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Posts posted by Lord_Rezo

  1. Mark yourself a daily goal, for example:


    - Do the daily operation with GF, even if its story mode and you dont need the gear, you can get lots of CXP and with that you will get command boxes which deppending on your level might drop gear you need.

    - Do every week (at least) Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace in Hard Mode, you can also do Toborro's Courtyard (its just one boss so people wont mind wiping and it has a weekly quest), dont forget also the new operation (Valley of the Machine Gods) drops T3 in story mode, so keep hoarding all T3 pieces you can get, never sell any T3 piece unless you alredy have a T4 piece, because you cannot upgrade purple gear to golden gear.

    - Do the weekly Master Mode Uprising (its just one uprising in master mode) and the Master Mode Flashpoint (its three flashpoints in master mode), it gives you a lot of CXP again and will help you reach higher lvls quicker.

    - Do the daily and weekly pvp non-ranked, do not spend the Unassembled Components unless you are about to get the cap, save them, always save them, if you spend them early to upgrade T3 to T4, when you get a piece of T4 form the command boxes, it might be a repeated piece, while if you save the Unassembled Components the odds of having a repeated piece minimize, again, just spend when you are about to reach the cap.


    You get 12 Unassembled Components from doing the daily while the warzones you have to do to get them will give you (disclaimer: i do very few pvp, im not sure if this is the amount since they changed it recently or something) 16 more Unassembled Components (roughtly between two and four warzones deppending on if you win or lose) that makes 196 PLUS the weekly which gives 40 extra Unassembled Components, so every week you can get 236 components, roughtly a month would give you a thousand components which could be used to get between 3 and 4 pieces upgraded from T3 to T4. In two months you'd be able to upgrade between 7 and 8 pieces by just doing the pvp dailies and you might get a few T4 pieces from the command boxes.


    I returned playing after a long time recently and i was able to get 13/14 248 in less than two months without even doing all that im suggesting you (i usually skip the Ravagers operation due people not knowing how to do the fourth boss) and also i lost quite a big deal of time because i finished lvl50 stories for Imperial Agent (which i had at Hoth), Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, Jedi Knight from scratch while also farming ****loads of money to create guildship and decorate strongholds and also lost a lot of time with crew skills (i raised crew skills on all alters except the inquisitor).


    Also another tip, never waste Unassembled Components on upgrading anything less than T3 to T4. Its not worth, seriously. Unless you are the unluckiest person in the world and just keep missing one piece of gear in T2 and the rest of your gear is T4, you would be wasting components.

  2. There could be a chamber in the bottom part of the stronghold, in the deep sea... where you get inside and there is just another door in the other side of the room, and you press a button and you get into a "vehicle" that lets you explore the deepths (the vehicle could be you in an underwater diving suit or something).


    Perhaps allow decorating the bottom and a special "secret" building in the bottom where anyone could either buy some sort of small secret hole or an hidden sith-jedi small room.

  3. Just saying but... probably you shouldnt go into operations with someone who actually doesnt know where the operation gate is...


    If your problem is people are "too braindamaged" to click on an ACCEPT SUMMON button... that logic could be applied to very difficult encounters like Blaster or even to operation difficulties, "my group of random people which i totally picked up and i spent literally zero minutes in debriefing about what we are going to do and what do they need to do is unable to complete Blaster :(... please make it easier, just put a button in the middle of the screen so they can smash it and win some loot!".


    More than half the operations and flashpoints have a gateway in the Imperial Fleet and i can kinda agree that some like the Makeb and the Iokath that require pre-quests to reach them should have some "easy" access...


    But literally, in order to go into any operation (be it in the Imperial Fleet or in planets) you can just travel to the planet and quick travel to the door of that operation :/...

  4. This in and of itself wouldn't be tooooooo bad, but when you factor in the drops of duplicates, its beyond frustrating. One of my Tier 4 guys just got his 4 piece of tier 4 gear.... a 4th set of bracers.


    Reminds me of the random pvp gear boxes from launch....

  5. Wondering if anyone ever played all Class missions, FPs, Heroics and OPs in the chronological order on a character?


    Seems to me the game should better guide the players to make the experience more enjoyable, story wise.


    Thoughts, suggestions?


    All flashpoints used to have a normal level where they could be played and a max lvl mode. Also when you were leveling on each planet, some zones, paths and etc had a shuttle and an npc which told you "hey this just happened! join this flashpoint!".


    With the new leveling system which actually allows you to skip everything in every planet except the class quest, very few people will reach those shuttles and most planets are desert.

  6. You can still use the ship. Nobody is forcing you to use the new intragalatic teleports. You can walk to the hangar, board your ship, walk to the controls, and fly across the galaxy, just as it was in the before time. (OK, the galactic map itself has changed art). The old functionality was not removed. It can't be removed because of the triggers for certain cutscenes requiring you to use your ship.


    I already noted that there are technical issues with allowing players to modify the interiors of the ships - they are sets for cutscenes, and I'm pretty sure there are good reasons that only some companion convos can happen in any rest area, but some can only happen aboard ship. I've been wrong before, and will be wrong again, but in retrospect, I wasn't that wrong about my biggest goof.


    Well, technically you are correct, but the ship is empty, no longer used neither by companions or anyone at all, its an unused feature and as such, it is sad for the people who liked it.

  7. Oh boy... this going to be long but also fun :3... love to debate with people which are open to debate!


    I've had this debate on these very forums before - which side is worse, are the sith really evil, etc.

    Then as now, it boils down to "Yeah, but slavery..." :)

    But, who has the better code and which side the larger catalog of grievances isn't something I find very interesting. What is interesting to me is exploring both points of view from within.


    Well, the whole star wars universe revolts in the Dark vs Light, Jedi vs Sith, the conflict is simplified in the movies and expanded in well... the expanded universe xD. The movies, the whole universe makes you take a side, you cannot be a Sith in the Jedi world and you cannot be a Jedi in the Sith world. Both sides will exterminate each other... but are they in control of their actions?

    It is said that originally the force was studied by both sides as one single side... yet when some people tried to study the force deeper and attained greater strength, some people said they were "deviating" from a path and that schism caused the first division between "light and dark", there isnt much explored about it, but the thing we know is that it just started as a theological debate (like the Christianity vs Orthodoxy).

    Eventually, the "Light side" won and banished the students of the "Dark side" which never forgot this and marked themselves the objective of revenge, one can argue if this is evil or it is just... Yuthura Ban says on Kotor I that "sometimes anger and hatred are deserved and right" and this phrase is actually correct, from an outside of starwars point of view... an action will always cause a reaction, usually opposed and several times greater.

    The Jedi banished their "fallen brothers" instead of reaching a middle ground and this in return created the Sith, a group of force users devoted to get revenge on the Jedi.



    The point of view I was trying to illustrate was that of a fresh acolyte, embarking on the journey to be Sith. They would realize very quickly that regardless of their own sense of honor and moral compass, to show weakness is to risk death. But being strong and powerful will also invite challenge...


    This part, this academy in Korriban, this is a reaction to the original Hyperspace war and everything that has happened after it, Jedi Master Gnost Durall studies it and he says that how the galaxy story could have changed if they had took different steps... but would have it changed?

    Several Jedi after the Sith went into exile have fallen into the "dark side", Revan and Malak, Uliq Qel Droma and Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, Sion and Nihilus, why did it happen?

    Perhaps... the Jedi code needed to evolve... i can agree the Sith code and teacheds arent perfect, but they are a step further on the force and that is the reason why so many Jedi keep falling into the dark side while almost no Sith go back to the Jedi.


    To my mind, anyone who makes it through their trials and graduates the academy is going to be emotionally damaged (from a modern psychological POV). If you've had to kill to survive the first step on the road, then murder, torture etc may well cease being moral quandaries and simply become the price of continued survival.


    I'm not trying to justify any of it as a player, mind you. ;)


    Mmm... i can agree on the part where the Sith teachings might damage a person emotionally, but thats up to debate, because while Sith are teached to kill someone, it is not done in an "oppressive" way, rather in a survival way. Sith are teached that they are going to be hunted, peace is a lie, there is only passion, if someone passion and objective is to surpass you, they will not adhere to any peaceful way, they will simply kill you and take what is yours. That is what true freedom gives, the morality of "treat your neighbour nice and he will treat you nice" that we have in real life is not freedom at all, because we are all slaves to the "collective needs" and we may be purged if the collective deems it necessary.


    To answer to Lord_Rezo, I used the exemple of Darth Caedus not to illustrate the Sith, but to point out the corruption of the Dark Side. And I firmly believe makes people at least selfish. This exemple, and the exemple of the majority of fallen jedis as you said yourself, illustrate how someone educated with a peaceful philosophy turns into a complete monster. I don't think being a Sith makes you de facto evil, but their philosophy coupled with the Dark Side is almost sure to turn anyone into a complete monster, a selfish, power hungry monster... The Siths promote passion in their code and anger is a powerful passion. How with such a philosophy and while wielding such a corrupting force, can one avoid turning evil ?


    No, the Sith philosophy and teachings behind it dont turn you into a monster. Its your own nature what makes you a monster, if you had unlimited power at your command... you would keep using it more, and more, and more and then the "devil question" will keep showing up... kill one person to save a thousand? kill thousands to save a person which in return would save a million?

    The main issue with the "dark side" its not its techings, its the own nature of the person. Your goal may be as noble as to save the galaxy, but what if you had to kill a quarter of the galaxy to keep the rest safe? Majority would consider you evil, but you would be doing the necessary to save the people (like Revan ritual in Yavin IV).

    The more power you achieve, the greater your goals would be and when you reach the highest power you could achieve... your goals would be so high that the surroundings of you would be less than ants (Valkorion anyone? Nihilus?) your goals would not be comprehended by mere mortals, you would have achieved godhood and your doing should not be questioned for you can bring end to the pain, to the problems and people would worship you for it (again Valkorion anyone?).

    Jedi teachings force you to not develop your connection to the force, it teaches you to not do anything in order to not evolve and not become something uncontrollable, that is why Jedi with noble goals keep falling into the Sith ways in order to achieve more and more power.


    It should be noted however that not every sith is a saint, Palpatine for example is a twisted psychopath, but if you give freedom to everybody, psychopaths are more likely to be seen, and then people wouldnt want freedom because they might die.


    I always liked Kreia's philosophy but she is kind of an anomaly. Perhaps the Jedi code is flawed, but it exists for a reason : use the Force for the greater good and avoid the Dark Side at all cost, because it will corrupt you. The Sith code isn't an evolution of the Jedi Code, it is an opposition and, as such, is as much flawed. A Sith would argue that the Jedi are weak, because they refuse to accept all the aspects of the Force out of fear. But a Jedi would probably say that it is only reasonable to stay away from something that poison your mind and body.


    Kreia wasnt sith or jedi, she was beyond that, she made her own code and her own teachings, when she is teaching the jedi exile, she says she isnt teaching her to be jedi or sith, rather to be a human person. Do not be evil, do not be good, morality is up for debate in her philosophy and thats why she is such an amazing character, because she explores the deep of our own humanity in order to teach us that neither Sith are wrong or Jedi are right... but people like simplicity... so its rather easy to apply her the title of "sith" and just kill her.


    About the Sith Code... it IS an evolution, because its different, it may not be perfect, it may be the opposite, but its an evolution because the Jedi code was the origin of the force-philosophy as we know.

    And about the Jedi/Sith example... the Jedi dont reject the force becaues it "poisons", rather they feel they are the will of the force, whatever they do, is the force wishes and as such they are not to be questioned, everything they do is good (like when Mace Windu tries to kill Palpatine even despite knowing it is wrong?). Thats another reason the Sith despise the Jedi, most Sith use the force as a tool, as a vessel of their own needs while the Jedi sees that an abomination and think that Sith are "enslaving the force"... while the truth is the force has its own will and it is guiding both Sith and Jedi into conflict to evolve.

    Neither Sith or Jedi belive in chance, destiny exists and it is made up by the force and that is why Kreia wanted to end the force... because all deaths, all conflicts, all killing and mass murder in the galaxy that involved Jedi and Sith was just the work of an unseen-twisted-entity.

  8. If you want to go to it, go to it. Don't force me to do things because you're feeling nostalgic.


    You know actually the same can be said otherwise... right? Dont force me to "not use" the ship because you are feeling the game was slow paced.


    But i understand what you mean... and a way of solving this would have been if they turned the class ship and Gravestone into strongholds you could use, edit and put companions on it.

  9. They're subservient to the Sith because they've had a thousand years of propaganda to tell them that Sith are superior to them in every way. Because if they don't tow the line, they suffer. Because their overlord can "destroy them without batting an eye" - and without consequence


    Not only propaganda, most of the Sith Empire are descendants of the original Sith Empire from Naga Sadow, a lot of the people might not be force-users, but they are definetly descendants. And you know what that means? Yes, most of the modern Sith Empire are descendants of billions of murdered people by the republic. Its not about propaganda, they DO have a reason to hate the Republic AND the Jedi.


    Consider this: You are a sith acolyte, and a child of the empire. You have no knowledge of the Jedi or the republic, beyond the propaganda. You are told that strength and power are how you survive and thrive. You are a shark, suddenly dropped into a tank of bigger sharks. How do you deal with that?


    Sith arent raised only by that premise, as there are examples (like Sith Lord Praven) of Sith which only care in honor and strengthening the empire because if they were born in Republic space they would literally be killed just because the blood they carry (sith blood).


    To add to what SaveTheMonkeys said, let's not forget that the Empire is ruled by the Sith. And what are the Siths ? A bunch of people who value strength and power above all else... This type of philosophy is enough to drive anyone to commit atrocities. But it doesn't end here : they are also masters of the Dark Side of the Force. And this, my friend, is another thing that will turn anyone evil.


    Again, thats not true, being Sith does not turn you into an evil person, it just turns you into "not a jedi" (because Jedi dont tolerate any other vision of the force except their own). The "dark side is evil" is actually propaganda since there are siths (like for example Darth Vectivus) which arent evil.


    Being sith is not about being evil or getting power just for the sake of having it... its actually about achieving your own goals, whichever they are, follow your passions, achieve your dreams. That obviously raises some problems, like for example in Episode 3 you can see how Anakin dream is to prevent Padme death... how could anyone do it? Jedi never pursue that goal (since they mostly belive in not doing anything in order to not cause any harm to surroundings), so he had to learn from a sith and this was used by a twisted one like Palpatine.


    Let's sum it up :

    - Strength makes you worthy of getting what you want.

    - Weakness is a sin punished by death and suffering.

    - Through Hate and Fear, you become more powerful.

    Try to stay a good guy while still following those ideas...


    Peace is a lie, there is only passion,

    with passion i gain strength,

    with strength, i gain power,

    with power i gain victory,

    with victory, my chains are broken,

    the force shall set me free.


    That is the sith code, that is the sith phylosophy. Applied to a good person, that good person would follow his objectives of doing good things, applied to a psychopath, that person would kill anyone in his path and try to seize all the power they can. But both would be nonetheless sith and both would be following their passion... compared to Jedi Code, which is:


    There is no emotion, there is peace.

    There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

    There is no passion, there is serenity.

    There is no chaos, there is harmony.

    There is no death, there is the Force.


    You can see how the Jedi code tries to turn you into a vegetable, a rock, a stone in the ground. You must do nothing because your doing could cause harm and chaos, even you must do nothing if the galaxy is burning because you could corrupt yourself and become even a greater flame that consumes the world (Revan story).


    He wanted to restore peace and order. He thought that he could use the Dark Side as a tool, that he could cope with the corruption of the Dark Side. At first, he wasn't so bad... but he became more and more cold hearted. The greater good need sacrifice, right ? Right, we don't make omelette without breaking eggs. Meh... they are just eggs. And I made the omelette. This is my omolette. This chef wants my omelette ? He's a good cook too ? Well, this omelette is mine. Mine alone. I must take him out of the picture. Besides, I need more omelette and those eggs are made to be turned into an omelette. In the end, Darth Caedus forgot about peace and order, he was, in his mind, the rightful ruler of the galaxy. He murdered his own aunt to achieve his goals...


    And here, it's the fall of a good person, who was taught about love and kindness. No wonders Siths are evils, when they wield such corruptive powers, while following a philosophy of hatred and dominance.


    You seem confused, a group of fallen jedi founded the sith empire, which is the original branch of what the current sith (in swtor) is. Both follow the same path and same goals (revenge against the jedi for banishing them).

    Darth Cadeus is a fallen jedi with "another philosophy", you cant say he is like current sith in swtor...


    Though, the example is worth of commenting, because literally every fallen jedi in the galaxy has fallen into "the dark side" because of it.

    Anakin Skywalker wanted power to save Padme, sure, thats a good thing, how could save someone be wrong? Yet the Jedi order was a wall that prevented him from studying the force (since well, the Jedi order does not want you to study the force, they want you to be raised like a vegetable and die like a vegetable).

    Revan wanted power to save the Republic from the Mandalorians, sure, thats a good thing, how could save "your country" be wrong? Yet the Jedi order was a wall that prevented him from helping the republic (since well, the Jedi order does not want you to use the force even if its for helping people, they want you to be raised like a vegetable and die like a vegetable).

    Count Dooku wanted power to terminate the Republic Corruption and destroy the sith which killed his apprendite, sure, how could that be any wrong? Yet the Jedi order was a wall that prevented him from actually doing anything at all, jedi refused to see there was a sith when Qui Gon Jinn told them and they let him die.


    Actually Kotor 2 investigates this a lot and Kreia story is a very good study about "why so many Jedi fall to the dark side?" and its because the Jedi Philosophy is flawed as hell, Sith Philosophy is an evolution of the Jedi one and as such has advanced more, yet it is also unfinished.

  10. My friend, i think i should hereby invite you join the Sith Empire (because thats the path you are choosing to xD).


    There is a reason why the Republic dont fight the Eternal Empire and there is a reason why the Jedi didnt help the Twi'leks in Tython and its because "CONFLICT" helps darkness spread.

    You may think its the right thing to grab your lightsaber and kill a dozen of people that were doing bad things... but that is the path Revan followed, that is the path Anakin followed and you will fall into the dark side too if you keep going... so... welcome? xD


    On the other hand, i like the Sith vs Jedi and Empire vs Republic conflict going and i loved ending the Valkorion's Family saga (i like to think he wasnt Vitiate, the character has suffered way too many changes to be considered the same) not because it felt aside from StarWars... but becaues it shadowed the Sith vs Jedi and Republic vs Empire conflict. But... i agree with you i was saddened i wasnt given the choice in Iokath to tell both sides go f*ck themselves and leave my metal-droid-planet thingy in peace.

    Acina betrayed me, and betrayed the Empire, she is cunning but she is not fit of ruling the empire so i would never follow her if the chance was given... but even less i would follow the Republic which stagnates and is ruled by corrupt rulers that play the populism card against their own people saying "look how bad sith are!"


    Being a Sith is all about earning your freedom by bending the force to your will... its not about being evil, good, bad, or wrong, its about being able to break the chains from the Jedi-balance thing... and KotFE and KotET simply made it wrong... they forced us Sith to accept that crappy "seek the balance!!!" logic from Darth Marr ghost and be enslaved again by morality.


    But hey... our chains arent broken yet... and your republic is at the brink of collapse... we will at least have some more story soon :3...

  11. Hell no, Darth Marr was the true hero of the Sith Empire.


    We need to get his leadership back, ASAP! To hell with Acina and her 'new way' for the Sith Empire!


    A pity... Marr only made what Malgus wanted after killing him because of his ideas.


    Makeb Arc shows the empire is starting to accept aliens and also see that the infighting and the precarious diplomacy of the Empire is making it crumble... who said that before and tried to fix it? Malgus, now Marr does it and everybody loves him.


    Dont get me wrong, the character of Darth Marr was baddass... but he wasnt the hero of the empire you portrait... Malgus was the one.




    Die or defeat me, either way the empire is reborn...

  12. I would pick a balanced group with my sith warrior like:


    - Jaesa: Cannot let my apprendite go somewhere, she might dissapear and not come back.

    - Shae Viszla: Mandalore, pretty much the strongest mandalorian and probably the strongest non-force user in the galaxy.

    - HK-51: Assasin droid that it is said that in numbers of thousands could have wiped the republic in a few years.

    - Major Pierce: A soldier with a tactician mind, i dont like any of the imperial officers out there except him, he is loyal, strong and intelligent, fits in the group.

    - Khem Val: Every group needs a "tank" and Khem is a mighty being centuries old that can absorb force from its enemies and consume it to strengthen itself.


    Notice: No republic scum allowed!


    If i could choose any character from the game however...


    - Katha Niar, the imperial mind behind the strike team on Makeb, she was intelligent, strong and also smart enough to not challenge the player, unfortunately like every single npc from the empire you ever met, she dies.

    - Darth Lachris, she was Darth Marr's apprendite and its one of those few npcs that struck me a little bit... a true shame that like every single imperial npc that you ever meet, she dies.

    - General Hesker, he is mostly known because he is the pilot that manages to bring the imperial player to the Emperor's Station where Malgus is stationed above Ilum. He is unmatched in combat and defined as one of the greatest pilots in the empire... as other npcs you met... he died.

    - Master (?) Lord (?) Isaac, a quite interesting character, he is the master of Gus Tuno in Nar Shadda and seems to be a some kind of grey jedi... but thats not the interesting part about him... the interesting part about him is that Sana-Rae says that this force-wielder can ACTUALLY see her through her own visions, which makes this relatively unknown character a very powerful force user. Since he is not affiliated with the empire he is alive out there.

    - Yana-Ton, another character that particullary struck me, she may not be powerful or something (rather we dont know) but she marries the imperial agent because... reasons (?), she would be a fine pet and the first voss companion out there xD.


    Edit: I forgot to mention if i ever had the chance of taking Vaylin instead of Arcan, i would have killed burn-face without doubt. I never understood why in KoTFE we are given the idea that poor Arcann needs love, redemtion and stuff and Vaylin is evil as hell. She was the most damaged of the three brothers and she was the only one that actually deserved my compassion.

  13. Khem Val might be a big problem, because we already had the option to recruit a Dashade on Yavin. And honestly i don't see the two of them getting along or becoming bff over night.


    Easy, you recruit Khem'Val, and he doesnt like Ak'ghal, he decides to duel in some sort of very old, ancient dashade rite that we can call definetly-not-Kaggath and you can kinda "support" who wins.

  14. WRONG. Torian is the only one left after you deal with his father Jicoln


    I think thats not true, i dont fully remember it, but didnt Torian mention members of his clan when he does a meeting in his personal quests?




    It appears that many died and the womans and childrens still around somewhere, but only Torian answered Shae Viszla call into Darvannis, but that doesnt necessary means the clan is completely wiped out.

  15. Peak player values were 13 weeks ago aka patch 5.2 with Iokath and Tyth being released, lots of activity, lots of raiding.


    Lowest values were the week they made class changes with an abnormal drop on the classes which were badly affected.


    So no I don't.


    But I have no monopoly on theories, you can say why you think it might be a factor.


    Well, i meant no disrespect, but i think there are a huge amount of variables that should be taken into consideration before saying something was good or bad. Like its summer (more people in vacations?), no major story content in months (with Tyth they released Iokath which had a small story at least and dailies), no new PvP season or warzone, the dissapointment in the new stronghold, and a lot of other stuff have happened recently.


    But also taking in consideration your point... just as an example, imagine if Juggernauts Rage were doing 100k aoe damage always crit every 6-10 seconds in pvp, obviously there would be a huge crying in the forums and that class would be the most played ingame, since well, everybody likes to be op... yet when they nerfed that skill, you would obviously see a lower amount of players with that class since after balancing they would have returned to other classes.

    Of course it could also mean that a perfectly well balanced class, could be too much nerfed because in PvP they were doing quite well but the nerf made them not viable in PvE, thus losing the PvE players of that class and a big amount of dissatisfied pvp players... but overall... when there is a nerf, there is a cause behind it and most people will never like when their class is nerfed (and this applies to any game in the world), but sometimes it is needed.

  16. I like this idea, though one of the issues I had while reading it is that a lot of what you said has happened is all dependent on your choices in the story. For example: Acina is still alive in my current story. However, I think you're right nonetheless. The Eternal Alliance had its fun but the core of Star Wars, to me at least, has always been the Republic and the Empire. My proposed "Fall of the Eternal Empire" patch could be renamed to "Fall of the Eternal Alliance" since that's kind of what I meant it to be.


    Since they dont have money to make different stories for each own of our decisions... that death could come up after in some sort of off-screen moment or perhaps the leader you allied could die later (perhaps in Umbara?).

    Nonetheless, the Eternal Fleet is the only thing that keeps the Eternal Alliance as a major powerhouse in the galaxy... and the Eternal Fleet is tied to Iokath, it would only be fitting if the fleet was removed from control and the player would have to choose joining its former faction again with the remnants of the alliance, but in order to save some scraps and reuse some content which does not need to be destroyed, Odessen could remain as the seat of our power and we could keep the organization of the alliance as our own base of control within our faction.


    The patch would basically give us a few last story chapters in order to tie up loose ends and render the Eternal Alliance either broken to the point of no return, powerless enough that the "Outlander" no longer sees a use for it, or both. I strongly agree that the Republic and Empire both need a lot more attention and a lot more building to regain their power, as to me they are the two biggest and strongest factions in the Star Wars Universe, and they need to be shown as such.


    The main issue with destroying the alliance with a major collapse or something, is that you would be "again" destroying the whole content of previous expansions like they did with frozing us in carbonite for five years... thats unnecessary. The whole galaxy knows our weak point (the control of the fleet) and Vaylinn/Arcann lost control of the fleet, why couldnt we lose it? And if we lose control... what would be preventing our former faction to invite us to rejoin them? Keeping the remnants of the alliance as some sort of global mechanic, bringing more customization perhaps to Odessen bringing the new companions (or old ones when they return) while also starting to clean up after the republic or imperial troops leave the base and burn those horrible mixed-flags.


    With the Eternal Alliance dissipated, the "Outlander" would return to the faction of their choice (more on this later), and help them rebuild and regain their strength while, as you said, they are given an appropriate position of power or rank. BioWare would also have to coordinate the story and decisions you make with the past decisions, as they have always done, which does come with its own problems (e.g. Sith Character becoming Emperor, but what if Acina is alive?). I do, however, believe it is entirely possible to work around these and make a good story.


    The main issue with naming the player emperor, is that we, as emperor would have to keep doing everything by our hand, while we arent even the mightiest out there nor the strongest, we are not fit to be emperors or chancellors. We are fit to serve as equals perhaps, as hands of both factions but not as heads. Malgus or Jadus have survived both into the cold space without any breatheable air while also both are war heros (like Viszla or even Nox).

    Why would we become emperors? No, that position is not needed, we should become part of the Dark Council/Republic War Council and use the remnants of the Eternal Alliance as part of our power-branch within our faction, that would have quite more sense and would make us important, yet not the leaders.


    In this respect, there would be a lot of different outcomes depending on your choices within KotFE and beyond, but this is exactly what the players want. Choices that matter, and provide many varying effects in both the short and long-term. Earlier I stated that with this patch, players would be able to choose which faction they wish to return to, as the result of them leaving the Eternal Alliance behind...


    Well, there should be four stories in my opinion, one for imperials and republics force users and one for non-force users of both factions, eventually they could split the stories in 8 different stories in smaller parts (like personal story-arcs where your choices have mattered) but this is up to Bioware and their schedule of patching.

    I spared Darth Baras on my warrior storyline because i didnt want to harm the empire internally, perhaps he could appear somewhere in the future blaming me for his demise and making me fight again and other warriors who killed him could face another different "choice" closing the choices in the past.


    While originally I was summarizing that, I thought of a nice way this could be implemented; Essentially, the player would choose a side, and if they change to the other faction they would be given a title and/or a class name-change. For example: A Jedi Guardian chooses to side with the Empire and join them. The Jedi Guardian would then become the "Dark Jedi Guardian" and be given a title such as "Dark Jedi [name]" or "[name] the Fallen". I believe this would satisfy a large majority of players, including myself.


    Im afraid this will never happen... they promised a third faction when the game was being developed and also promised the option that you could "change faction" with your decisions, but as you can see... Bioware is not up for the job... they have quite minimal resources.


    TL;DR- I agree with you, and they'd have to make sure they create many outcomes accommodating past decisions. Once the Eternal Alliance is no more and players have chosen which faction they wish to change to permanently, War of the Ancients can go into effect.


    Bringing back ghosts make sense for the empire, but not quite a lot for republic xD, i still support my kilik/yuuzhang vong invasion in the chiss space xD.

  17. Given the fact that the core worlds are quite showed in the story... the fact that swtor is not in the canon-yet also isnt de-canonized and what Master Ranos says about missing companions...


    I think the next step in the story should be a new rising from the Empire and the Republic based on conquering new territories, new technologies and etc... Bioware tried to show it in Iokath but failed misserably and also left both factions headless... thats why i think the next step in the story needs to be addressing the lack of "leaders" (i will mostly talk about empire because i havent finished any republic story yet xD), for example, they have been toying with the idea of bringing back Malgus recently... and also we have several other sith leaders dissapeared...


    What if both factions had an "inner" story-arc? For example Republic has lost its Supreme Chancellor and also his military leader, while also Satele Shan is somewhat "out" of the story, why not focus their arc in an elections with corruption where some missing characters and perhaps some new try to earn power in the republic while the commander "loses" the Eternal Fleet and its given a place in the Republic chain of command?

    Empire could do the same, we dont have an emperor since Acina has died in Iokath and our Dark Council has been dissolved... even though mandalorians are part of our empire, Shae Viszla (mandalore) is now a neutral companion which supports both republic and empire... why not make Malgus, Jadus, Viszla, Vowrawn, Ravage, Mortis and Nox (yes, the inquisitor) and perhaps the Wrath (warrior) make a showdown of strength in trying to secure a strong position while also strengthening the empire in order to seize the more support they can and finally end up re-establishing the Dark Council where they give some seats to non-force users like Mandalore (with the Bounty Hunter as its enforcer since Viszla doesnt care), Imperial Agent (new intelligence branch under his command? or perhaps naming him Moff at last?).


    They could expand this arcs in some story in the imperial and republic controlled planets while also sparking conflicts in different planets where several leaders from both sides clash in trying to acquire reputation in order to earn more followers within their own factions and seize more power to secure their positions while NOT WEAKENING THEIR FACTION.


    This could potentially lead to an expedition to the Wild Space where we know the Chiss have been fighting an unknown threat for years and where both factions could clash in a new story-arc were both sides try to get an upper hand against the other, and then keep following the escalating wars between both sides.


    There is trully no need of another UBER-MEGATHREAT from the void that NOBODY KNEW BEFORE, i could be happy with a Kilik-wild space invasion or a Yuuzhang Vong scouting invasion.



    TL;DR lower the strength of the Eternal Alliance and bring it inside the Empire-Republic as a power-branch of it while bringing back some missing some story characters.

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