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Posts posted by Vesperr

  1. I wish my tankasin had juggers CDs, while tankasins CDs arent bad (50%defense 12 sec, 5sec force/tech immunity (this one has 45s CD), and 10%lolheal) those still are way worse than juggers, so you cant really complain here. As for mitigation - some bosses do a lot of tech/force damage where SA shield and defense bonus doesnt help (and SA armor is way lower), some do nice bursts and chew through dark ward, thus shield is even lower there, and shield/defense doesnt work when stunned/knocked down which is important during some boss fights, so the juggs are worse by 4% only on paper. Now threat, thats another story...


    p.s. I find defense the most expensive thus useless stat to stack... just saying...

    p.p.s. Anyway the tables are off, 2set jugger bonus isnt 5% shield, no calc of healing from dark charge and juggs mini self barrier. No armor mitigation in calcs. No armor bonuses from merc/sorc healing (these are quite useless for SA). Needs work, needs work...

  2. Sniper doesn't need slow.


    Because he dies either way.



    On-topic though, force lightning is sorcs main attack, they use it like 50% of time if not more and it has no CD, also dirt cheap. Some of snipers high damage attacks are channeled, dont slow and have high cost and CD so if you ask who needs slow more, I'd say snipers as they have less mobility and its easy to los them, but they arent biowares favorites so... :rolleyes:

  3. The only downside to the entire cover mechanic is that it hurts our mobility, but that is FAR outweighed by the inability to be interrupted or charged.


    Its not the cover thats good, its the sniper without cover thats bad, and there are ways to get and keep sniper out of cover long enough to kill him.

  4. The set bonuses aren't horrendous. Our (2) set is stupid, but our (4) set isn't terrible, as it DRASTICALLY improves the DPE of Takedown and makes it one of our more energy efficient moves.


    I find set bonuses less than useful. I got Enforcer set instead as it gives 5 max energy which means 2 more energy till I hit the 60% bar, and thats useful for lethality sniper. Takedown is good move anyway, its better than snipe and costs 15 energy which is cheap, for sniper. I dont see how lowering cost of ability that we can only use once every 15 seconds against targets with less than 30% hp is useful.


    For example: tankasins get 2%DR, so my 42% armor becomes 44%, for (4) set bonus and +5% shield chance for dark ward (self-buff that should always be up) for (2) set bonus, now these are real set bonuses unlike snipers ape****.


    p.s. http://knotor.com/item_sets

  5. Cover is both too important for sniper and against some classes (no cover = you die) AND useless against most other classes and easily breakable, which in conjunction with immobilize bug which prevents from reentering cover, makes sniper useless.


    Obviously cover is the most important aspect of snipers gameplay and should be adressed before anything else related to sniper.

  6. yep........ shadow is OP........ yeah its funny when you cast project and somene just use stealth and the rock stops in the air!!!:eek::eek:.......we are OP (sarcasm) QQ


    Agree with Boarg about '' Overpowered CC? Are you kidding me? A 2s knockdown and a 4s stun is OP? Pretty much everyone has something on par with that. Complaining about a 3 min Vanish? You can only even use it a few times in a warzone because of the long cd and it requires saving and using the self-cleanse cooldown paired with it for it to even work at all. ''


    Why bumping a trollthread, bro?

  7. Shield>absorb>>defense.




    Defense = spiky mitigation. Powertech get bonuses from shielding (like tankasins) and relic from karragas 4th (droid) boss makes it even better. Unlike defense they also benefit from each other so stacking both is much better than wasting stats on defense. High shield also means less spikes and even if there are internal CDs on shield proc for PT, you'll want to get your 8 heat or falcon punch every 6/4.5 seconds and even 60% shield cant guarantee you that, let alone 40%.


    p.s. Your stats are more than enough for HM operations. You'll get more hp when you get columi and rakatas and shield/absorb is more important than endurance anyway.

    p.p.s. You'll want some minimal defense (its affected too much by diminishing returns, so keep it minimal), but that wont be a problem as all the PvE gear is full of that crapstat.

  8. We dont need more endurance than the minimum req for bosses (around 16k), healers dont care about your max hp as long as you are alive, they do care about how much they'll have to heal though (aka mitigation). You get your shield/absorbtion from relic by using it during burst phases, or you can get matrix cube with all passive stats, or get relic from 4th (droid) boss in karragas, its quite awesome.
  9. I think juggs have the easiest time switching stances as they can use rage generating ability to get some of their rage back. Sins stance costs 100 energy, meaning they not just lose all energy, they have to be full energy to be able to do so, they also lose a lot by switching to wrong stance (thank the recent 1.1.2 hybrid meganerf), at least its useful to switch to tank stance if you need to stall the enemy or carry the huttball. PT specs are too dependant on stances, they can switch to tank stance if they are DD but they'll lose a lot of DPS, and tanks wont change to DD stance as its useless for them.



    edit: Actually advanced prototype isnt very stance-dependant but its so freaking useless no one uses it anyway.

  10. I'm sorry but I really don't see what is so great about Lethality, I tried it out for a bit, even basically that same ENG/LTH build, and I just don't see it.


    I'm able to drop people so much faster and more efficiently (energy wise) with MM


    Use this thread for that kind of discussion.

  11. Im a tankasin and sorcs do it better than anyone else, mercs are fine too but when I get operative as a second healer in ops I feel the decrease in healing. They just suck when under pressure and while their group healing is fine, still sorc can do it better.


    Their less than 30% hp healing is good on paper but in reality it usually means that DPS is 1 hit away from death so you cant really keep someone alive by constantly healing him at <30%.

  12. Actually IA storyline is much more dependant on your choices than SI storyline. It might not be the whole new world but its nice to see that I had done something and it had an impact later.




    I enjoyed the story but felt a bit empty at the end when I got all freedom I never asked for. Considering that my sniper isnt exactly patriotic and though rational, likes to shoot stuff and have fun, I dont really know what to do with all that freedom. I mean I'd like to shoot dark council members and maybe the emperor himself, because most sith are jerks and assassinating force-wielders is fun (they also screw up intelligence) but it doesnt seem that its what the outcome was about, at least for neutral-light side IA...


  13. It has probably been said before but the 35m is way to short, don't really feel like a sniper. I mean ya don't even get stealth as a sniper (derp) . Not asking for all the skills to be at 50m just snipe, ambush, and follow through.


    Buffing marksman but not other specs... uh-huh.



    But I think 40m (maybe 45m, can be a lil too much though) range would be nice. It wont be more useful on huttball and stuff where a lot of obstacles both keep enemies out of sight and protect sniper from getting close to him (cover helps here) but on voidstar where you have to protect the door, all the enemy has to do is to walk to you and start kicking your butt, some real range bonus would be nice, but it should also benefit non-MM specs.

  14. Its quite easy to own sniper in cover (without entrench, but then enemy can simply los sniper and its 1min CD). 4 classes have ranged stun (sins sorcs mercs and pts) which will get you out of cover and allow melee classes to charge and kill you. Sins and ops are good against snipers by default, they can also break cover with their stun, and if someone else charges you, you have no chance of survival (by the time (when the root wears off, buggg) you enter cover for cover pulse, they'll position themselves to be safe from knockback, and sins will use force shroud, ops will simply stunlock you). Oh, and sniper can flashbang/diversion you out of cover too, leaving cover effective only against jugg+mara teams.
  15. Engie hybrid is better, period.


    It has much better burst due to explosive probe, anal probe is cheap dot with good damage and snare (always a good thing) and weakening and devouring microbes are almost useless anyway. 15% against enemy in takedown range, why even bother. Other classes can get as much as 30% and other bonuses (read pyrotech). It simply s u c k s. Weakening blast gets removed by cull pretty quickly and after that you have nothing to increase your less-than-magic-missile-spamming-merc dps, where engie can throw an extra cheap dot with snare and almost free and powerful explosive probe.


    I wonder if bioware will remove hybrid builds for sniper as they did with assassin, but then who will play sniper?

  16. I'm a sniper and I think it doesnt suit operatives (my ops is only lvl 39). It should be better than concealment in PvE, but in PvP you dont have the range advantage of sniper, yet you have the same (maybe even longer) setup time and just as squishy. You probably have to throw corrosive nade then dart then rifle shot (if you dont want to burst but to maintain, but concealment burst better anyway) then shiv then Cull. 20+20+15+(25-6)=74 energy, where sniper spends 70 and can get (and should get) energy cells for 5 energy increased max regen cap (65+ out of 110 energy instead of 60+ out of 100). What makes it worse, lethality requires not only a lot of energy but also tactical advantages as for some fcked up reason bioware made leth ops use adrenaline every 20 seconds (instead of 45 for concealment) to get at least some energy, but at the same time if you waste TA on adrenaline, you'll have to wait for another shiv for cull and by that your dots might as well go off and you'll have to waste another 40 energy to reaply that.


    I dont see how it can be effective in PvP... It may be useful for hit and run but considering the ammount of ops escape tools (=zero+vanish) I doubt it'll be effective.

  17. Were you expecting a sniper rifle constructed out of polished kryat bones? Were you expecting a sniper rifle infused with the dark side to give it an evil purple glow effect? It is what it is. The rifle is crisp and shiny. Matches well with the Rakata chest piece. It's not big and flashy, but I can live with it. At least we have more noticable differences in sniper rifle skins versus lightsabers. I can never see a difference with my friend's lightsabers unless in melee range. 10 meters out they all look like the same cylinder with maybe a different colored blade once in a while.


    He probably expected something unique for an end-game item, too bad its swtor and commendation tier cloning.

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