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Posts posted by Zenpasin

  1. I recently returned to the game and started a new character and thought I would leave you some feedback on things.


    1. I used my stack of cartel coins to purchase an outfit and I only bought mods every ten levels. I sold everything I looted and did some crew skill missions when I remembered to do them. I am now level 52 and have only amassed a bit under 200k in credits. If I was a new player I would be greatly disappointed in what this could buy my character on the GTN.


    2. This brings me to my second concern, the prices on the GTN are insane. At this point if you want anything decent you have to buy a cartel pack and sell it to earn enough credits to be useful. Mission discovery grade 6's are selling for 50k each. This means my entire leveling experience from zero to 52 would buy me 3 mission discovery's. This seems very sad and disappointing.


    3. I do love the short cooldown for the quick travel and the amount of XP bonuses (I am assuming are for subscribers) is almost excessive. I was able to only do the class missions on most of the planets after level 30


    4. There seem to be a ton of borked slicing resource nodes especially on Drumond Kass. It is a bit disappointing to fight a group you dont need to fight only to get to a slicing node and find it is borked


    5. The level of resource nodes needs a bump. I did not use crew skill missions excessively but the last four planets visited, (staring with Hoth) I did not gather due to being over leveled in my gathering and crafting skills. You could just add a few higher level nodes to the planets and fix this.


    6. I was pleased to find the heroics were all 2+ now and I was able to complete most of them on my own with some medpaks and adrenals which I crafted.


    7. I really like the way the planetary missions are setup so you can decide if you only want to do the class story, the planetary mission arc or add some side missions. This was greatly appreciated.


    8. As a bio-whatever, I was surprised that medpacks seem to scale with your level so there was really little need for me to craft new ones. I am on the fence with this one. There seemed no market for me to sell them and little need for me to keep making them since once I made about 10 I was good for 20 more levels.


    9. The rubberband missions drove me a bit nuts sometimes. Ride halfway across the map, kill X, ride back to where you got the mission, get new mission to kill Y right beside where X was, ride back there, kill Y and then go back to mission giver. This just seemed like a time waster to extend my time on some planets, Voss in particular.


    Overall I am happy with the state of the game and will continue to sub.

  2. I have not played in quite a while and I am on Iokath with the mission "Facing the Machines of War" which is apparently an operation and requires a group. I am only level 72, I have completed the Eternal Throne chapters but I feel like I should be on some other planet doing some other content. My item level is low 200's and I am a subscriber. I think I missed an expansion or two.

    After the ET chapters I am assuming Iokath was the next place after that, is that correct? If so, where should I go after that? I have a mission on my ship by it tells me I will be marked as finished on everything if I accept it and I dont want to lose out on any content that I have not done. I am not an end-game gear chaser, I play for more for the story.

    What should I be right now? I hate Iokath, its too confusing to get anywhere.

  3. I came back recently to try the new content and I play a trooper vanguard tank. I dont do a ton of DPS but I tank fairly well. I died the first 6 times and then read this tread. The issue is coming up to this fight you just stand there and spam buttons since the silvers all have 75k HP and by the time you get to this boss you think the fight will go the same way.

    I just ran around the boss in circles and ignored the adds. When the boss dies, the adds die so dont worry. When you see yellow floor run for a corner and then head back after the explosions.

  4. Happened to me too. Support told me they can not fix it and I had to redo the entire quest chain again. Once my son and I are finished with the new content, we are taking our business elsewhere. This is the longest quest chain in the entire game and repeating it because support is too lazy to fix it is bull.
  5. I downloaded the expansion, picked up all my items in the mail, played a bit on Rishi then went back to the fleet and logged off around 5:00pm est. Just tried to get back in and now it says I cant load any of my characters. Really? I even tried rebooting my PC and relogging in and out of the game several times. It doesnt even seem to download anything, the counter just sits there at 0%
  6. A friend and I have had a hard time finding people to do HM Maelstrom Prison in order to get the last HK part. At this point we are both level 60. I am wondering if the difficulty scales so if he and I jump in at 60, it would be harder than if we were both at 50. I am also looking for opinions on if it can be done with two players and their companions. We dont mind dying alot, we just want to get that last part.
  7. Not sure if this was answered but I do have a question about augments based on the following part:


    •To match the above listed changes. Augments have been reduced to 8 tiers. The MK8 Augment Kit is now the highest Augment Kit. Existing MK9 and MK11 Kits will turn into MK8 when Fallen Empire launches.


    Can I take that to mean that the current Mk-10, renamed to Mk-8, will stil be the highest augment, therefore we are not getting higher augments this time around?


    And as a side question, what happens to existing augments with stats that will no longer exist like surge?


    My understanding is that the MK kits 1 thru 8 will get stat changes and any MK-9 or 11 kit will be changed to an MK-8 kit and there will be no more MK-9 or 11 kits. I think at this point pounding out a bunch of mk-8 kits while they are cheap to make is the way to go.

  8. The promotion says you have to log in by May4th at 11:00pm so I am wondering if the 12X starts on May5th? I can not seem to find out exactly when the 12X takes effect. If it in the morning of the 4th, I'd like to take that day off and play.
  9. I'm level 43 arsenal BH and have all purple mods and the medic level 40 pvp armor on. I tear through golds with ease but on the "last one standing" mission, I cant beat Coral. She is a level 48 (5 levels higher than me) and is showing with 27k of hitpoints. I fought her for several minutes, popped health packs, heroic moment, use interrupts on her powershot when I could. I only got her down to about 40% health. I see damage numbers popping up but her health doesnt seem to move after a complete rotation of my skills. Is there something I am missing? Is there some special way to defeat her? I searched the net but it seems like everyone else rick-rolled her.
  10. I didn't realize some of the level 50 and up gear could not be RE'ed even though it says it can right on the green item. I wasted a lot of good resources trying. I recently found a #28 augment schematic and I want to RE it for the blue and purple schematic but I don't want to waste time and resources if it can NOT be RE'ed.


    Can this green schematic be RE'ed? It is a level 55 shield augment #28


    Thanks for the help.

  11. If you take 5 bounty contracts during the event and then unlock one kingpin contract and complete it, is that kingpin contract also unlocked for you when the next event happens? I'm having a hard time grasping the purpose of the contracts if each event is only a week so you can only earn enough to unlock one kingpin per toon. Is it the rewards from the kingpin that are so good or is it the fact you can eventually unlock all the kingpins during the event?
  12. I was interested in picking up Treek after doing some research but I am a bit fuzzy about something. My understanding is I can buy Treek from the CM for 2100 cc, do the contract/quest on one char and then pay 700 cc to buy the legacy perk and allow Treek to be available to all my other char's without having to be legacy level 40. Is this correct?
  13. The problem is not that the quest it gated. The problem is that it is not clear that it is gated. If the next lead simply said come back tomorrow people would not be sitting around spamming it for 15 minutes getting frustrated. I'm all for new ideas and extending the life of things but this event has been poorly thought out and implemented.
  14. Just wanted to point out that some people are a bit mad about this which I am sure you know by now. The problem is, I know you guys are talking this issue over and I just want to mention that IF you change the promotion sometime today or tomorrow, please give those who have unsubbed in the last 24 hours a bit of time to participate. I have a friend who unsubbed as I have but he is going away for the weekend so if you post some kind of "expires tonight at midnight" thing, he wont make it. No need to pour salt in his wound so please make it for a few days.



  15. Level 50 is a reasonable place for them to draw the line. It's been over 3 1/2 months since launch and if you are a regular and active player, you could have easily had at least one level 50 toon.


    Maybe they should have based it on length of time subscribed but they didn't. If you want to make a request of BW that they expand the number of people receive the free month to altaholics who have 50 toons but none over 30. Get a group together and make the request. Maybe BW will change the rules, more likely they will say no. But that's their Priviledge.


    LOL. That is exactly what we are doing here. We are voicing our opinions to Bioware as a group. This is the oly thread we are allowed to do it in. All other threads about it get locked and people told to come to this thread.

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