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Posts posted by TehMurph

  1. I would like to see color/texture sets to modify the full UI.


    I would also like to see horizontal and vertical, for lack of a better word, anchors for moving the elements around. For example, I'm moving my target element around and it lines up vertically with my portrait/health bar and it snaps into an anchored position until I move up or down X amount of pixels. Or I'm moving a toolbar and as soon as the toolbar gets very near the center of the screen horizontally it anchors on the center line until moved so many pixels left or right, allowing for perfectly centered and/or lined up elements (Very similar to WoW's pitbull mod).

  2. There are things called NPCs. That is an extremely lazy stance to have. I shouldn't depend on other players to make the world seem interesting. Especially on questing planets. We should feel like we are part of a giant gaming world, not just a bunch of players in an empty area.


    I think the point of an MMO just went right over your head...

  3. Biochem and Cybertech are the only truly useful crafting professions for end game right now.


    Nothing beats reusable grenades, medpacks, stims and adrenals.


    All of the item crafting professions that give endgame gear can be obtained through doing endgame anyway.


    Supposedly, Bioware is working on making others more useful, but it's probably a ways down the road.


    Rules of supply and demand basically says if everyone wants to level biochem and cybertech, moreso biochem, then that's most of what you'll find.

  4. Interesting, I see no reason to do this...


    As imperial, queues are generally longer as most servers are stacked with imperials.


    And losing gives so little in points rewards, quite odd.

  5. Congratulations! You're the first person I've seen completely abandon commas in favor of ellipsis. I hope this trend doesn't catch on.


    I have to agree with this, it is rather annoying to read.

  6. Just as he said, your right click activates whatever your 1 key has on it.


    Normally right click would be bound to auto attack, but seeing as this game has none, it is defaulted to the closest thing this game has to an auto attack, which is, by default, your no cost attack that starts on 1.


    Just to reiterate what was said above, you'll definitely want to get used to just using keyboard shortcuts for attacks. Spamming right click while using attacks will not benefit you at all, as everytime your right click goes through, you're putting yourself on the global cooldown.


    You should only be using the basic attack to manage your resource usage. In example, using Bounty Hunter/Trooper, making sure your heat stays low/ammo stays high.

  7. An SSD for windows and TOR is sickeningly awesome, and I want one..


    Otherwise, you've got a pretty good CPU, if you really had the money to throw away consider picking up the Core i5 2500k Sandy Bridge, it's the most kickass CPU I have ever laid my eyes on.


    Definitely going to want to upgrade your GPU first if anything though. While I can't recommend anything ATI, because I don't use/keep track of ATI cards, nVidia GeForce 560 Ti or better (or ATI equiv of course) would be an excellent starting point.


    As a side note, not knowing what your motherboard is, might want to look into upgrading it if it's getting outdated, nothing worse than needing to upgrade parts and having a motherboard that's not compatible, or not big enough for current parts.

  8. And legacy XP is gotten along with regular XP, even at 50. As far as anything beside the name/title, there is currently nothing else in the system, Bioware will be working on that for the near future, supposedly.
  9. Some good feedback and it's nice to see a PvP related topic which isn't full of L2P you lame n00b PoS posts which happen frequently on other games.


    Like I said, I don't mind pre-mades and I don't mind going up against geared and good players. At level 15 all I can do is my best and let the chips fall where they may. However, it just isn't good form to farm people that are clearly not at the gear quality or skill level. IMHO this type of thing breeds a very poor community.


    I get that you want to maximize your efforts great, I understand that. However, as there is no xp at level 50 that's just silly talk to even bring up how much you're making an hour.


    As it relates to medals? Well I guess there isn't much we can say about this and only wait for the brackets to help deal with this a bit. In the meantime I guess life at times in WZs is just harsh business.


    On the bright side, next patch 50s get their own warzone bracket, so less to worry about.

  10. False.


    You get less than half of the rewards if you 6 cap in the first five minutes, it's more like 1/4 of the rewards.


    As an Imperial on an Imperial stacked server, queues for a four man group are normally 15 minutes, that's an entire game.


    Using XP as a gauge, assume I get 20,000 XP for winning a 15 minute match, with 15 minute queue times.


    That's 20,000XP in 30 minutes, or 667 XP per minute.


    A 5 minute win would get me ~5,000 XP in 20 minutes, or 250 XP per minute.


    Big difference.


    And for when someone wants to come at me with the half BS. Even at half the rewards, 10,000 XP in 20 minutes is 500 XP per minute, still lower than 667 XP per minute for winning a 15 minute match.

  11. That is stupid. You get more rewards finishing fast and starting and doing another fast than dragging out and trying to rub it in just to be a jerk.




    You get less than half of the rewards if you 6 cap in the first five minutes, it's more like 1/4 of the rewards.


    As an Imperial on an Imperial stacked server, queues for a four man group are normally 15 minutes, that's an entire game.


    Using XP as a gauge, assume I get 20,000 XP for winning a 15 minute match, with 15 minute queue times.


    That's 20,000XP in 30 minutes, or 667 XP per minute.


    A 5 minute win would get me ~5,000 XP in 20 minutes, or 250 XP per minute.


    Big difference.

  12. Need 50 brackets

    Need less pushback ****

    Need No AOE Interrupt in 8 secs capture points (Only single target interrups)

    Need NO RGN in a WZ

    Need a system that does not allow class stack in the same WZ


    Tired of the *********** Huttball WZ my faction vs my faction all day long.


    All those things can be Fixed IN A DAY, but still nothing, had the opportunity to copy everything good in WoW and improve it, Still Failing like a Baws.




    1. It's coming


    2. Not really


    3. BS


    4. Not really possible considering a premade can stack four of a class...


    5. Same faction huttball is a current way to allow servers with a high population of one faction to not have hour long queues, I'd rather do that than wait an hour for ImpVRep Huttball. At least one more same faction possible warzone is coming, as Gabe stated in his recent community post.

  13. My guild and I do this very frequently, 5 cap and hold for 10 minutes. Sorry, but until it changes, it's the best way for us to get maximum rewards.


    As the Imperials on my server, and on most servers, outnumber republic by a decent amount, our queues as a group can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes. If we had instant queues it wouldn't be so bad to just win and leave, but we don't.


    So unless something changes, we will surely continue to hold and farm for the full duration.

  14. Ok, Thanks.


    I have picked a Jedi Knight (Republic). From my understanding I should be able to tank with this class.


    I am running around saving Padewons from cages now. I am not sure how I feel about my master being wounded in the leg by level one mobs. I hope these Jedi's get tougher or I might have to switch to Empire faction!


    At level ten you'll be given the option of choosing your advanced class, between Jedi Guardian and jedi Sentinel, Sentinel is a DPS only dual wield class. Guardian is a single wield tank/dps class.


    Just for the heads up.

  15. Not sure what to say, I love my Mercenary. When it doesn't matter (fighting normal or strong) i play around with a variety of things, from Death from Above to Rocket Punch. When it matters, my rotation is something along the lines of Tracer x3, Rail Shot, Power Shot, Unload, power shot power shot power shot....


    But I don't know why, I just have fun with it, I really like it. Maybe BH isn't your thing :jawa_tongue:

  16. Who makes the Enhancement slot item?

    How are augments used. I haven't found out a place for them. Any help would be great.


    Augments are gained through slicing, and are used in pieces of gear that someone has crafted and gained a critical craft, the crit'ed item will have an augment slot.

  17. 4. stupid shortcuts. For example I have 2 lines of skills but only first one is accessible from keyboard. Second I need to click. I must check controls again to see if that can be changed. And they WASTE CTRL on companion skills that I almost never use. How stupid is that ?


    and much much more. Bioware was never innovate. They copied some features from WoW but there is much copying left. Still I enjoy the game. Put a request or something somewhere and hope people will support and Bioware will take interest. They could do all that since they already will rewrite user UI (right after launch hehe).


    Your first 3 are correct, but 4... What?


    I played the last three beta weekends and early access from day 1, ALL your quick slot bars have always been bindable. And so what if they use Ctrl+#? Some people like that, if you don't change it... I bind companion slot 1 to alt+scroll wheel up, and slot 2 to alt+scroll wheel down so I can have them attack and go passive, all you need.

  18. Thanks alot for the help guys. Right now, I'm using a controller to play, but I feel like I'm acutally handicapping myself..


    Thing is, I've been a console gamer for about 10 years, so switching to mouse and keyboard really asks time to adapt to. But I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually :).


    Thread's still open for tips though :p.


    Really is handicapping you, there's a reason MMOs don't usually end up on consoles, and it's the lack of buttons.


    I personally try to keep everything bound around my WASD and 1-6, so I'll use 1-6, shift+1-6 and ctrl+1-6, along with R, F and T. Some people use Q and E as well because side stepping isn't needed to be bound since you can hold right click and side step with A and D, but for some reason rebinding Q and E drives me nuts lol.

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