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Posts posted by uppen

  1. 8 minutes ago, black_pyros said:

    Technically - yes. My point is that premade of 3 with a soloer against equally skilled premade of 3 with a soloer in a 4vs4 arena; or premade of 7 with a soloer against equally skilled premade of 7 with a soloer in an 8vs8 wz or different combinations of equally skilled players actually lead to better quality of games and better experience for everyone, including the soloers that actualy can learn more by interacting with coordinated teams.

    Using your solution of removing premades from the queue, you are actually dooming the premades to suffer in a dead queue, and the soloers to "enjoy" lower quality matches. No one wins. In my example, if the matchmaker is set up properly, everyone wins (well not the match, of course).

    Seriously, I am tired of explaining this over and over to you and the others. I am out. You will not read what I wrote again anyway and continue to put words in my mouth, I never said.

    There is nothing wrong with a match of 7 vs 7, or 6 vs (4+2), or 3 vs 3 etc. If there are 2 equal sized premades, or sets of premades, in the queue, then a premade only queue wouldn't be dead, would it. 

    As it stands the vast majority of the time when one team has a premade, the other team doesn't. So the only reason to form a premade is to bypass matchmaking to gain an unfair advantage.

    A solo only queue is the only solution to this issue.

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  2. 1 minute ago, black_pyros said:

    I am not arguing to premades be put against solos. If you have read my posts consistently, you would notice I am all for placing premades against premades. Just not in separate queue, as that would kill the premades in such a low population. If anyone doubts this, just look how TR was dead. So next time, read my posts more carefully and don't put words in my mouth. Thank you.

    Premades in the same queue as solo players puts premades against solo players. So yes that's exactly what you are arguing for. The premade queue would only die if premades don't want to play against other premades, which they don't. 

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  3. Just now, black_pyros said:

    Mindset of a competitive player is set to win. Every athlete competes others to win, no one is going to carry a barbell just to make games more fair. You are a dreamer living in a dream world trying to change the competitive environment to suits your dreams. Good luck with that. Since this debate is leading nowhere, I am baling for now. Cheers and gl.

    Ofc playing to win is the whole point. But Pro athletes don't group up against a bunch of couch potatoes.

    The only way to have 2 coordinated teams against each other is with a premade only queue.

    Why are you arguing in favour of premades against solos, in unbalanced and unfair games? What do you have to gain from it? What do you have to lose from a solo only queue? Surely if you are playing in a premade you would rather have a premade only queue so you get better games? 

    Yes, this debate is leading nowhere because you are narrow minded. You don't want to lose the huge advantage premading against solo players gives you. This scares you.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, black_pyros said:

    PvP is never fair, better skill and better coordination will always win, always. Either you change your mindset from a shirker to a PvPer, start to coordinate, win more games and have a better experience and more fun or you don't and continue to suffer. The choice is yours. Choose wisely. Cheers

    Ofc pvp is not 100% fair. But 2 good and 2 bad plavers vs 2 good and 2 bad, is much fairer than 4 good vs the 4 bad. Premades allow players to make the game as unfair as possible in spite of the systems in place to try to make more balanced teams. The minset of a true pvper is always in favour of fairly balanced teams, not lopsided trash games.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, black_pyros said:

    You got it completely backwards. Premades of coordianted players lift the quality of games. Soloers, loners and hermits refusing to coordinate with others lowers it. Until you understand this, you will always suffer in a team-based gamemode designed to be won by better coordination.

    Nope. You have it wrong. Because the team of coordinated players is AGAINST the soloers. It is only better if both teams are coordinated in a premade only queue. Premades should never be put against solo players because it stacks the deck. It bypasses matchmaking. It creates an unfair advantage. Both teams should have an even split of both the good and bad players. FAIR games raise the quality of play.

  6. 3 minutes ago, black_pyros said:

    Do you ask how is that situation healthy in a team based game? It is healthy as it persuades players to coordinate better in a gamemode that is designed to be won by better coordination.

    Those 4 decent players actually put some effort to socialize and befriend each other so they can coordinate better and win more games. I know - a strange concept for some loners in a competitive environment, all based on coordination.

    While you - the best player out there didn't put such an effort to coordinate with others, thus you don't deserve to win just because you are the best, because again - wzs and arenas are a team-based gamemode, where coordinated effort is more important, than simply being the best player.

    It is not healthy because it allows the 4 good players to stack the deck, bypassing the matchmaking system, so they are all always on the same team. That is not fair, nor fun, for everyone else. It will make no difference to the outcome if those 3 bad players team up because the 4 good players will never want to group with them. No-one wants to play with bad players on their team, therefore the bad, and good, players should be split evenly across both teams. Only matchmaking solo players can achieve this. Matchmaking can not achieve a fair split when the good players are grouped together.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, black_pyros said:

    Yes, if we had a population big enough to support such a queue. And Voila! We are back at the population issue. That is the core issue, not the poor premades trying to uplift the level of play, increasing the quality of matches.

    Nope, the core issue is premades in the same queue as solos. This problem has nothing to do with population. Premading only lifts the quality of play if both teams are premades, and both teams are of similar skill level. Premades in the same queue as solos does not lift the quality of play, it destroys it.

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  8. No, I want to dismount the buff and debuff trays from the portrait completely in the UI. Like you can with your own.


    My portrait is at the bottom of the screen, my buffs are at one side, my debuffs are in the middle near my character. They are completely undocked.


    I want to do this with my target frame too. But the option to undock them is not there. Given that it's already been done to ours, it shouldn't be too much issue to do it to the target frame too.


    in your UI editor, your buff tray and debuff tray are independant of your portrait, I want the same for my target so I can track their buff tray in the middle of the screen, alpha'd. Without the portrait being there too blocking the view. Same for the targets debuff tray.


    ATM they are hard docked to the targets portrait making tracking enemy buffs/debuffs a lot more cumbersome. A lot of MMO's allow mods for this, but SWTOR does not. So we have to rely on them to do it.


    For PvP, especially duels, this is very important. You want to see reflect before you hit a Jug, not after your health drops. you want to see ED stacks easily so you can stop doing damage before he heals to full. etcetc.

    Tons of other buffs/debuffs on all classes that are benficial to be tracked more easily, in the position you want them, without a useless portrait blocking half the view.

  9. So, don't play the way I want to play?


    I like to move fast, and DPS companion is the way to do that.


    At some point I have to heal, I don't have self heals, and I dont want to stand still waiting.


    It's not a quirk, it's a keybind for a process that is used a lot of times by a lot of people. I bet most people don't use even half of the multitude of available actions / keybinds in the game.


    Everyone changes companion role, more than once, some regularly like me.

    It should be more streamlined, and especially not require a mouse.

    It's a QoL improvement for a commonly used action i'm asking for.

    It's not a waste of time, and most of the non-clicker people in the game will likely make use of it.

  10. Your gear is fine. It's level 70 content. Someone has done something wrong.


    There are a few hard bosses, if they knew the tactic, they should have helped you, not kicked you. Maybe take a look at the boss you died on in a quick guide video, in case you end up there again, then you can tell them!


    Perhaps select only the easier ones from the list, Hammer station is a good first one as everyone runs it a lot. You will likely be chasing people to keep up rather than struggle. If you are a stealther then Red Reaper can be another good one with other stealthers, though you will have to manually form/join a group for this.


    Send me ur name in private message and I'll run a couple witth you in an hour or so if you are still on.

  11. We can do this with our own buffs/debuffs, why not the target.


    Tracking buffs is essential PvP 101 basics.

    I'd like to have them where I want them without the big 'takes up most of the screen' portrait.


    Why in 'insert swears' was this not applied to the Target too.

    Why, ... It's on the other identical portrait? ... Why would you ... i mean ... meh?

    It's borderline griefing!


  12. Necro for the blind.


    It's a Star Wars game. The iconic planet Tatooine is all sand. The cursor is the colour of sand.



    Give us the option to change it in the interface editor please. Just a simple window with a circular colour palette similar to Guild Heraldry designer.

  13. I'm going to necro this as I came here to post the same.


    I like to keep my companion in dps role, and switch to heal between every other mob to top up. This is around 2-3 times per minute. I've been playing more with the lockdown and it's actually starting to really frustrate me. I hate using the mouse unless necessary. This should be a keybind as its used more than most Ui windows, which have keybinds, and it's part of combat, just like recharging, which also can be keybound.


    Clicking is cumbersome under normal conditions but this is just tedious, Imagine this was required to use your out of combat recharge skill, which I personally use less often ..

    Find the cursor, which is the same colour as Tatooines' sand !! >> Right click the portrait >> Click a 'dropdown' menu >> Click the role >> Ok healed up >> Now repeat back to dps role...Several times per minute.


    It's going to give me artheritis. I'm old.

    Yes i play too much we are on lock-down, and my wrist will be on lock-up soon enough.

    Don't suggest I should play differently, or that it's not supposed to be played this way, both are irrelevant.


    These roles need to have keybinds, or a toggle role keybind.

  14. With the game being a stacked collection of bandaids on top of bandaids to workaround bugs, like sweeping your dirty dishes into a drawer instead of cleaning them, we are probably getting to the point where slapping a plaster onto bugs just does't cut it anymore. But I have a solution !!!!!


    When u enter huttball, all of your hotbars and skills are disabled except for pass and legacy melle abilities. you can punch or you can pass, that's it. Should work right? :p ... Even with that tho, i'll probably still forget I'm gonna blow up in a few secs unless I pass.

  15. This totally happens in lowbies too.


    Also at 50 we had the much worse ghost gcd bug. So... silver linings.


    Ahh ok, i've not seen it happen in lows, but i'll take ur word for it, it's been a while since i played that bracket. Does seem to be a communication problem with the engine being unable, for some reason, to transmit the location of the enemy properly to other players. As when your the player in question everything seems fine on your end. Heisenbergs uncertainty principle right, hehe. The more you know about the location of an object, or player, the less you know about its momentum, and vice versa.

  16. This is the scary part. They still haven't even acknowledged the vent bug which is randomly, instantly killing people and affecting the outcome of games in ranked. Not a peep from Bioware. It's pathetic.


    The walk out of spawn and instadeath is a bad one, seems to happen most on mando arena for me, game breaker for the rest of the team, especially when they think your throwing the game.


    Had another funny one that only seems to happen on my sin in corellia square ... after stride and spike keybind spam my toon goes on permanent backpedal, pressing W only makes him stand still, not move forwards ... played a couple games with the bug on perma backpedal, funny but broken, it even persisted after the arena .. the only way i could fix it was to either relog, or unbind backwards and rebind it in keybinds. It's only happened a few times in 100s of games, and only in corellia arena, but still, very odd.

  17. The stride one is a fun one to play with though. Get a friend to stand above you on some platforn with a lamppost or object behind him ... tell him to jump on the spot, and if u time it right, with the correct allignment between you, friend, and object (try to have object just slightly off straight line so u hit edge of it (think snooker shot), .. you can get to places you shouldn't be able to, even if they are 100s of metres away... I've seen other pics and vids of people almost reaching orbit ;p


    Edit; Got drunk and way off topic, removed.

  18. I used to ignore it due to having a ****** PC, assumed it was a ME problem, i lagged in mek-sha on medium with nameplates off! (Ossus WB's just lol 2-3 fps). But I recently built a pretty high spec PC and I still see this stuff, so i would say it's the crappy Hero engine combined with all the new skills.

    Remember when lvl 50 was max and this didn't exist? Oper roll was the start of it, and is a path to the darkside. When hero is involved, and many added skills since 50 max (teles in particular), the problem has just intensified in tandem. I'd love to see a PTS available for few weeks reverted to vanilla pre 2.0 to see how it performs, You dont often see this crap in lowbies, so I would guess its a symptom of all the new skills. The engine just cant keep track of x,y,and z and relay it to other players in realtime ... to the player using the tele it all looks cool, but to others its a quantum entangled avatar in 2 places at once, and yet nowhere at the same time. It's only when u take a measurement, i.e leap to him, that his position becomes reality.


    Frustrating to have a bunch of schrodingers cats on the enemy team.

  19. Personally I prefer less healing and more killing. A 5 minute round with no one dying is frustrating, + i get a sore thumb. My fingers are already rekked from years of skilled labour. Although robotic, crush steel pipe replacement hands are something I look forward too in the future, i'd like to avoid artheritic pain it if at all possible in the meantime.


    IMO healing should not negate dps based purely on a numbers basis, but on a skill basis. If a dps plays well a healer should not be able to stop the person from being killed, healer and tank yes, maybe ... but whether a person is killed or not shouldn't be based on my hps outweights your dps, it should be based on whether the dps plays correctly or not. I would love to see healing specs become more support like, with cc and other abilities to frustrate the dps player and force or entice them to fuk up, thus saving their teammate, rather than my numbers beat your numbers.

    Even in the lore force based healing is rare, make kills based on skill and execution rather than statistics.


    And at the end of the day, killing shiz is why we play games, when ppl survive due to number vs number, it's just not fun. Lower healing output and give healers more CC with lower resolve building from such CC. If I play perfectly I expect my enemy to die, not be full HP regardless of what I do, cuz his number beats my number.

  20. The way I see it... 1 of three things can happen:


    They leave it alone.

    They remove it.

    They get creative.


    Why not think of things that fall into the 3rd category?


    I really like this approach, rather than removing or leaving it alone, some innovatave approach to evening the playing field, whilst maintaining the complexity of tactical switching would get my vote.


    Finding the right balance of your proposed combat dropping skill + cooldown would be the tricky part .... although removing it altogether would be the easy option, i'm all for an approach that keeps it in game but negates the advantage sins have vs other classes in the current state. Allowing all classes to switch via a combat drop type skill would be nice.


    The charging of things like 2 cloaks, and the persisting buffs on set switching would still need to be addressed though. Eg. Charging the 30% Knell buff and switching to the murderous set after your 3 mauls, with a persisting 30% buff on top of the stride procced 100% crit from murderous set, then followed by alpha strike maul spam + regen tactical is too overpowered to ignore. Set and tactical bonusus, including charged abilities, need to be removed upon armor set and tactical switching, even if a comprimise is found to allow switching to continue via some mechanism or skill for all classes.

    Another issue though is ability bloat, some classes feel just right atm, like mara, the rotations and buffs feel well tuned and satisfying (mara OP ;p), but other classes feel like there is already too many skills which makes the feel of the classes unsatisfying, adding yet another skill + follow on skills just adds more confusion and less satisfaction to playing the class.

    In GW1 you could only take 8 skills into combat, from a very large selection of skills available, yet I feel the lower skill number added complexity rather than diminished it. There were so many ways to use your class, some may remember group synergy like necros and warrior rangers in IWAY groups. It made for creative use of skills and synergies with other classes. Having a heap of skills available all the time i think lowers the creative ways people can use the class. Though maybe i'm biased as GW1 was my fist MMO, and nostalgia and fond memories can distort points of view.


    There is a lot of interest in the removal of guard from dps classes atm in these forums too, but a similar approach, I think, would serve us batter. Rather than remove it, why not think of a way to maintain it whilst removing the OP'ness of it when used by damage disciplines. Like change how guard works when in a dps spec rather than a tank spec, like the utilities .. " whist in tank spec guard does 𝒳, and whist in dps specs guard does 𝒴.

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