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Posts posted by Cassidan

  1. It looks interesting but considering this is airing on a children's network and designed for children then I believe my opinions concerning this show is null and void due to the fact that I haven't been a child in 30 years and therefore the show is clearly not aimed at my demographic.
  2. I have to admit that shortly after the Great Hunt....I suddenly felt like my character had finished what he set out to do and it became harder and harder to log in and continue with his storyline. There didn't seem to be any great crisis of character to motivate me to see what happened next with my Bounty Hunter. However, this is purely subjective so hopefully those out there who want to try it don't think it isn't worth it. I just look at it differently is probably all it is.
  3. I also had the feeling of "Ok......what just happened?". I didn't even realize they were dead at first and my health was almost completely gone. I think whatever was supposed to be scripted there to happen wasn't quite finished or polished. It's just a complete cluster-fett of explosions with a shaky screen and BOOM...all over lol.
  4. My favorite planet is Alderaan because, as someone above my post stated, it is simply amazing to look at and I like the political intrigue. My least favorite would be Balmorra. It's one of those planets that when the "Bonus Series" pops up I just hang my head saying "No..no more..it's too much". I just really hate the design of the planet and feel no attachment to the stories that take place there. It feels like "Ord Mantell Part 2".
  5. Lucasarts has been going downhill for sometime as a developing arm. This move will allow other companies to produce quality games in conjunction with Lucasarts (since the company isn't being shut-down completely as stated within articles). Disney made a completely valid business move that will expand the Star Wars game library, not contract it.
  6. I never actually hated Lucas because, as you stated, he brought the Star Wars Universe to us and through a lot of opposition at the beginning. That being said, I think he lost his way with the Prequels as he surrounded himself by individuals who were too frightened to stand-up to his suggestions. A perfect example of this is seen on the Making of Phantom Menace documentary when they are screen-testing for the role of Anakin Skywalker. There was another young actor there that seemed to really hit his marks AND looked like he could be related to Luke Skywalker. Most of the people there at the screen-test really liked this actor over Jake Lloyd but because Lucas wanted Jake they all changed their answers immediately to what Lucas's answer was and BOOM, we had Jake Lloyd.


    It's a small example, but you could really get the sense that Lucas wasn't wanting to change anything he had set in his mind and made sure those around him automatically agreed with him. I think Lucas was just too tired of Star Wars after Phantom Menace received mix reviews but he trudged on to complete what he started. It was the best thing for Star Wars for Lucas to hand it over to those who have that fire and excitement about the franchise such as those at Disney Studios.


    Disney will bring a new life into the franchise that is sorely needed. Lucas can now retire and Star Wars won't suffer for it. I am looking forward to what is to come for Star Wars under Disney.

  7. The ONE thing I'm hoping for is that the new trilogy isn't a "look what I can do with special effects" like Episodes 1 - 3 were. To me, it was like he made those movies so he could show off what he could do, and nothing more.


    I always likened them to "Hey look at what we can do at our SFX company now. Who wants to buy this new tech from me?" movies.

  8. I'm actually excited about this as Disney has already been utilizing Star Wars at it's theme parks and what not. They might be more open to the idea of branching Star Wars out in a way that Lucas, who is more tired of the concept, wouldn't have. This could be an amazing new start for this franchise.
  9. I only hope that Disney doesn't release the hounds against those who utilize different Star Wars related media for their independent videos on YouTube such as lightsabers, sound effects, and video clips. Would be a shame to lose the fan video aspect of the Star Wars community because of Disney being greedy.
  10. The dispatching of the King by Dooku was a simple clean-up move. There was no further reason to allow the man who would be blamed for losing the planet for the Separatists to continue living. The King could also have later claimed that the Separatists made him do everything which might make it difficult for the Separatists to lure other nearby systems to their banner if that story ever got out. Remember at this point there was still a lot of PR-related moves being done by both sides to bring in more systems to their causes.


    The separation of the Republic from the rebels at first was understandable since it kept the full might of the Separatist army from being brought down upon the people of Onderon. It seemed unnecessary however after it was revealed that the rebels did in fact have support from the Jedi. I was a little puzzled by Obi-Wan's refusal to send more assistance at that point. It did not seem like it was an important factor for the Republic to be behind the scenes at that point. It was probably done more for the chance to bring in Hondo and his crew once again, though it added nothing to the story really.


    I was impressed by this story-arc and liked the further development of Ashoka in a more mature arc. It is also important to see how the war affects those who would rather not have a part in the stakes such as the citizens of Onderon.

  11. The reason I unsubbed was due to MMO burn-out. New MMO's are popping up left and right now and they are starting to become like Bubble-Yum gum. Sure its full of flavor and satisfaction at first with a new piece, but that new flavor dies off way too quickly and you realize your getting tired of chewing something that lost its charm. So you bounce to a new piece and start all over. It is easy to get burned-out after awhile and I think many others who are leaving this game in my opinion may also be afflicted by this.


    The game does have faults but I don't think I can fault the game this time for my decision to leave.

  12. I just unsubbed myself today but it was not because of the game. I think I, and probably some others who might not realize it just yet, have hit the brick wall with MMO's. Anytime I think about logging in, I feel like I am clocking in to work instead of escaping into a new world to have fun in. Couple that with never being able to find groups for Flashpoints/Heroics and its just a recipe for disaster.


    I don't blame Bioware fully for my decision (though they really need to fix the problem with grouping) as I think I am just reaching the burn-out point with this genre. I have a feeling there are many out there that are also reaching this point but are afraid to admit it to themselves or just don't recognize it yet. MMO's require so much time and attention to really dive deep into the game, and doing that over and over and over again in just different settings can just kill the enjoyment after awhile.


    Looks like its back to other genres for me for awhile.

    What is GW2? I thought this was the SWTOR forums :rak_02:


    Any discussion on these boards that reaches 100+ posts will have secondary discussions involving the main over-arching discussion. The GW2 discussion was born from people mentioning GW2 having a huge impact on subscriber numbers and thus we started to discuss the real impact GW2 will have due to suffering "hype" trouble like SWTOR did and the expectations versus reality caused by "hype".

  13. The only thing where it really "rewrites" the genre, is the sense of unspoken jolly cooperation, where you're playing WITH people around you rather than competing with them over spawns, resources, etc. Everywhere else, you see other players, even your own faction, as competition.


    Did Warhammer have it so that no matter who hit the mob first, everyone who attacked the mob got exp and loot from it? Did Warhammer or Rift have it so that everyone can loot a resource node and everyone gets mats from it? Did Warhammer and Rift have it so that every class can res in combat, and in fact gets rewarded exp and public quest progress for doing so?


    I didn't play either, so I don't know.. but from what I've heard, neither game conveyed a feeling of cooperation and camraderie the way GW2 does, and that in of itself, is a big change to the genre. It seems like such a natural thing to want to help other people on your side, but for a decade MMO's have conditioned you not to, that it ruins their exp without giving you any exp, etc.


    Hell, here they almost had the ressing thing going on, with everyone being able to res out of combat.. then they slapped a 15 minute cooldown on it unless you were a designated holy trinity healing class. Really Bioware? Really? Does it really hurt to allow people to res each other out of combat without a cooldown?


    GW2 does have some innovation and I really enjoyed the way they integrated the quests into involving adventurers in your vicinity. It did get that right from what I could see from the Beta. What is being hyped though is the other mechanics by those who don't understand how it works. During Beta there were so many people complaining about things that were never mentioned being integrated into the game mechanics but was mentioned from fan hype. It also has other issues that have to be worked out but probably won't before release date, but that is to be expected. Those hyping though will not see the problem being their hype, but the game they thought they were going to play. That is the problem. GW2 is a good game, but not the Excalibur people think.

  14. Free month they gave to all 50s is still active. :cool:




    I dont want to be hater but this game is declining. Elder Scroll Online is the next game that has a good shot to big success in early 2013.

    Elder Scrolls has just been announced and already there is a brewing controversy from those who wanted them to stick to single-player RPG and those interested in Bethesda's attempt at an MMO. The same thing happened with SWTOR and those who really wanted KOTOR 3 instead. I am very interested to see what they come up with, but it will be a battle for them and those loyal to their established lines.

  15. Yep, same thing is happening in GW2, also. Players are hyping it to rewrite the rules of an MMO, to recreate the wheel, as it were, but it really isn't.


    As long as people go into GW2 not expecting some out-of-this-world brand new, never-been-done MMO, they'll like it just fine.


    Unfortunately, much like here, that hasn't been the case.


    Exactly, and to be fair sometimes the developers don't help to stop fueling the hype that is not achieved in their game because they see subscriber numbers and dollar signs like Bioware did by being so secretive about the game. It allowed "hypers" to do too much damage. Gamers know all too well how damaging "hype" can be. Guild Wars 2 is unforuntely going to go through some of those same pains as can be seen on their boards.

  16. Most of the people who complained about GW2 are likely those who had no idea what the game is trying to do in the first place. GW2 is doing almost everything differently and for those used to the standard EQ style MMO it will be a jarring shock.


    That said, any projections based off of a 2 day Beta where most of the game wasn't shown/finished are not really applicable. Some of the NPCs had placeholder text ffs. I was actually pleased to see that the weekend was an actual beta with constant requests for feedback and clear bug reporting channels instead of the glorified demos most games have.


    I know exactly what they are attempting to do as I have been an avid follower for quite sometime, but that being said the game is no where near what many fans have been blowing it up to be and no one can honestly say it is reaching those expectations. Is it a good game? Yes, it has many new mechanics involved that are very fresh, but it does not re-write the MMO genre as a whole like fans have trumped it up to. People were saying the same thing with SWTOR and even used the "But its only Beta so you could not have seen everything" argument against those who said "Hey its ok, but it isn't what people are expecting.".

  17. Did Guild Wars 2 Beta....laughed at the once again over-hype of fans as the game was no where near ground-breaking, will stay with SWTOR. I don't think Guild Wars 2 is going to be as impressive as people thought, just like what happened with this game. The Holy Grail of games is still out there to find...it certainly isn't this game and it is not Guild Wars 2. Won't stop people from over-hyping. The numbers show a pretty good retention after release if you look at them objectively. I am still on the fence about staying for a long period with SWTOR, but I will give them a chance and see what they have in store for the future.
  18. Putting aside any feelings on how the Prequel movies rated in my personal view, the one thing I am very thankful for in regards to the Prequels was the chance to experience the Ticket/Movie lines. Although the mainstream individuals looked down and mocked those of us who waited for days in varying types of weather for the movies; what they failed to realize was the community aspect we had the pleasure of enjoying in experiencing something we all shared a passion for. We only saw each other as Star Wars Fans and we had a blast.


    It is that experience that I take most from the release of the Prequels, as I did not have the opportunity to take part of them with the Original Trilogy. There are so many amazing memories from those days. Even if the media could not stop asking the same questions to us over and over and over again including the fan favorite "Don't you have anything better to do than wait in this line this long?". Apparently the whole nation had nothing better to do if our motivations for waiting in line was news worthy lol.


    There will probably never be another movie or movie series that will encourage me to do the line wait again, but what a great time it was. Anyone else out there who did the line wait?

  19. SOE has a hard time understanding the desires of their player base. They almost act as though they should be patted on the back in thanks just for releasing the game, but they do not realize that MMO's are living organisms embodied by the players that inhabit those game worlds. After the debacle of both SWG and The Matrix Online, I have abandoned any desire to play an SOE game thanks to the horrendous treatment of their players. From the responses from SOE you almost got the feeling like they were laughing at the upset players as though we were delusional to their higher understanding of game development and marketing prowess.


    Bioware and Blizzard make larger strides to mold and shape their games based on their players, and while they might not always hit the mark and can get burnt by their communities sometimes, they do still recognize and react in a more capable way than SOE ever has.

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