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Posts posted by NefNef

  1. IMO getting 18 D/S/A and 12 Power on an augment is far superior to 18 Aim and 12 Endurance, for a tank. but YMMV.


    Matrix Cube is awful for tanking. Campaign shield proc is (obviously) better than War Hero shield proc for PVE. As far as clicky relics go, the Campaign and War Hero are a bit closer to each other, with the War Hero having slightly more average mitigation across a fight, while the Campaign versions have more offensive power and more "burst" survivability. IMO the best setup is Campaign shield proc + Campaign shield+absorb clicky.


    Prior to 1.3 I would agree. Post-1.3, War Hero PVP static shield/def relics are BiS for tanking, end of story.


    The spreadsheet we are referencing can be found here: http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Thread-Tanking-stat-spreadsheet-online

  2. Only after a Jet Charge which after the initial charge, if you are tanking something, you cannot jet charge to it as it stays with you if you try and run out. 8P Trash doesn't count. I personally think it was a stupid change they did and unnecessary.


    You have ample opportunity to jet charge multiple times during every fight in EC HM (assuming you tank swap on Toth and Zorn and tank Storm Caller). We are still way ahead of the juggs and sins in DPS.

  3. Ah, of course!


    That also helps me to answer my next question. Rather than using 2x BM shield relics, it is better to use 1 def, 1 shield. (Giving 510 Def rating and 705 shield rating)


    Squishiness: 0.2367

    SigmaSquish: 0.19856

    Spikey-ness: 1.38991


    That also makes the def and shield armor equivlents pretty darn close at 1.482 and 1.451, respectively.

    The next question is what augments to put on those 2 relics (they are my only none augmented pieces). Based off the stat weights of the spreadsheet, it wants absorb. However, based on the following chart, I don't think that is necessarily the case:



    Being that it is just 32 points, its a drop in the ocean.


    +32 Def





    +32 Shield





    +32 Absorb




  4. I must be doing something wrong with this spreadsheet. I put in your same numbers and got different results. I changed the base stats and stat weights to the PT ones.


    Armor: 8XXX (I used your 8760 in the spreadsheet)

    Dmg Red: 54ish? (Ask Mr. Robot character builder armor value is not right. I suspect imperial pilots chestpiece)

    Def: 18.8% (407 rating)

    Shield: 59.97% (808 rating)

    Absorb: 56.24% (461 rating)

    (with exotech stim, no HS)


    Squishiness: 0.24797

    SigmaSquish: 0.18619

    Spikey-ness: 1.30335

    (Again, these may not be correct)


    I do see the trend though. My best-for-the-money stat right now is certainly absorb.

  5. Last night my stats were (no BM trinkets yet) with buffs/stim:


    Armor - 8760

    Damage Reduction - 53.78%

    Defense - 19.03% (I put in a half and half of defense/absorb augs)

    Shield - 53%

    Absorb - 57%


    You must have stacked more Def than Absorb in your mods that I did I don't remember the exact numbers but I was:

    Dmg Red - 53-54%

    Defense - 17.8%

    Shield - 54%

    Absorb - 56% (w/o HS)


    That is with 5 def augments, 1 absorb, 1 shield, no PVP relics

  6. I have been using both Campaign relics (shield/absorb) because the proc one is good and the "oh ****" one is nice to have for certain bosses. I experimented a bit with the matrix cube now that is has Def.


    I need to look more into the WH relics, but my hunch is that they are far superior. The reasoning there is yes you are sacrificing 11 endurance or so, but gaining 90 def/shield. You are also stuck with expertise rather than aim, but since PT's have higher dps than the other tanks now, the aim isn't really necessary. Granted, on fights where you need that extra bit of dps, matrix cube all the way. But for HM Denova, the extra survivability just makes sense (Kephess being the exception because its more of a dps race).


    Side note: I would also continue using the shield/absorb on use relic over the def because you get up to an insanely high shield chance rather than a moderately high def chance. However, stacking def augments isn't a bad idea.


    Side note2: My thoughts on augments - Def > Shield > Absorb. I probably won't put in any absorb augments, but 10 def and 4 shield would be a good ratio. No reason not to push shield even higher. I was at 602 rating (54ish %) last night, but my shield augments weren't done being crafted before i logged.

  7. I have a well geared level 50 PT tank and I'll just go ahead and disagree with all of your points. PT tanks are just fine as is.


    Agreed. This is one of the funniest thread I have read in awhile. I am glad someone decided to bring it back from the dead.


    Healers love healing me, and I crush jugg tanks and am right behind assassin tanks on the DPS meters (although i believe their dmg was nerfed today, so I should be ahead of them now too). Clearly a lot of the people that have posted here need to learn how to play the class instead of expecting tanking to be as brain dead as dps.


    Just because you play the class doesn't mean it should be completely OP

  8. Then I saw that it would cost me 15,000 credits to remove EACH modification on EACH piece of armor.


    Try having 61 lvl mods. 45k each before 1.3, so 30% less now. Still a lot of dough. Not to mention another 20k to add augment slots

  9. And no ETA to finish?


    No actual reason given for the maintenance?


    I stopped playing for about a month, came back the day 1.2 came out, and there has been maintenance every day since. Hasn't made for a great return to the game.


    Whilst I'm having a whinge, haven't heard much about my late april character transfer either -.-.


    Oh yeah, every one of these 1 days of maintenance is really a drag

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