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Posts posted by desmozges

  1. As someone posted before, it is hard to see things here as good or bad in the contest of jedi or sith. Yes, we can all agree that Sith Empire is based on terror and oppression, but have you played trooper or smuggler? His story begins on Ord Mantell, under "Republic" control. I used quotation marks on purpose. Republic supposed to stand for the good and noble things. But do ANY quest there, they will want to charge you for breathing. And did you notice a little difference between Imp and Rep IF? There are no doors on shops on IF.


    You are playing character who strongly believes in the soul believes of your own side, on the basic ideals which probably only exist in very few people, and you want to do whatever is necessary to see your ideals come true. You caught a criminal but your justice system is slow and corrupted. What can you do? Who you gonna call? Noone, just take your lighsaber and make a shish kebab out of him cause he is destroying the picture of your ideal republic. You fight corruption any way you can and know, with your lightsaber. I wouldn't say that because of that your dark side jedi is a bad character.

  2. I would like to see Yuuzhan Vong Empire.

    Or maybe Black Sun/Hutt empire. Think there would be quiet a few number of classes in criminal organization of black sun. Crime lord as dps, bodyguards as tanks, hitman as range dps.


    I don't see the reason why there should be new stat in the game. Since every class has its equivalent on the other side. Why not make third party with same stats?

  3. Yeah! but unfortunately it will never happen. Read somewhere that BW made statement where there will be no character who doesn't speak Basic. But on the other hand, we have Twilek and where did you saw in the game that any twilek npc speaks basic?
  4. Don't know about other classes and their storyline much, although i have several lvl50 chars. But what I've seen so far, IA (I'm playing Marksman Sniper) has the best story with several points in the game where different answers will give you later different situations, not that it will make huge difference in the game or story itself. What I found on the net about those points in the game, small changes, but still, made me thinking about making another IA.
  5. Since there is already droid for resetting your skill tree,i wont write about dual build. Instead I would like to suggest that you put icon which can remember your equipment and when you click it, you instantly equip that gear. for example: you put two of those icons so ppl can switch from pvp to pve gear.



    Also, it would be fun if you implement pazaak card game from KOTOR.

  6. It all depends what you want to do. Both arms/armortech are good for lvling, help you get some equipment. But tbh, if sniper is not your first character, you wont have much use of them before you hit 400. And since merging the servers, population is pretty good so you wont get much use from the making of orange augmented items. IMO both skill are now only useful to make augments. I have armstech and 5 or so purple lvl50 augment schematics, but ppl ask me mostly to make them only one: overkill (12 end + 18 power). Weapons you can make with biometric alloy are just not worthy all those alloys. Do not know what you can make at 400 armortech. As for cybernetics and grenades, they help you a lot at 400 and at lvl50 pvp. especially those which are permanent. Of course you can't sell them on GTN cause only cyber can use them. As for biochem, at 400 you gain very nice stims and drugs that can help you a lot in both wz and in ops.


    one more thing: if you chose arms/armortech for augments, to create lvl50 purple ones you'll need some rare drop from slicing T6 (advanced neural something) usually priced from 15k per piece and you gonna need 4 of them for one augment.

  7. I've noticed AGAIN that BW "fixed" troopers. they were from the start almost impossible to kill and lately they are impossible. Now you are "fixing" them again??? Not even once i saw a word that you are balancing them with other classes. So im curious, is whole developing team playing rebels and troopers??? Will it be like EVE online when it came out that developers were helping one fraction? Before haters start to spam here, let me say few more thing. I do not mind dying or even loosing wz. some of the best and funiest wz i've played were when my side lost. And one of the worst were when we won/lost in minute or two. I would just like to have at least a chance to kill a trooper.
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