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Posts posted by RathTalDyrk

  1. So after playing some this morning it does give them some resolve. However, if grouped with another scrapper 2 KO's do not fill the resolve bar. We would open, backblast, next would open backblast and then dirty kick. Now the sad part was. Even with 2 opens and backblasts some targets where still at half life. Unlucky with no crits? Maybe, but still a shame.
  2. It's getting a bit old to run through a hard mode for that end token only to have it drop for the class that is never present in the group. It seems like it's almost a guarantee it will be that class that you didn't bring along.


    It needs to change to be just a token for that armor slot that way everyone has a chance going in and knows it. As it stands right now, you spend 1-2 hours doing a hard mode (that you only get to do once per day) and get nothing for it for the most part. You may be lucky and have some random purple drop off previous bosses but lets face it, we're there for the end token only.


    So either open it up, or let us run the hard mode more than once per day.

  3. Yes you can break a knock down just like everything else. Even with their initial waste of a GCD to do the CC they will still come out to about the same amount of stun time if we where able to chain the knock down and our stun. But we can't. So if they trinket that first knock down and we don't have them dead before they can get their CC off we're done and over with unless we blow our escape.
  4. Yeah, I have ways to abuse it and use it. But you would think a knock down that is 3 seconds is still not as long or as good as a 4 second stun. Both accomplish the exact same thing. Except when you trinket out of our knock down we're screwed, you trinket out of their stun they still have options.
  5. Just curious is this is the way it's supposed to work or not. I've noticed that if I open with Shoot First (3 second stun spec) they immediately get a full resolve bar and are immune from then on. However when I'm stunned say by a sorc for 4 seconds it doesn't not give me a full resolve bar.


    So they get 1 extra second and I'm still vulnerable to a stun from anyone else. If someone manages to back to back stun me that's 8 seconds and I'm always dead.


    If this truly is the case, why even spec into the stun for it? Wouldn't it be better not to and use dirty kick instead?

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