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Posts posted by tanksdomain

  1. Players who have already purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel and are an active Subscriber on September 12, 2013 at 4:00AM PDT / 11:00AM GMT will receive a new title, “The Risen,” via in-game mail on or before September 25, 2013 as our appreciation for the purchase.

    Subscribers who purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel in the last 30 days will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their recent purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel by September 13, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT.






    SO, let me get this straight? Anybody who buys into the game NOW, will get the expansion free of charge....Current subscribers who's had the expansion since it launched will only get a title, and subscribers who only got the pack in the past 30 days will get cartel coins?


    Opinion time here: I think that subbers who BOUGHT the pack when it launched should get 2000 cartel coins as a thank you for your support and being there always (and spending money and then getting slapped in the face for it), plus the title. Subbers who only bought into the pack in the past 30 days should maybe get 1000 coins (and i'm being generous), plus the title.

  2. Hello Devs. So it's now tax season for alot of your american players. Do you have some sort of lifetime subscription plan in the works? I would gladly pay 200 dollars to have a lifetime subscription to this game. I play it just about every day. Here are my ideas.


    -No subscription fee: well, with lifetime that goes without say.

    -Exclusive costume/Crystal option: I really can't come up with any costume ideas, but I think a black/white color crystal where you get a white core and black glow would be a nice unique item for lifers.

    -Fourm Goodies: give us a title of grand master or something along those lines

    -In-game Title: again, with the grand master idea.

    -Species unlock of your choice/Free new species(or something like that.): I think instead of giving a species unlock, make it more like you create a specific species for both factions, that you can only play IF you get the lifer's...make it a species that everybody talks about on the forums. Make it (for example) a Rodian, or Togruta, or even a Mon Calamari .

    -Extra stipend of cartel coins (or a free item from the shop of your choosing etc): Star trek online offers the same Zen stipend for both regular subscribers and lifetime subbers....i feel that at least a 10% or 15% increase on the stipend should be available.



    Yes, I know i've posted this in a couple other forums, but I really think that this would work. And I am sure that there is a player base out there that really would pay this as well.

  3. I Personally think the idea of a Lifetime sub is a good idea. After playing Star Trek Online for the first year, I broke down and bought myself the lifetime sub plan. I am still an avid player of STO (As well as TOR here). I love both games equally regardless of all the bugs in STO currently. Since I became a lifetime player, I have spent more money in what they call the C-Store than I had before becoming a lifer. As it stands right now, I don't plan on spending any money in the Cartel store, mainly because I myself just can't afford to pay for both the subscription AND buy coins. That's just my opinion.


    Long story short, Bioware and EA, please oh please make a lifetime sub.


    I posted this idea in another forum post and got yelled at by the player base for necro-ing a post, but I feel that this should be reposted here as well. Here are my ideas for an "Incentive" package for buying a lifetime subscription.


    -No subscription fee: well, with lifetime that goes without say.

    -Exclusive costume/Crystal option: I really can't come up with any costume ideas, but I think a black/white color crystal where you get a white core and black glow would be a nice unique item for lifers.

    -Fourm Goodies: give us a title of grand master or something along those lines

    -In-game Title: again, with the grand master idea.

    -Species unlock of your choice/Free new species(or something like that.): I think instead of giving a species unlock, make it more like you create a specific species for both factions, that you can only play IF you get the lifer's...make it a species that everybody talks about on the forums. Make it (for example) a Rodian, or Togruta, or even a Mon Calamari .

    -Extra stipend of cartel coins (or a free item from the shop of your choosing etc): Star trek online offers the same Zen stipend for both regular subscribers and lifetime subbers....i feel that at least a 10% or 15% increase on the stipend should be available.




    I'm not 100% sure if this is accurate, but i believe star wars galaxies had a lifetime sub offer, and that game lasted a good 8 years. Lord of the Rings online, around for 5 years, and offers a lifetime. Dungeons and Dragons Online...6 years and still going with lifetime subs.


    So thats my story and I'm sticking to it. Lifetime subs are very Plausible for free to play games. Please Bioware...you're our only hope! Here is the want, don't let it fall upon death ears.

  4. I Personally think the idea of a Lifetime sub is a good idea. After playing Star Trek Online for the first year, I broke down and bought myself the lifetime sub plan. I am still an avid player of STO (As well as TOR here). I love both games equally. Since I became a lifetime player, I have spent more money in what they call the C-Store than I had before becoming a lifer. As it stands right now, I don't plan on spending any money in the Cartel store, mainly because I myself just can't afford to pay for both the subscription AND buy coins. That's just my opinion.


    Long story short, Bioware and EA, please oh please make a lifetime sub.



    and back to the op's topic starter, I believe he's got a good idea going there. I am gonna offer my 2 cents on that as well.


    -No subscription fee: well, with lifetime that goes without say.

    -Exclusive costume/Crystal option: I really can't come up with any costume ideas, but I think a black/white color crystal where you get a white core and black glow would be a nice unique item for lifers.

    -Fourm Goodies: give us a title of grand master or something along those lines

    -In-game Title: again, with the grand master idea.

    -Species unlock of your choice/Free new species(or something like that.): I think instead of giving a species unlock, make it more like you create a specific species for both factions, that you can only play IF you get the lifer's...make it a species that everybody talks about on the forums. Make it (for example) a Rodian, or Togruta, or even a Mon Calamari .

    -Extra stipend of cartel coins (or a free item from the shop of your choosing etc): Star trek online offers the same dilithium stipend for both regular subscribers and lifetime subbers....i feel that at least a 10% or 15% increase on the stipend should be available.




    I'm not 100% sure if this is accurate, but i believe star wars galaxies had a lifetime sub offer, and that game lasted a good 8 years. Lord of the Rings online, around for 5 years, and offers a lifetime. Dungeons and Dragons Online...6 years and still going with lifetime subs.



  5. Hey Cashogy,


    Matt pointed me in the direction of this request, and it’s very easy for us to do! I've asked that it gets added to one of our upcoming patches, so keep your eyes on the patch notes!






    Hey Erin. While your talking to Matt about the CTRL+F thing, throw on the list CTRL+A (I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not...too lazy and tired to look it up, truth be told).......With my Jedi, I have that bound so it casts my freeze target ability, but at the same time, it turns on and off Ambient Sound. Thank's, and Keep up the great work!

  6. James, I must say that I loved the little event. With that being said now, I must agree with some of my fellow game players here. What I did not like about this event is the short life it had, and the lack of notice we had of it. I like the grandfathering of the different daily's coming into it, it was a good idea, though at the end, when I was finally able to sit down and really play, a few of them were not available for me to do (IE: I realized that there was a gear set collection to collect, but I could not get the chest piece cause I could not do hybrid dna daily).


    Plus, I must make a small complaint with customer service on this event. I spent over 2 hours trying to figure out how to aquire the "[daily] hybrid dna" quest to get the chest piece of the containment officer gear set, consulting with online game guides, swtor forums, and fellow ingame players, coming up with nothing. I finally as for ingame help from customer service and the only thing that they could say is "we can't give out help". Though I do realize my request more than likely did look like a request for some sort of hint, my primary concern was that there was some bug in the quest giving code. Other than that, the event was awesome. Love the green-black saber crystal that my jedi is rocking right now!

  7. Machinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation. Machinima-based artists, sometimes called machinimists or machinimators, are often fan laborers, by virtue of their re-use of copyrighted materials.




    There are many different videos on youtube in which you can get a sampling of what i'm refering to. Look for World of Warcraft Music Videos, they're the most popular that I have seen.

  8. I love what has been done with Star Wars The Old Republic. With that being said, I do have one request. Can we get some sort of tool set for the ease of making Machinima videos? I know alot of people use FRAPS and just take in game video with that, turn the UI off, and carfully move the mouse to turn the camera.


    I've played other MMO's and the best Machinma tool set that I have found thus far comes from a couple games developed by CRYPTIC STUDIOS. They have an in-game tool called DEMORECORD. This is a tool that allows you to record a demo-file, then allows you to move and edit the camera path so you can create machinima. Down below is a video that I created with DEMORECORD while playing Star Trek Online.



    I'd like to create a video like this for my guilds on TOR! I hope you can make it happen

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