't say or act like it was. All I did was state the obvious, or what should've been obvious rather.


    What of SWG tied into any other SW media? SWG is basically ignored when it comes to EU content, and that's not an opinion. Now why given that were you not able to put together the possibility that SWG wasn't part of any canon or had been retconed?

    It takes place between the fourth and fifth movies, and the EU may ignore it, but it does not contradict anything that is posted in the EU. So it still stands as canon unless stated otherwise. To say it is retconned ir not part of canon, with no evidence or source to back up your claim, does not help your argument.




    Which would have no impact on TOR so I don't see why it matters in regards to this game.


    Not to mention there's a chance that Disney is just going to retcon decades worth of EU content with the new movies.


    I don't see why right now is the time to do this.

    Read the post before replying. I wondered if Bioware was going to continue HK's story later on in books or another sort of game. Not necessarily in TOR.

  13. The events of SWG were either retconed or were never considered canon to begin with therefore no explanation is needed.

    Yea your word isn't law.


    Even if there needed to be an explanation it wouldn't require an entire book to do so. It would require a paragraph at most.


    Would still prefer something than nothing. And again, HK-47 would be alive and well after the events on Mustafar, so there can be a series of stories after that as well.

  14. Why does he need to come back though? Every character has to have an end at some point.


    It's a loose end is why. He is still alive, as evident by the events of Return to Mustafar. And is off somewhere in the galaxy. I am curious in seeing what Bioware can do with that, and I am sure others are as well.

  15. Well seeing as SWG was shut down, and really nothing of importance happened in the game....they could just ignore it.


    Look at it from a business stand point then. HK-47 is a fan favourite. People would jump at the chance to read a book, or play a game, involving his comeback. They would pay for it. Wanting to know. I don't see why they shouldn't acknowledge it.

  16. Flamester Cody from Shadowfire here. I started in NGE so those of you who left prior to NGE or left a little after it came to be then you probably will not remember me.
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