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Posts posted by Subach

  1. As far as I know, roll to cover does still work. You may need to check your keybinds for it to see if you are using the proper keybind for it rather than cover in place. One other thing worth mentioning is the green silhouettes only show up when you are in combat and out of cover or when you are targeting an enemy and out of cover. Some instances also don't have places to roll into cover, like some of the newer operations.


    Hope this helps :cool:


    My keybinds are fine. I know how the cover works, but I never see the green silhouettes anywhere at any time.


    I've been playing KOTFE, are those the instances you mention? But even outside if instances in dervannis, zakuul, etc I don't see green cover markers anywhere.


    Open your ability page (P) and look under SNIPER you should have;


    Take Cover


    This doesn't address my issue at all.

  2. I just returned yesterday and I see companion gifts are as lucrative now as ever before, as expected, so my source of income hasn't changed!


    And in the end, inflation is great for games like this. It makes static milestones like the galactic stronghold purchases that much easier to get.

  3. Taking this matter to a childish rant on the forums makes the troll that much more successful.


    Also, you can take the few seconds to censor a guy, but not the 10 more seconds to remove the image of your playlist? :sul_confused:

  4. Canon Revan has already been put in place a while ago by LucasArts, whether Bioware had the character in the game or not, thus that point is moot.


    Revan was male. He sided with the Republic against Malak instead of retaking his place as the Dark Lord of the Sith. None of his companions perished on his way to destroy the Star Forge and so on and so on...

    That's the point. None of that should have ever happened.

  5. You're missing the point.


    Revan should not have been directly placed in this game. His presence invalidates any aspiration a player of KOTOR couls have had about his ambiguous future and player actions. Removing the ambiguity of Revan would be like showing Master Chief's face, or giving Gordan Freeman a voice.

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