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Posts posted by Vales

  1. All this while my commando heals for 4-7k every 6 seconds if not interrupted.


    At least your most powerful heal is not a 3 second cast around which BW has balanced your non healing speccs.



  2. Allow me to relay this story via a guildy.


    She's a 55 Sorc healer in a WZ. (Non-ranked). Of course she gets targeted by two melee DPS types. As she runs around trying to keep herself up and cast on others, two teammates are doing their best auto-attack (CC is too pro). Finally she runs out of tricks and has to pop Force Barrier.


    Of course the two pipe-hitting melee just wait. Now her teammates?


    Well one * RUNS OFF * ("Ohhh shiny!")


    The other?


    He WATCHES the two melee WATCHING HER. Like he bought a ticket to a show or something.


    Sad state of affairs.

  3. We have some kind of burst, yes. With CDs up we are a monster. Wihout we are... easy to kill. Casting times are killing the mobility and we haven't got ANY really hard hitting ability.


    TB is hard hitting imho due to the auto crit. It should be instant though.

    I do not understand why it has a 2 second cast time. In comparison to it's cast time, the damage is a tad low.

  4. Trying to understand the amount the roots in this game, so I took a look at Warrior aka Smash Monkey:


    Force Charge: 2sec + 1sec talented

    Ravage talented: 3 sec

    Deadly Throw talented 3sec

    Force Charge is just about up again....


    Then they give Juggs a guaranteed 4sec immunity from all CC


    How many sec is that?


    what I would do:


    1) All roots and snares are on resolve

    2) Interrupt is on global cool-down

    3) All CC duration is reduced by 50%

    4) Resolve bar is filled after x2 CC of any kind


    This would destroy sages and sorcs completely in PvP. We are already the squishiest class and without our CC we are fodder.

    If you want these changes, then I want a beefed up defence for those times that my CC is utterly useless.

  5. The problem is:


    Our bust-tree is lacking real burst, defense and mobility.


    Our DoT-tree is lacking some kind of "higher" DoT-burst to shut healers down and force regen is horrible.


    Our healing-tree is lacking defense as well and some kind of mobility / instant heals.


    None of our trees is really efficient. Not comparable like the healing OP, the damaging Marauder etc.


    Lightning does have the burst but it takes too long to setup, it is rng reliant and is too easily counterable imho.

  6. CL can be instant cast in Lightning Spec every 10 sec. Or hold the proc and instant cast 2 CL's almost back to back. Why do you need push back protection on that ability?


    As already mentioned, AoE, plus the procc resets the CD, making it possible tu churn out 2 CLs in rapid succession.

  7. They're retarded if they didnt add the weakest classes' main buffs to this preview so I'm just going to assume that this is what sorcs/sages got. "Got" is too strong of a word because it feels like another status quo change. Why even add sorcs/sages to the patch list, they're only adding insult to injury and pissing people off with their nonsense.


    But but but... we can heal to full! Anytime! I swear it!


  8. If your cc breaker is on cooldown, you can get stunned for 16 secs straight.


    OR you can get hard stunned for 8-12 secs straight.


    This should never happen. CC doesn't fill resolve fast up enough, and resolve drains too fast.


    It is 8 seconds for hard stuns unless there is a stun which lasts longer than 4 seconds which I am not aware about which I doubt and it takes two people sinc almost all classes have 1 stun usually which begs the question what is your team doing?

    16 seconds of mezz also needs 2 people at least which again begs the question where is your team? Furthermore they break on almost all damage and cannot be used to lock you down AND burn you down.

  9. I appreciate the buff for sages/sorcs but it's too restrictive to few spells and other issues like force management for Madness or Egress being lower in the tree are not adressed at all.
  10. I said it in WoW and I say it again, those gear grinds are idiotic beyond measure when it comes to PvP. It just gets more and more frustrating for casual players and those who just started because they get more and more heavily abused and quite often not even by better players, but skill cannot compensate limitlessly against gear differences.

    At some point the gear difference is so big that skill cannot compensate at all for it and this is one of the major frustrations, when you die so fast that you cannot even start to improve your skill.


    I know some will now cry "but we had to go through it too" to which I can only respond:


    1.) Two wrongs do not make a right.

    2.) You probably still had it easier because the gear difference at that point was not as big.


    I'm all for allowing players to buy PvP gear pre-55 and/or significally raising the comm caps and I really want to them to get rid of the absolutely idiotic valor 40 requirement on ranked comms.


    That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear, while you work on "real" PvP gear", you won't be far from Obroan. Personally I think it's silly how easy it is to gear up and I cannot understand how anyone possibly could complain about it. I've said this numerous times and I'll say it again, the rate of which you gear up is in relation to the games you play just as fast for someone who's playing two games per week as it is for someone who plays 20 games per day. It's actually faster for the former because all his games will go toward dailies and weeklies. So there's no unfairness, there's only entitlement and it's the same entitlement that kills games, due to the fact that those who play a decent amount reach the goal too fast and stop playing.


    Real PvPers do not give a **** about gear. The whole gear grind is stupid regardless how easy or hard it is and I have been countless of times through it in WoW already. It's boring and doesn't add anything to PvP. At all.

    In fact it substracts from the experience because there is neither fun in stopming undergeared players nor is it fun to get stomped. It also gives a false impresion of skill or false impression of lack of skill.

  11. I'm way past the point where I expect them (him?) to tweak anything of importance but a few QoL changes to sorc/sage would have been really nice. Hell, simply moving around some of the existing abilties in the trees would help.


    So, what I would like to see:

    *Egress and Effusion as baseline abilties or in the bottom row of one of the trees.

    *No cast time on WW

    *Electrocute range back. It used to be somewhat of an art to stop leaps and/or fool people into breaking the stun just to WW them right after, now we have to wait for the leap to happen or run toward the enemies we know will become a threat. Sorc/sage is not a class that can wait for the hit to have happened, we need to react way faster than that but our abilties prevent us from doing anything useful in time.


    Bonuses would be:

    *Higher crit and proc chances

    *Barrier on significally shorter CD AND duration.

    *The KB cone is due to latency far from perfect but I can live with that. I just dont get why they increased the range in which a target can be affected at the same time as they nerfed the range on electrocute. It makes no sense. If anything they should have increased the KB distance instead so that we can actually push people out of leap range. We need a proper jugg push.

    *Armor rating returned to the old value. If it was a matter of nerfing sins they could have simply changed their stances and tree abilties instead.

    *Proper force management in all trees, this would however be fixed by, as mentioned above, moving effusion to the bottom of a tree and have it trigger by heal abilties too. If that's not an option they need to increase the returns on already existing abilties in the madness tree and from consumption.


    If only 1-3 of these suggestions would happen i'd be a happy Sith.

  12. Oh please stop this 'too cool for school" schtick. wow also has burst healing. flash heal. ns + healing touch. all your posts are "i have played games for 25 years!" just shut up.


    That burst healing sure does you good when you get globaled genius. :rolleyes:

    Oh and by the way, good job in listing a priest spell and 2 druid spells, of wich neither was able to top you even remotely from 1% to 100%. Way to go champ! :D

  13. I have told u MULTIPLE times, in multiple threads, DPS is to high for this amount of CC. No u cant stunlock as long as a rogue (isolated case, sorry) but u also have less escape and kiting mechanics aswell as alot more DPS to deal with. All this along with, the generally speaking, more cramped spaces makes this game more fast paced than WoW... These things added to the amount of interrupts issue, makes casters almost nonviable in Swtor. You just cant compare these two games CC with eachother without factoring in all these things. Again I have told u this many many times and u havent even begun to adress these issues. WHY!?


    What the hell have you been smoking? Ever played WotLK S7 or S8? Bloodlust shaman/Destro WL one shoting people in 1! GCD rings a bell? UH DK in S5 ever seen that, downing people with 2-4 ITs? TBC with Stormherald procc?Classic with AP PoM Pyro mages globalling people? Warriors at start of Cata owning people fro 100%-0% in one Colossus Smash which you could not even use your CC breaker on because it did not work on knockdowns? Rogues 2-3 shoting squishies in classic? Windfury quadruple crits by enhancment shamans globaling people? Ever played against KFC setup in 3v3 arena in WotLK? BW hunters on squishies?

    Sorry the DPS and burst in this game isn't very impressive. Seen far worse in WoW.

  14. My guess is


    1. they will buff marauders.

    2. they will try to nerf op healers, but [in]advertently nerf the dps while the heal spec will pretty much remain the same.

    3. ignore the sorc (because they can heal to full).

    4. increase the juggs defense (since juggs are not in a bad place now ...).

    5. realize that shadow dps are still underperforming so bring back the shadow strike buff as well as buff clairvoyant strike and project (instead of giving a tiny bit of sustained damage in their abilities).

    6. increase the cast time for grav round.

    7. decrease the CD on the sniper roll.


    You made me sad. :<

  15. All the people posting in favor of the stuns are bads who need CC to have a chance. The resolve change was a BAD change. They catered to the casual bad crowd who throw out their stuns like candy and were white barring people left and right. It's a huge mistake, but bioware does not care, they get their money from the casual crowd, and keeping them happy is more important, so don't expect it to ever go back to the better resolve system. Here is a tip, stop being bads and using your stun whenever the heck you feel like it and start using your stun when it's critical, like a cap, or a well placed cc on the healer to get a kill.


    The only bads are those who whine about CC.

  16. ^


    I still am subbed with wow and still play, wow forums is affected and diseased compared to this kindergarten forums.


    Every day some kid is crying for a nerf, and crys they are unsubbing.


    And this from basically day 1. MMO producers are used to it at that point and I would not be surprised if mos of them have the general policy of not giving a big phat F about it.

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