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Posts posted by Baedwulf

  1. I also spent hours and hours grinding best in slot PvP gear before 2.0... at the time it was top tier, max level PvP gear.


    I would like a replacement of new top tier PvP gear or a refund. Please mail to all of my toons.... thanks.


    No just kidding... that would be stupid.

  2. Ill see what I can do. No question ill have to redo all my quick bars to put skills I use more often next to eachother...man I don't know if I can do this but ill put in some effort.


    Before I forget too... I'm surprised I'm even able to post today. I thought the sub ran out on this account over the wkend but hit me up on notpersonal.enjin.com if you don't me around here much. I'm sure I only have a few days left and once I can't post I check far less often.

  3. Question. Its wing night so heavy drinking usually goes hand and hand which by my logic makes for a perfect test night...how well do I have to perform, like 100k deeps? Or shall I get a larger sample size and run tank and use some guard swapping?


    I was thinking about that.... trying to find a good gauge because I have no doubt that you can perform above average.... but that isn't saying much in this game.


    I think if you guard swapped effectively while taunting on CD and putting up what would be considered decent tank DPS... that would do it.


    I mean really... having to click a taunt within the time of a GCD is really my point. If you can do that while still being effective on other areas. It would have to be kind of subjective but I wouldn't do ya dirty if you actually pulled this off for an entire WZ.


    I'm gonna hate myself if you DO pull it off too cuz I know you agree with me in general. :D

  4. I felt compelled to post a thank you thread so that those of us that our thankful, grateful, and understanding can have our voices heard against the never ending sea of whining.


    Irony: It was the never ending sea of whining that got this change implemented.


    My only hope is that the OP is trolling.

  5. Don't listen to ^that guy he thinks keybinding is better than clicking (I know crazy right?)


    Anyways you will see larger numbers playing focus but vigilance is quite fun and I think can bring things that smash does not like better single target damage when played right though being able to smash 5 people for 8-9k at end game and up is pretty nice and puts some serious pressure on healers.


    LOL'd... :D


    Click 3 abilities in 1.5 seconds or G T F O. :D

  6. Challenge accepted. I could use 6 month I thought I bought one but I was mistaken...22 days and counting.


    LOL! That sucks... it would literally be worth it to see someone try and keep that up by clicking for a 15 minute WZ. I'm sure someone could click 3 abilties in 1.5 seconds a few times consistently... but to keep that up for an entire WZ, I just don't see how someone could pull that off.


    Especially tanking or healing. The only way you could effectively heal or guard swap would be to at least key bind the friendly targeting.... but then it's still binding.

  7. and thus you are narrow minded. Not being rude but your belief that your way is only is narrow minded. I do agree with you that if a person gets keybinds down then it will prove to be helpful but some folks are not able to do so for whatever reason but for you to say they aren't ever going to be good as you is as narrow minded as someone who doesn't want to learn keybinds.


    When comes down to TOR pvp I don't care if you keybind or click or use your nose. If you know your class, know warzones and do your best everytime, your going to win games.


    The OP obviously WANTS to learn keybinds... why is that even part of your comment?


    Someone CAN be effective clicking... but they obviously CAN NOT perform to their best ability clicking.


    He's clearly saying he wants to perform at the best of his ability... and there is nothing narrow minded in saying that a player CAN NOT perform at the best of their ability while clicking.


    I will pay a 6 month sub to anyone that can prove that they can click 3 abilities in 1.5 seconds, while guard swapping or healing for the duration of a 15 minute war zone as effectively as a competent key binder.

  8. He was good, maybe great even... but he WAS NOT AS GOOD AS HE COULD HAVE BEEN IF HE KEY BINDED.


    I don't need proof... simple logic should be enough for you to understand that within a 1.5 second GCD a human being and a computer together CAN NOT ACTIVATE 3 ABILITIES WITHIN THAT TIME WITH ONLY A MOUSE AND A MONITOR. (Not to mention movement while doing so)


    - 1 ability starts GCD

    - 1 ability off of the GCD (taunt or retaliation for example)

    - 1 ability on the GCD


    You can not click that within 1.5 seconds on a regular basis, not to mention healing or guard swapping when having to click friendly players names from the operation frame.


    Will not and does not happen.


    Binding > clicking


    There is no argument. There is only fact.


    Shocked that this was rebuttled....

  9. I don't know how you could believe in an absolute without observing every player in swtor. Secondly the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Hence if you want to state that it just can't be done, although you already admitted that there is a great player out there who has done the impossible. This should suggest that it's possible however improbable.


    He was good, maybe great even... but he WAS NOT AS GOOD AS HE COULD HAVE BEEN IF HE KEY BINDED.


    I don't need proof... simple logic should be enough for you to understand that within a 1.5 second GCD a human being and a computer together CAN NOT ACTIVATE 3 ABILITIES WITHIN THAT TIME WITH ONLY A MOUSE AND A MONITOR. (Not to mention movement while doing so)


    - 1 ability starts GCD

    - 1 ability off of the GCD (taunt or retaliation for example)

    - 1 ability on the GCD


    You can not click that within 1.5 seconds on a regular basis, not to mention healing or guard swapping when having to click friendly players names from the operation frame.


    Will not and does not happen.


    Binding > clicking


    There is no argument. There is only fact.

  10. This is one of the reasons I stopped helping people with rotations and specs, some people don't want to accept that there is a better way.


    Can you play 'decent' at clicking, sure. But if you poll all the top PvP guilds I bet you would have a hard time finding someone who clicks and if you did they probably would kick them for finding out.


    Seriously... this one always gets under my skin though... there is no excuse to defend the click other than being narrow minded. Simple as that.

  11. Heal clicking =/= any other clicking.


    You can click your way to victory and never move or turn. It's just the way the game was designed.


    Exactly.... to the guy defending clicking... please swap guards, heal or use abilities off of the GCD as fast as any key binding player.


    Will... not... happen.

  12. ARE YOU CRAZYYY. Look at all the dps you are missing out, they are just standing there unable to move its the perfect time to pad the stats up.


    LOL.... I didn't know you speak PUGanese. :D

  13. Well what if im too busy attacking and theres already someone else defending?


    Usually that person is so dumb they die, the enemy caps and they say "hurr derrrp stunned sorry" excuse :/


    If you or a part of your pre-made is not defending... that's the chance you take. We all know how bad PUGs are and when I leave a random PUG guarding a node... that's the risk we take.


    This is nothing new...


    You can't do it all alone... it's part of playing regs. And if you're in a pre-made... and none of your pre-made is guarding. It's just as much your teams fault for not taking an important role as it is some baddies fault for sucking.


    Just do what I do.... don't give a flying rats A S S about regs and go make stuff die. Hell... we run around in a 4 man premade... take a node and all leave to the one node that the enemy is guarding. They take back the undefended node, we cap the defended one and then we go and take back the node that just got capped. Makes the game fun and you'd be surprised at how often it works. (If you have a good pre-made) ;)

  14. If you think about the amplified movement from a mouse is much more sensitive than your hand movement. There are two motions when it comes to clicking, where as in key-binding there are three. The performance enhancement of the Razer Naga mouse relies on the same vector motions as a clicker. The only difference is instead of using your index finger to hit abilities you use your thumb. Hence you are using only one digit and letting the mouse do most of the work.


    Keybinding takes more dexterity and eye hand co-ordination to master, and all the work is done by your hands.


    You also need to remember that in swtor a lot of your abilities are on cool down hence, you do have to wait a small amount of time to re-click on certain abilities.


    Since I am speaking from experience, I the op should listen to me.


    A naga is the exception to traditional key binds... but if referring to using the mouse arrow to click abilities then...


    No... just no.


    You're wrong... seriously... you're not going to convince a single decent player of anything different.

  15. A agree with the people here calling you out on not defending... don't complain about it if you're not going to do it.


    Myself, I pretty much refuse to defend unless we're in an unusally competitive game against another known pre-made. But really... chances are. Even if some random bad PUG does defend, they're not going to defend well. That's why you can't even be mad at it.


    I refuse to defend 95% of the time and I'll leave a node unguarded, when they cap it... me and my pre-made go and take it back and honestly... we don't give a damn whether or not we win or lose most of the time. It's regs... I've dumped hundreds of hours into the same 5 maps and pre-season has lasted approx a year... I'm OK with losing out of pure lack of objectives most of the time because I'd rather make stuff die.


    On that same not... if you're tired of idiots... go play ranked... or just roll with it, have fun and destroy groups of clickers in 3 v 1 fights to make you feel better about your team getting sap capped for the lose.


    But don't complain about something you're completely capable of doing yourself, a good node guard is just as important as a good tank or DPS in the fight.


    If by the rare chance you're a healer... and a decent one... a good healer should never guard unless there are already 2 good healers in the fight.

  16. If they ever separate the two queue's... I'm going to sneak into PUG games and livestream the matches with circus music in the backround.


    And beyong pure stat differences between PUG and Premade... Can someone teach these guys how to CC and when NOT to break it.


    An AOE mezz while someone is planting a bomb is NOT an invitation to drop a lightning storm.

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