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Posts posted by MaraSkyJade

  1. You guys are cracking me up with this thread. I agree the choices are less than...ideal. But I'll admit I am pleased with my male Nautolan sniper, Kalin:




    I don't know why the females of the races often seem to have the worst options in character creation. I find that's true across many games, not just this one. As a female, I typically create male characters in most games for that very reason. Alas.

  2. The game is in a very sad state. I thought things were limited to strongholds, but tonight I'm seeing considerable delay in flashpoints. Just played through Mandalorian Raiders and I would say 25% of the time an ability was delayed a second or two. The lag on actions is also spilling over to Fleet now. I've been playing this game since 2012, and I believe this is the worst I've ever seen it.
  3. I am definitely having this problem in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. Storage takes a good 30+ seconds to load, and inventory transfers 5 - 10 seconds each. I gave up waiting for my stronghold vendor to load and haven't even tried the GTN. I've had to basically avoid my stronghold all day. :(
  4. They've been back for a little while, I finally picked them up on my Sniper about a month ago. I was very happy to finally be able to progress those quests properly!


    Also one of my biggest pet peeves about 4.0 was the removal of so many intro and outro quests. I still miss the outro quests for Heroics. I didn't get to play one of the Republic Balmorra heroics until post-4.0, and I had to watch a YouTube video to find out what happened at the end. It just ended, poof, with no conclusion. I really hate that there is no choice to return to the NPC. Very poor choice to remove those, in my opinion.

  5. well if it was ever verified i would really like to know the outcome or if its a chance to recover a specific shard if it happens that shards have been trashed (if thats even possible) just to kill my own curiosity about it


    Necro: I have the Galactic Datacron Master achievement from a few years ago, and I can verify I was recently able to acquire the Ord Mantell matrix shard on my Trooper.

  6. New Year's Eve has never been my favorite holiday. I always find myself bored and cold at parties. So ever since I bought SWTOR in 2012, I've chosen to spend my New Year's Eve playing the game. Each January 1st at 12:00 AM CST I shoot off fireworks in the game, on Taris specifically. Why Taris? That's where I was the first time. It just seems appropriate every year since. And I have significantly enjoyed New Year's Eve more ever since I started this tradition.


    So...despite my lulls in interest toward the game over the last couple years, and my continual complaining about "change", every holiday season I feel the pull toward SWTOR and the wonderful memories over the last five years.


    Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and a wonderful 2018!

  7. That is interesting. But I think it's just because the thread is gone. I clicked on that link earlier and it simply referenced another thread the OP posted for the same thing, but with a less informative title "Did you know". Someone suggested he use a more informative title, and this thread was created. I don't see the original anymore, so I suppose it was removed.
  8. I've been playing for 5 years and have 15 toons, two of which are very recent. I get so attached to my characters, I spend a lot of time with each one. I couldn't have more than 20...they wouldn't get enough attention! :o
  9. There is a chance to receive a code, if you meet the criteria. Recipients are selected by Nvidia and are given out on 12/13 via a notification in GeForce Experience app.




    Just two hours ago an NVIDIA moderator posted:


    Don't worry, not all lucky recipients have been selected yet! More will be notified tomorrow, so please check back then.


    Why the delay, I wonder?

  10. This whole giveaway is strange. Now they have posted:


    Don't worry, not all lucky recipients have been selected yet! More will be notified tomorrow, so please check back then.


    First of all, the original announcement didn't mention only some users would receive the codes. But fine, okay. It's limited. Second, it said they would be notified today. Not tomorrow. Why the delay, and why do they seem to manually be picking winners? :confused:

  11. My husband and I became best friends, started dating and eventually were married during the time we've played TOR over the last 5 years. We have had a logging off ritual that evolved with the relationship until we finally moved in together. Then I guess it seemed a little pointless since we were sitting in the same room. But anyway, during the friend stage we would both say our goodbyes, throw a snowball at the other, and emote farewell. The saying of goodbyes got longer and longer as our friendship grew. By the dating stage we had progressed to saying our goodbyes, throwing a snowball, emoting a hug, emoting a kiss, and emoting farewell. Sometimes this was repeated in a "No, you hang up!" fashion. I don't know how many people we would mention that to in real life...but I will always remember it fondly.
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