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Posts posted by Yori


    word, I did misread that. Still though, seems to crit a lot (at least the 2 days I was heal specced :p...maybe that's cause I was still in DPS gear).


    Hell, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about cause I don't play it. But judging by other healers in game, not using your AOE heal seems a tad dumb and completely taking a heal off your hot bar is just...sub par by any standard of healing in any game.


    I doubt I'd run ops w/ Selais.


    Sorry man but Selais is 100% correct the aoe heal and infusion are terrible. Very limited use targeted aoe with a small radius, and kolto infusion is not worth casting its just not efficient. Also doesn't help we have broken talents like medical therapy that doesn't even increase our hot healing like its suppose to.

  2. I have a 6950 2gb and don't have any issues running the game even with shadows on (as terrible as they are). I run 60 frames (vsync) except fleet which is really busy on my server. If you have a ATI card I suggest trying the 12.1 beta drivers, before I used these I had a stutter on my force charge but it fixed this maybe it'll help some of these other issues?


    edit: I also force AA and AF through CCC.

  3. Built myself game runs great, all options 60 FPS with vsync on high @ 1920x1080 fullscreen windowed and forced 4xAA:



    ATI 6950 2gb

    Asus mobo

    6gb ram


    Windows 7 64bit


    I run the 12.1 preview driver from ATI, before that I had a minor stutter on force charge on my juggernaut since putting in the preview driver that went away and was the only issue I ever really had.

  4. The main reason is that you need that damage since in the Operations your "normal" damage abilities like Backhand will be greyed out against the bosses so you really struggle to with threat generation without Crushing Blow. Its also one of the best skills in general for threat & damage.


    Backhand certainly does work vs bosses, pommel strike and kick however do not. You also don't need crushing blow to keep threat if you do your doing it wrong. This is the spec I run at 50 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMGcubrodMZhGM0M.1 works great in flashpoints. Now I would consider crushing blow in operations since your likely to be more static and not able to utilize unstoppable as much.

  5. I'm not reading the whole thread but, why care about what other people get? Just worry about yourself and be happy when you do get in thats how I look at it. I ordered in December knowing full well they said this was the way they were handling early access, they even started 2 days sooner. Just be happy you'll get in 2 days sooner then if this started on the 15th.
  6. You separate by the days and hours? Like seriously? Low pop servers up and you can't even get through one week of July purchases. Way to consider the customers- the amount of false impressions put out is amazing. Love how little empathy you have for our stress levels.


    Stress? wow go outside or something.

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