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Posts posted by myrdinn


    On 5/4/2023 at 9:38 PM, xordevoreaux said:

    A catch-call fail safe for all players of all levels to address situations like this where Bioware did not think things through would be a  /home command, which puts players on their starting planet at the starting position, and they can go from there. Easy enough on your starting planet at that point to kill enough crap to earn enough credits to travel.


    Putting the idea over here wherein someone might see it as an active suggestion.

  2. Assuming that the character has passed a certain point in the story (defeated Arcann), let the terminal in Odessen allow us to re-summon Darth Marr... but in a certain way.

    Basically keep him with the combat lines he has from Chapter 1, but is a blue-glowy companion (force-ghost) that stays a force-ghost until he actually does an attack (then he can reappear as normal for the attack).

    Lore: remember, originally *George Lucas* was going to let the force ghosts pop in and back out of ghost status temporarily during his sequel trilogy... a bit of a nod to that with this for a popular character that a LOT would like to see return (Darth Marr) would be a great once-off companion.

    If the terminal is not doable... have it as a GS or PvP track reward/companion for those who are past the story point.  An off-season "season" thing that can be earned by the whole legacy, but only usable by the characters past a certain story point.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Amorianallund said:

    Then why is it only ever Star Forge?

    There is something wrong with the server, and they can't be bothered to fix it.

    Eh, it is probably the segment that handles star forge (edit)logins(/edit) itself (the ones tasked to handle eastern us shards). 

    Interesting element is seeing the decaying pattern of days between each round; feels familiar.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Amorianallund said:

    "Star Forge is now back online. Thank you for your patience!" For the fifth time Since Jan 1st.

    "Star Forge is now back online. Thank you for your patience!" And yet, we still are stuck on the loading screen, 15 minutes later.

    Once again, the mods and devs can't do the jobs they are paid to do.

    Admittedly, though, the problems appear to be in the login server itself, not the actual gameplay nodes.

  5. Someone please remember to feed them daily.
    Seems someone keeps forgetting to feed the ones that are running that little wheel for Star Forge.  Dangit, this is three down in ONE MONTH.  Third grade classrooms usually figure out feeding schedules better than we see... uh... someone feed them, please.

    *points left and right whilst looking innocent as possible*

  6. Someone... PLEASE make sure you feed the server hamster AT LEAST daily.

    Poor guy, running his heart out on that little wheel, trying to keep the server running... we could, at least, make sure he has enough lettuce to get through the day.  Maybe even a carrot.

    Some borshcht... a little kombucha... some nice peppers, you know.

    • Like 1
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  7. On 2/18/2023 at 10:35 AM, Whykara said:

    Absolutely, I'd love to revisit Taris or Makeb. Would be interesting to see what has happened in the last 10 years since we first saw those planets.

    PvPers get "we have still not blown up yet!" every time they hit a map.

    Be hilarious to visit a smuggler summer resort sort of event wherein the banners are all "still here, even if the planet is a ticketing toxic bomb!"

    "Enjoy the batha sliders, only two Markeb credits while we last!!"

  8. The PVP screen is now based on the same metric as the Galactic Seasons was... but it has a display issue on how to figure out how many days are left to earn a season's worth of PVP points.  Basically a *very* minor offset means the math possibility will not work out for a minority of people.

    Because there is a weekly limit to how many points you can earn, it is theoretically possible to have stayed ahead of the credit buyout but still be about fifty to a hundred pvp points short of being able to earn all 7000 before the end on May 6th due to the thousand max limit per week. 

    Suggestion: modify the display on "daily" limit until the end a bit closer to the actual limits of how the pvp points can be earned for future seasons, as anyone used to the pve GS system will likely not be crunching (earnable) point numbers vs. reward vs. purchasing. 

    Essentially, the "weakness" of the calculation happens in the third to last week, depending on how the points are bought, earned, or figured for a launch (if you have three thousand outstanding).  The display looks like you are still ahead of the purchase game to level 15, but there is a combination of purchasing / earning that leaves a detriment of upwards a hundred points no matter how you do the derivative on the earnable curve.  A minor adjustment to the buyout curve (or adjusting to when it starts "counting down" by a day or two instead of the straight line of GS's estimation) instead of (end-date minus days left) for the counter would help with the mental adjustment of those not mathematically orientated.
    Whomever did GS' point curve had a good idea (and I approve of their work on the curves; they got the relative minima correct), whomever adjusted it for the PvP points is just a minor day or two off (this is why your applied calculus professor wanted you to pay attention to that first half of the first semester when talking about relative minima and maxima during a first derivative analysis of a function).

  9. Nautolan Inspector from the Banking Clan.

    Character has been mind-tricked into only wanting to surf ocean worlds instead of tracking down credit slicers out in the world.  At least three of your former GS companions would comment on this from different points of view... this agent has been one heck of a forensic accountant in the past.

    Past the intro quest, companion tricks you into a surfing thing/swoop thing on Manaan.  Then you get the idea that a force compulsion is at play (the swim trunks on a character that is basically an IRS agent could also give this away to us, the players).

    Eventually when you get him to companion influence 50, you get a quest to see the person who mind-tricked him... none other than Gus' old master, Isaac.  Tracking Isaac down on Nar Shaddaa after a convo, he agrees to one of three results: free the agent, lock the agent into surferdom, or agent's choice.

    Get a different achivo for each of the three results, with a different outfit (MiB suit, surfer shorts of another colour, or normal-ish SW toon).  Which means a legacy has to get the companion up to influence 50 on three characters to get all the achievements.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Exly said:

    Did you give people updates along the way, or did you keep the information to yourself?  I understand that sometimes troubleshooting problems takes time, and implementing fixes can uncover new problems, but still, keeping people who depend on you informed seems like the right thing to do.

    Normally I gave updates and eta as I knew them... but sometimes even the best guess is in the wrong solar system.
    When I did not, it was because it was either five minutes away, or I did not want to say "f*ck if I know, this line here is just changing between a dot and a star whilst I want for the kernel to finish this command."

    Incidentally, a LOT of my various script files have "put in good notation sometime" or "you should put comments in here telling yourself what genius coding this was meant to be sometime" and "I know we do not drink, but what is THIS scribble of code supposed to mean?!"

  11. 3 minutes ago, Exly said:

    Investigation is good but it would be nice if they could give us some indication of when they expect to have the server back up and running again.

    Eh, I have been in scenarios wherein I thought I would have my university's system up in minutes...
    and twelve hours later finally succeed.

    Twice in twenty-seven years.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Scianto said:


    Yes, this is the problem. At least now it shows now that SF is down.
    Sadly I only play on this server. 

    Wish it wouldn't have wasted time troubleshooting and reinstalling the game. X(

    Ahh well, hopefully it is up again tomorrow.

    *thumbs up*

  13. 2 minutes ago, mrgoo said:

    I am sure they are working on getting it back online asap. I am hoping for a larger update on a long-term solution. Seems like this has been happening to StarForge a lot lately which makes me worry there is a more serious hardware failure in play on StarForge. I am more curious about any findings and long-term solutions. I don't want to lose 11 years of progress and I hope they have backups.

    Good news: with distributed systems like an MMO?  There are most definitely a ton of backups.
    Loss of more than a few hours or days (to to a last build) is in a "ludicrously unheard of" territory.

  14. 1 minute ago, mrgoo said:

    Can we get an update on the status of Star Forge Please?

    According to the banner up there in nice orange, they are aware there are problems.

    What, you want communication?  They used orange for a background!  Communication!

    Now excuse me whilst I bring up my morse-code enigma encoder, I have secret annoying messages to spam in the message system.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Scianto said:


    I'm currently experiencing the same thing. I have uninstalled the game and am redownloading it again.

    Did you eventually got this fixed?


    Note: one of the NA servers is bloody down.
    If you are trying to sign into that one (as you likely are trying to auto-sign into it), then you get this sort of appearance of not logging in.
    Check the server status, it is just that they bloody forgot to put in an option for the loader to give you other bloody server options to sign into, if the one it autoselects happens to be in bloody limbo.

  16. And after that SE Black-Green Color Crystal and since some players want to remove all exclusive items from the game : free collectors edition upgrade for everyone.


    Well since EA hardly cares about the old players anymore I would not be surprised all pre-order, collectors edition and the black-green crystal from buying the SWTOR Razer peripheals all will be given to players if there's much demand for it. If EA/SWTOR sees money it it they will do it.


    Slight correction: the Black-Green was a Razor promotion, the Black-Yellow is the SE crystal. I have the latter, for instance, but not the former (as I had no reason to go out and buy a new mouse that I would not use over my trackball).

    I am still annoyed I do not have that particular code (Black-Green).

  17. I haven't done this flashpoint since the game was released but from what I remember you're supposed to use grenades and launch him off a platform. I might be wrong though.


    Fun fact: that is not how it originally ended. That was a nod to how players sort of figured out how to do it during the early days when it was bugged; very much a nod to how folks figured out how to beat an unbeatable FP (that was bugged to high heaven).


    But, doing it this way did allow Magnus to narratively survive the situation.

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