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Posts posted by xeriphim

  1. this could have been so much more but the writing for this patch is dire and brutal stuff I'm firmly laying this mess at the feet of Mr. Boyd the same wonderful writer that delivered the original ending for mass effect 3. Yea that mess. ....


    My issues with Iokath's story in 5.2 stem from the utterly forced choices. What really gets me is that I can think of many ways to get the Empire verses Republic war started again without handing our faction the idiot/ stupid pills and/or making us into Acina and Jace's lackey.

    I had to ESC out of the first group conversation because the writing was so lazy to get you to choose one or the other that I had to rant about it.

    These people are trespassing into my territory but I have to choose who gets the super weapon!?! No, get lost right off my planet and be grateful that I'm not setting the Eternal Fleet on you! where the heck was that Option ?


    I understand bioware's bad and lazy writing since 4.0 put themselves into a bad corner. But this mess is a Joke. I could have asked a kindergarten toddler to come up with a better story then this mess.


    Iokath just all-around feels like it's completely undermining the last two years' worth of storytelling.Whether you love it or hate it, KOTFE/KOTET had a story, but Bioware/ EA wrote themselves into a corner by making your PC the most powerful person in the galaxy: There's no way to do justice to that concept without introducing a massive array of new mechanics and features that would make the game more like a 4X Strategy Game than an MMO. Or at the very least a 4X Strategy Game on top of an MMO.


    This leaves the solution of what we got. So the only option they're left us with is to hamper your character with plot-induced stupidity, neuter your greatest asset ("Oh no! The Eternal Fleet no workie!"), and introduce a deus-ex-machina "traitor" that will no doubt be successful in their efforts (especially since your character and his companions will continue to be dunces as the plot demands) to destroy the Eternal Alliance so that the game can go back to the Republic vs. Empire status quo more fully.


    So the fact that whatever "alliance" you choose for the storyline is apparently permanent from a storytelling perspective is extremely annoying. For someone that's supposed to be the most powerful person in the galaxy, you sure do spend a lot of time basically doing what whichever of the two faction heads wants you to do once that choice is made. The fact that there was no "Both of you shut up and let me handle this" option was...painfully lacking. Once again turning the story that was built up over the past two years be irrelevant none sensical in any comprehensive shape. For professional writers I expect more of a coherent storyline then a train wreck that feels like it was just terribly done from the top down.


    Is this what my sub fee's are paying for ? It isn't adding up to good value. The daily area is boring , the story weak at best . I'm struggling to even want to replay through this on a second character. I already know I've no desire to dedicate time to grinding the reputation on Iokath . Nothing with the Iokath Rep stands out for me to want to jump on the hype train and grind it out. Please Bioware Do better. You have done great stuff in the past but lately .... Yikes. The writers who wrote KoToR I, that was phenominal stuff . Where did THAT bioware go ? That's the bioware I want doing Swtor please. Not the team who delivered 5.2 ...

  2. Given last year , they messed up and delayed the release of the eternal championship and it was nothing close to what they promised... should any of us really be shocked Biowares again dropped the ball with updates ? You'd think after the fisaco of 5.0 and the total debacle of galactic command. That this developer would get there stuff together and release a polished finished bug free update. Seriously you announced this update four months ago and it's still not complete ? This is a total joke and now your turning off the cxp boost on top of this ? Really ? .....


    This is supposed to be a AAA title here Bioware... this means expectations and a Fan base with an IP that literally sells itself. Yet time and again you folks continue to sink to new lows to messing this up. It's like you want this title to fail so you can do something else. The level of muppetry in the direction the development team continues to take this MMO in is baffling. 3.0 was not perfect but arguably it was A whole lot more entertaining and fun then this garbage that's been 4.0 and 5.0 . I don't even recognize swtor from what it once was.


    5.0 I've had an entire guild leave because of the rng and galactic command sillyness. 5.2 has shown none of the guild members who have left , any real reason or desires for them to want to come back to swtor. The server I normally play on is now very dead. PVP ques ? HA ! yea once a week for two hours if I'm lucky .... GSF ques ? Three years and still never seen that que pop ...... Yet Bioware refuses to acknowledge server mergers requiring a look at. Yes the populations at least on my server are down by vast numbers and instead of addressing this we get superfulous garbage of more direct sales in the cartel market .... Silence from the developers . No sense of any direction of the game. When you have Data miners giving more accurate info that should be all we need to know on the state of things. Instead of Bioware getting out in front of things and being open and transparent with the player base by giving us a road map of planned updates like other companies do.... we get silence then propped up spin doctored live streams . followed with oops our bad a delay on signifigant update. You have a special group called influencers yet you hamstring them by burying them in an avalance of NDA's . So our recourse is the reliable info from Data mining.


    it's like amatuer hour with comedians in a bad comedy are running the company here. For so called proffesionals I'm baffled at how inept and incompotent Bioware continues to drop the ball with stuff. Five years on and this company takes one tiny step forward then shoots itself in the foot and sets everything back 10 steps .... GG !.


    It's too much to ask to be Better and DO Better ! .... I have huge doubts the company can even deliver a full five boss Operation completed this calendar year. I think we'll be lucky to see three bosses for the Iokath Operation ready by December. Bioware please .... PROVE me Wrong!.

  3. Wow 7600 coins ? At first read I was laughing seeing that price for the saber hilt. then I laughed and face palmed when I saw this is just for the saber and there isnt' a dualsaber version being offered or included. Now I'm going to simply ask does the 7600 cost also include the collections unlock ? or is that an extra cost of cartel coins ? Could the Community Manager please shed light here ? If a person were to buy it'd be good to know if they should be looking to get the 7600 coins required or aim for closer to 8000 coins to also cover the collection unlocking cost. Thank you .
  4. These changes are nice SMALL steps in the right direction. But you've not addressed the fact this is still a loot lottery by RNG. which is not what anyone wanted or asked for . It's not thrilling™ there is not excitement ™ from constantly destroying crate garbage due to lack of a good gear drop. So I'd like to ask since the dev team seems stubborn and loves RNG so much can we have the Dev team's paychecks determined by RNG too!. Maybe then they'll feel the frustration and pain the player base that's so against this RNG garbage has felt and continues to endure. That until real changes are made to this messed up butt backwards system called 5.0.


    Til then these proposed changes announced is nothing more then putting lipstick on a pig and calling it improvements when it's really not done anything but shine up a bag a garbage . It's still a bag of garbage. Good luck with this tire fire , maybe things will get better in 6.0 if there is a 6.0 ....


    -Frustrated and alienated player .

  5. The most thrilling experience of this Galactic Command B.S. is simply opening a crate to having a disintegrate value over 400. For me that's a win! expecting or hoping for actual gear that's a true upgrade over 224 gear from 4.x I find is the joke of this whole system. The unassembled pieces / componets makes the 5.x gearing more complicated and convuluted from the previous system. It's just a massive troll job by mr. Irving and dev team.


    I would not be shocked that if this garbage continues, if the Subscription base totally tanks when people have to grind more command ranks in a still very RNG system that still does nothing to make things helpful for those who play alts. Did Bioware fail to recall this is supposed to be a MMO ? not a single player game. The game engine is rubbish, the dev team has failed this community time and time again. Continuing to do the same thing in hopes of different results. Is the definition of Insanity.


    My own Sub is due to expire roughly at time 5.2 drops, I'm very much on the fence with whether I'm going to renew the sub. I am not alone in this feeling. NOTHING Bioware's live streams or dialogue with the community has demonstrated to me enough justification to continue supporting this tire fire of an alleged triple A , MMO title.

    The writers have wrote themselves into a corner on Story. We still have companions missing that many players want back. The challenges presented to the story and game leads have failed. 5.0 the eternal grind is a object lesson in epic fail and what to not do... You'd have thought with SoE's failures of SWG , that maybe Bioware would have had a clue of what not to do to a MMO . You found out in 1.5 with how bad RNG in the champion bags was a mistake. Now in 5.0 You feel RNG is a good idea ? Seriously who ever designed the 5.0 RNG system needs fired. But sadly this game will either live without much of a subscription base and require the whales to cartel market support the game, or this games history before 6.0. Because with the 1.5 fiasco you had free to play to fall back on and save the game. Now you don't even have that. ....

  6. Honestly this whole galactic command garbage and RNG for end game gearing system. Reeks of a desperate cry by dev's to reach out and get a foot in the door to the larger asian markets to which this system holds a mass appeal. But in typical fashion it's been an epic failure. Now it feels like people are doing spin doctor and damage control to right this train wreck.


    I hope no hope they'll do the responsible thing and fire the brains behind galactic command, ( it feels like galactic command is here to stay ) . I would love to see 4.0 venders and commendation system return. It'd be an improvement over this convuluted disaster we got currently.


    The addressing of gaining galactic command gains is nice.... but they fail to address the contents of the crates. you can't have any end game with this system where your held hostage by RNG. I can't even get a solid Operations team together willing to grind out ranks to get gear. Gear that never drops. No reward for disintrgating the garbage the crates contain.


    People just don't want to grind the same boring junk we've done for the last 5+ years to end up with junk items that get disintgrated . then maybe if RNG is nice to you in a years time you got a full tier 1 set with maybe one or two tier 2 pieces. this is just not worth subbing for.


    Address the RNG and you might get me to reconsider wanting to renew my sub in spring. This is a ship sinking faster then the Titanic and the people in charge all want to sell us on sunshine of" thrill of the hunt" and" random number generated loot is exciting" ..... This isn't what I as a paying sub wish to hear nor is it anything remotely close to motivate me to spend more money on a sub renewal in spring.

  7. Fallen Empires Chapter 7, ( Lady of Sorrows) Story difficulty . upon completion as an Imperial Agent the chapter ends leaving you in Scorpios apartment giving you completion credit / rewards .BUT it's not granting you Scorpio the companion. completing in inital playthrough using spacebar through conversations and cut scenes. and replaying not space baring same results. No companion.


    Playing later chapters on first playthrough and on repeat still have Scorpio show up and be your companion if it's in the story. but you can't summon her from the companion list page. After completing chapter 7. Scorpio still shows as missing. Even the companion terminal in your alliance base on Odessan does NOT return Scorpio to you despite the text claiming otherwise.

  8. I'd like an update from you. Today. To talk about what you plan to do WRT making radical improvements to the CXP/GC situation.


    A few yea-sayers aside, this structure has been universally panned. It is an abject failure in both conception and implementation. Whatever you'd planned/hoped/expected this system to do, it has not. The best you can claim is that it has been an effective repellent.


    I'll discuss the major issues shortly, however the larger point of this post is to express you have a responsibility to speak to this today. Openly. Perhaps in an impromptu stream. You need to get in front of the community and express that you hear the anger and understand the mindset of your playerbase.


    Like, right the now Ben. It's bad. I've been in a few different voice chats over the past couple days. I hear misery. Disdain. Dread. This is supposed to be a game. Look at fleet chat. Stronghold-planet chats. Ops chats. It's bad.


    Maybe the ducks are telling you otherwise so I'm just giving you a heads up, in the form of a bucket of water to the face, a jolt of electricity, a siren in your ear.


    You created uprisings. Good idea in theory. You cheaped out - we get it. That's how you do. But objectively it's a nice idea. You know what we think of them? We're already sick of grinding them.


    On day 4.


    You normalized gear. Good idea in theory. You didn't think it all the way through - we get it. That's how you do. Objectively? Again - nice idea. But all people are thinking about is how it's going to take until May to get geared.


    On their main.


    You've completely broken CXP gain with your nerf. If it was barely stomachable before - it wasn't but we're talking in relatives - it's a total horror show now. Lesson: You don't understand MMO's. That guy that grinded up to rank ~100? That's how it's played. If anything it demonstrated the cap was too low. Your reaction to that was ignorant, underhanded and, candidly, just utterly stupid. I'm sorry, but you don't remove the ability to grind in a grind system. You just don't. I'm not sure how you don't get that. Most people weren't doing that. All that did was screw everyone - because you were trying to fix something that wasn't a problem. You flat out lied about the point of the cap. That was not exploiting. That was simply someone playing a game in a way you don't understand because you have no understanding of this gametype or your playerbase. And that's your job.


    Talk. Today. Stream. And answer questions. Own this. Explain yourself. Don't you dare get on screen and say one single postive thing about this expansion, save a minute or two on the story. Which, by the way, you've completely overshadowed and spoiled with GC.


    I don't think - no, I know - you don't fully understand what this system is doing to gameplay and the community. What it means for pugs. Why the incentive is to bail as soon as there's a single wipe. Why the incentive - which for a couple days was to actually kill mobs in FPs/Ops - is now to simply spam queue for thrown GSF/PvP. Why last night it took 10 mins to get an Uprising pop on Harby with a tank/heal/DPS in the queue. Why heroics are pointless now.


    We want to know what you're going to do to make this game fun again. Because today, thanks to you, it's not. We want to know how you're going to make playing alts viable. Now.


    This needs to be handled. Right now. You need to talk to the community, as a leader, and demonstrate accountability, flexibility and concern. Show us why you're in your role. Today.


    Best Post this Month. Spot on brilliant OP.

  9. My question is simply to ask How can we have a trip to Nathema , and you don't have Lord Scourge a former emperor's wrath for over 300 years. and Kira a daughter of the Emperor not have any factor what so ever. From the Revan Novel , there's a big missed oppertunity by not having anything to do with Scourge in eternal throne. This is a perfectly good place / time for returning both of those companions.
  10. Seriously Bioware ? these class changes are a Joke. Phase walk was a highly useful component for assassins to tank in hm revan. Thanks for murdering that element. Mobility on sin's has been bad. Steatlh broken in fallen empire. DPS constantly nerfed and again further nerfed. None of these class changes make any sense. Your taking classes which were strong in 4.0 and beefed them up. This isn't how you balance combat.


    The changes listed by the various dev trackers clearly show what many have felt for a long time. The Developers of this mmo are so out of touch and dissconnected from the community it's hysterical. That large explosion your all hearing in the back ground is the minds of your vet player base exploding.


    Please explain why Phase walk is too powerful for assassins yet needed for sorcs which a range class does not need it. Awesome Job on Epic Fail with the class changes. Disapointed subscriber reconsidering continuing to support this train wreck. I struggled to justify my subscription renewal with the slap in the face vets got with the DvL event. ohh hey lets have everyone old and new replay 5 years of content for the nth time. Yea no thanks.

  11. Not suprised on the EC delay. Not suprised on the reduction of content EA/ BW deem "content" As a Subscriber who helps support the ongoing life of the game. I have to ask, I'm paying how much and this is the quality / size / depth of content ? . Sorry folks but there are other MMO's out there who charge less and produce actual content not reskinned /water down retreads we've seen before and expect the community to swallow the belief this is new stuff.


    Chapter 10 was very light on content and chapter 11 appears to look half as much as 10... If this is what monthly content updates are going to be going forward. The company needs to re evaluate there big picture long term plan. This is not it. Single player game being advertised as a MMO isn't a MMO. Story driven is a nice concept and can work. But single player model that 4.0 is , just isn't an MMO anymore. Chapter 10 was short and completly forgetable. I'm shuddering on how bad chapter 11 is now going to look. If the goals are to log in once a month and play for an hour then your done the chapter. Mission accomplished folks !. Because that's all I'm feeling the new content your rolling out each month offers. 60 minutes , maybe 90 minutes if I'm being extra slack. The whole alliance system was badly designed and doesn't inspire me to want to run more then one maybe two characters through the chapters. The level synch system has made an already easy game even easier.



    the EC's 204 rated gear is a complete waste of time. Do enough heroics / flashpoints and your already rolling with 208 / 216 gear . Working on 220 gear. There are bugs in the game that date back to 1.0 era days and you lot fail to fix properly. and you give the community the excuse that the EC is delayed due to bugs. That's not inspiring. EC is appearing to be more vapor ware then reality.


    Between subscriptions being paid by several people and people spending lots in the cartel market. The game is not bleeding money. So why give us the half heart'd rushed garbage called monthly updates when less frequent updates that have depth , scope and at the very least Polish to them would give the community so much more.


    The constat delays with new content , lack of bug fixes , lack of anything resembling an MMO anymore is what is killing people's desires to sticking with the game. I've been finding it harder to try to defend the game but this year the game's been a massive fail of under whelming proportions. I'm wanting to be positive but EA/ BW have not delivered on the goods. I'm certainly not feeling the money value for a subscription is worth it anymore.


    Bioware , Please. Convince me that this game will be worth investing in and staying a Subscriber. I'm not asking for the moon. Just a realistic plan that actually works and makes me feel like swtor is an MMO again and not a single player game with a multi player option.

  12. A better , simple easy solution that would have alot of people happy and spending cartel coins....


    step one take all the items out of the current pack.


    step two place removed items as seperate single purchase options in the cartel market.


    step three after being in the market for a calender month. remove the items and place into the random drop chance cubes. that are bought with packs.


    This would give the community items they want , and after a limited window of easy availablity, it's back to RN jesus for the items.


    but this makes too much sense and I highly doubt we see happen. So not holding my breath.

  13. The level of self entitlement in this thread is laughable. Seriously the companion locked behind a pvp wall is fine as it is. Really 20 pvp matches and you get a companion or valor rank 40 . This isn't an unrealistic gate. It's a good way to introduce new blood to pvp. Of all the crying people complaining wah we don't like pvp ... how many have actually bothered to que up and try a match or two ? I'm willing to bet less then 1% of the complainers have ever tried.


    Also as other have pointed out. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to do this quest and pick up the pvp companion. It's an optional not a mandatory. People thinking it is mandatory are even sillier then the complainers. heck it's at most a couple days of grind with the pvp ques and your done. You never have to pvp again if you don't want too . and only if your going for the companion.


    For those who do pvp or enjoy pvpving this is a terrific thank you by bioware for participation in an aspect of the game some may not always enjoy.


    For the whinning wimps , be thankful that BW didn't put a companion behind an Operations wall(s) . where you'd have to clear some storymode Operations. Or worse yet some hard mode Operations ... oh the horror !

  14. running a mix of 208/216 fully augmented gear with companions at rank 21. level 65. I've found the nerf'd companions to be about the same as they were in pre 4.0 . Content wise kotfe chapters I saw no difference content very easy. for planetary heroic +2's , even with level synch didn't notice any troubles doing them. Solo star fortress again nothing hard here either. Heroic Star Fortress was unable to finish hit a hard wall of endless wipe at final boss before exarch. When grouped up with a friend. Was able to complete the star fortress.


    I've enjoyed the changes it's felt like a more balanced game. Only thing that's changed for my gaming experience is like 3.0 I just have to actually use ALL the abilites the character's class gives you. No more two button spam mash and easy mode god healing from OP companions . This is a good thing.

  15. I went into this with an open mind. Had never pvp'd before. the first few matches were horrible but I learned the basics. And grabbed up the daily and weekly for pvp. completed both and had a few matches afterwards to do to get Pierce. finished those off. had enough wz comms to get nearly a complete set of pvp gear. Would I do it again on another character ? Honestly dunno . but the time it took to aquiring Pierce and exposing myself to an element of the game I went in with cold feet and no knowledge. I found the experience was far from the sky is faling omg game over. Far from it. Is pvp for everyone ? NO . But bottom line if you want the companion omg work for it. It's not hard. the level of self entitlement from people is rather appalling. BW hey , thanks on getting me to try out pvp :D
  16. If you go by the bw faq on it . they stated at the bottom in the fine print . if you create the 60 and play through but DO NOT level to 61. you can delete and create a new 60. without needing a token from the cartel market. If you leveled to 61 then you need a new token . whether this is true or not can't say haven't tested it.
  17. I'm curious with the expansion and being able to have a free level 60 character created. Has anyone asked or inquired what sort of gear these characters will start out with ? Example. are they going to be in something equal to the yavin 186 rated gear ? , ziost 190 blues ? , or start out with 198 ultimate comm quality / rated gear ?. Or even something higher ? As I've already several 60's already, I was curious to the quality of gear these free 60's would start out with.


    No I don't expect bioware to actually give an answer as that could ruin possible spoilers. More for being curious then anything else.



  18. I apologize if jumping the gun here. But questions for the OP .


    1) Which faction is this group ? Republic based ? Imperial Based ? Both ?


    2) Does this group have a preference on force alignment ? Dark siders , light side . neutral ?


    3) Is this group limited to species of human / zabrak ?


    4) what classes are restricted if any for the guild ?


    5) what if any political ties does this group have with the two principal goverments of the republic , Empire. where do they see themselves with in terms of relations to either group ?.


    6) does the group hold ties with the Hutt's , exchange , black sun's. & other criminal organizations ?


    7) what sort of roles and options exist within the group for either gender ?


    8) Is there a guild website to learn more ?


    the premise is not new but it's always intriguing to learn the various interpretations of dathomir and the whole clan & force witch lore / theme. :)


    Maybe I'll stumble across this group sometime. Who knows what trouble I can find lurking :p

  19. okay I'll bite here. I'm running a dps shadow. that spec hops between infiltration and serenity ( spec depends more on mood / situation ) . gear wise is half 190 half 192's. I've got 8 of 14 slots augmented using resolve augments ( 186 rated ) . Have I over done the resolve ? How much alacrity should I be looking at doing ? would 8 resolve, 6 alacrity augments be too weak ? Bear in mind I don't do too much pvp ( I stink at it badly ...) so I've stayed to pve . Looking to finish up getting the rest of my 192's an finish augmenting gear. Any helpful advice is appreciated , cheers.
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