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Posts posted by ActionAce

  1. guys my girlfriend is going to be home in 2 hours and I REALLY wanted to play before she comes back and makes me do really dumb **** like watch Atlanta housewives and do me up in drag.


    I am glad it's not just me. I have a brother

  2. Just want to second Ajunta.


    I have tried many of the other pvp servers and the republic players are top notch on Ajunta .


    The Sith are outstanding too, so it fun to develop rivalries with specific players in the other faction.

  3. I am running a soresu focus build in wzs right now and I give it a month before it is nerfed to the ground.


    On topic Sents need a serious buff. Everyone I know gets to 40 and wishes they had went guard.

  4. Sorry bro just doesn't work like that. First your healer can be killed in two seconds. Anyone who thinks they cant die in 2 seconds without heals please feel free to go for the ball at the start of the game of huttball vs a good premade.


    2nd Thinking you as a tank are more effective guarding a healer then a DPS with interrupts with a healer. Your delusional. Situational at best your praying for 2 bad pure dps vs a healer tank combo.


    A experienced pvp team has 0 issues defeating the tank healer combo.

    Its so funny to watch them thinking they can survive anything then my pre-made has our assassin move about 30 yards away I do a 15yard knock back on the tank into a death grip and then CC him. Healer is dead within 4seconds. No way to get guard back on before he dies.



    What's funny is that you call someone delusional, then post a delusion of your own

  5. The only time it is adressed in OT Yoda states flatly that the dark side is not stronger, and warns Luke that it dominates ones destiny. I always took that to mean the Darkside gives one a false sense of greater power, much like a drug user who thinks that a substance makes them feel they are better while using, when in fact it is a self destructive delusion.
  6. As a professional MMA fighter, I can tell you that you are entirely wrong.


    MMA fights are akin to this exact conversation. Style vs Style.


    When GSP first started, he was primarily a striker. He did not have a wrestling background, in fact, he had not wrestled before starting MMA training once in his life. His focus was karate.


    Going against Matt Hughes, a very well known Wrestler, he lost.


    GSP then beat BJ Penn 2 years later, a relatively long time in training where his style focused more on Wrestling ( a weakness he fixed ). He only won by split decision.


    BJ Penn is widely considered the most complete fighter in all of MMA.


    Id also like to point out that Matt Hughes beat BJ Penn in 2006, another flaw in your analogy.





    As for how this equates the OP, Obi Wan was widely considered the most complete Jedi. The perfect embodiment of the Jedi Order, some would say. This allows him to have advantages over opponents, such as Mastafar Anakin, as Anakin was far from complete. He had incredible power, which will beat some opponents. I believe Dooku is the wrong analogy as well, Cin Drallig is a better one. Cin Drallig was a FAR better lightsaber duelist then Dooku was.


    There is no flaw in my analogy. The fact that Penn and Hughes both have wins over each other only furthers my point, I just simply left that out for the sake of brevity.


    Again there is no transitive property in MMA

  7. Some really great observations



    It is more of an "along for the ride" type of story, more so than the others I think. That being said, you always do feel important, and for that Bioware deserves heaps of credit.


    Plus there is Master Orgus. He is fantastic.


    "if we don't survive this, you are fired "

  8. Jedi knight has a slow first act but it delivers way above the others for a finale.


    I was so frustrated with SW. It was impossible to play an authoritarian Sith like Vader. You always had to be a psychopath or light side and be mocked.


    Plus the whole Sith turning on each other is so over the top there is no way they could ever get anything done.

  9. There is no transitive property to combat.


    Look at MMA fighters.


    Matt Hughes def Goerge St. Pierre


    George St. Pierre def BJ Penn


    Therefore by BJ Penn has no chance against Matt Hughes




    BJ Penn crushes Matt Hughes in 20 seconds

  10. The Sith are the obvious sell out Choice. Everything is easier and slanted in their favor. It is and will always be the American idol faction. I am on Ajunta and there are some great PVP players on their side and I love going against them, I just wish numbers were a little more even. The only way that is going to happen is if the Republic gets a couple of OP classes that you can one button two 8 medals like BH and Agent.
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