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Posts posted by NuWyrldDave

  1. It's a little too late for me. I used to be on a good server with great PvP, but then everyone from dead or dying low pop servers thought it would be a great idea to reroll onto The Fatman. With the massive influx of PvE players onto a PvP server, not only are there queues to login again, but there are so many bad and under geared players that warzones are not fun anymore. Forget about pugging since there never seems to be a healer in the group you get stuck with.


    I already unsubbed and haven't played in over a week, even with the free month they gave.

  2. What? Why is that BioWare's fault?


    They paid no attention to the empty servers, which forced all the players there to reroll onto a full server. Had they merged low pop servers together, they would have solved the issue for them without even disturbing the well populated servers.

  3. He kinda has a right to be pissed off.


    Its BioWares poor management of the server populations that let this happen.


    Now he has to wait just to play his character because they failed to keep the server pop on other peoples servers full, forcing folks to all crash/jump to one server.


    Assuming he isnt just trolling that is....


    Thanks. I'm not trolling, just over the massive inattention to critical things like this. It really has killed the game for me, at least for now.

  4. The topic of this thread makes me think of a rich guy setting in a resteraunt window gripeing his plate has to much on it. And he shouldnt have to pay for that much food when he wont eat it all.


    while the guy on the corner outside the window would pay double for a few bites of it, But isnt allowed inside cause he aint wearing a tie.


    That so not even a close analogy. Rather it's a banquet hall full of diners but some are sitting by themselves. Rather than the host grouping the empty tables together, they let everyone pull up a chair at the full table that's already having a good time. So now no one is happy.

  5. Seriously OP, that's one of those "good problems". Lots and lots of people WISH they had a Q time on their barren wastelands.


    Sure, better to have queues to get in than 2 hr queues to play a warzone. But they are both part of the same problem. They didn't have enough servers at launch so everyone was pissed about 2hour + waits to play. Then they loaded up with way too many servers and when not enough players stuck around to make them viable, they didn't even bother to do server merges so everyone wants to reroll on the couple of good servers out there. So now you have the choice of a ghost town, or a wait to play anything. Both options are not worth paying money for in my opinion.

  6. Bwahahah, wait till 1.2 hits and a large amount of players return, THEN you'll see queues and you know what? You have no one but YOURSELF to blame LOL.


    What are you babbling ablout? Blame myself for what? Rolling on a server pre-launch that turned out to become a well populated server with good PvPers? Yeah, I'm guilty of that. But then all the terribads from crappy servers rerolled onto mine in such huge numbers that it's back to queues. I already said I'm not sticking around for 1.2 so I couldn't care less what the wait times are after my sub runs out.

  7. Sorry Bioware, I gave it a shot and it was fun while it lasted, but you let everyone from dying servers reroll onto my good server and now it's back to 30 min+ queue times to play. Screw that. You all didn't bother to regulate the pop cap, so I don't pay to wait to play. 1.2 is totally irrelevant now.
  8. I have all my abilities on all my sidebars hotkeyed, and when I open my companion bar it overrides any hotkey in the bar that it overlays. Not sure if this will affect your mouse, but it does affect the hotkeys.
  9. I don't want my Jedi Knight to look like my Bounty Hunter. We're also not Troopers or friggen Droids. How about they try and make this game look like, I don't know, STAR WARS!! Do you remember Luke, Obi-wan, Yoda, Wendu, or any other JKs wear anything other than robes? Even in the Clone Wars cartoon they wear robes with a little bit of actual armor. The Legacy sets definately are better, but still nothing thrilling. They put more thought and attention to detail in the background scenery than they do in the characters. This is downright pitiful.
  10. I really would like to see level 50 areas and quests/dailies on every planet just to break up the monotony of the scenery. Other than datacrons, there is no reason to revisit most planets. So it ends up being a repeat show of Belsavis and Ilum all day every day. However, since the hidden planets are the noob areas, any area setup for 50s should be completely separate from lowbie interaction or at least no PvP available.
  11. I like my Guardian, but he does dick for dps. Rarely have I broken 100K, but that may have some to do with specing a hybrid defense/vigilance. The Centurion and Champion War Leader armor is very heavy on defence, shield, and absorption with very little power, so you may want to look into the other choice (forget the name) for a belt, wrists, and one other piece of armor so you can still get the 4 piece bonus from War Leader.
  12. I did the same thing at a cost of a few hundred thousand credits, then I solved the puzzle on the 6 collumns in the large room before the Emporer with the illuminated symbol in the middle on the floor and it opened a chest with a bunch of droid greens. If the chest glitches and you can't open it, queue for a war zone while still in the instance and when you come back the chest will be accessible.
  13. My drop rate before the patch was horrendous, so I haven't noticed a change in frequency. But since we get more than just 3 cent coms now per bag I have been able to get all of my Champ gear with plenty of cent coms to buy gear for my companions.


    I like the new system as it is.

  14. Relax amigo... We are talking about the reward structure and the actions it encourages:


    1. The system for BM's encourages you to complete the daily and that means wins.

    2. The system for pre-valor 60 encourages you to farm commendations.


    I am curious, do you have the same rage against all the commendation farmers (a large, perhaps majority, of folks playing 10-49) as well?


    I'm not raging, just pointing out that the quitters are douches, pure and simple. You can attempt to justify it however you want, but it still boils down to the fact that you don't want to try unless an easy win is handed to you. I don't care about commendation farmers, because they at least contribute something to the team. By quitting all you are doing is discouraging everyone who comes in behind you of queuing up for WZ. Less players will mean longer queue times for everyone.

  15. Face it, if you're like the OP then you're a cowardly douche. You care nothing about the challenge of winning, even when behind, and expect everything to be handed to you because trying is hard work sometimes. You care nothing about the effect on the 7 other people who are also trying to win. Bioware didn't tell you to be a self-absorbed coward and a quitter, you just have those natural traits IRL and it shows in the way you compete, be it in video games or reality. You're the kind of person who won't do the right thing unless someone is watching.
  16. I hate to disagree with the OP, his math is beautiful and as far as I can tell, accurate.


    However....it's the way it is. Why should those who have been playing and gearing their characters suffer because someone wants an advantage they didn't have when starting out.


    I know, I know, I sound like the "haves" arguing against the "have nots" but in actuality...I just started PVP'ing. I (for some reason) really enjoy warzones, my hp total is 14.7K and I regularly find myself against 16 or 17K hp players. When I first started, I would go splat alot....now that I have earned myself some Champ gear (yay dailies) I don't go splat as much. One on one I'll probably still lose, but I'll make it close. Heck, the other day I held a turret against two people for longer than I thought I would....I seem to have gotten off track here.


    TL;DR newbies don't need special buffs, warzones are set up so that even if you suck, you can still win if your team is good, find friends, introduce yourself to others, play and learn and gear up.


    THIS! I've been grinding WZ and Ilum for about a month now, opened about 40-50 Champ bags and still haven't gotten most of the gear drops with 54 valor (I'm at about 9% expertise). Not everyone is in full Champ or BM gear, nor should they be. Hell, even in ancient Rome the gladiators had much better gear than the noobs. Yeah, you're gonna get rolled sometimes, but not every time. If I have to play 15 pugs to get my 3 wins for the daily, then that's what it takes. It needs to be hard to gear up in order to have some kind of a sense of achievement. When it's tougher, you get better. You learn to use all your abilities and rely on teamwork.


    If someone is not willing to put in the time, effort, and frustration to gear up then they shouldn't complain that they get worked by those who have.

  17. Thank you exactly what i was looking for


    The main problem that I see, for my playing style at least, is the lack of the ten key pad on the side. I use a lot of hot buttons for the sidebars and a number pad is a must for me, not just for SWTOR but a variety of other games.

  18. I tried this after reading it somewhere else before. But it does not change a thing.

    Most of the time wins count anyway, so you may feel that this fixes it....until you get no credits for a win with tracking disabled.


    I still check the tally after each victory to be sure. Either I've been lucky for the last week or it fixed it for me.

  19. when afterwards you throw your computer against the wall cuz you've gotten 8 victories, but no quest updates...


    I'm not sure if they patched this yet, but if you don't track the daily/weekly then you shouldn't have to worry about it not counting anymore. I haven't had any issues since I started doing this.

  20. I started with Arms, then switched to Armor, will be switching to Cyber, then finishing off with Bio. I'm leveling each to 400 and crafting everything I need for my character and companions, then ditching it for another craft to get it's lvl 400 goodies. Bio is the only one I have to keep in order to use the lvl 400 items, so I'll be sticking with it long term.
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