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Posts posted by Yogurt

  1. I feel bad for 3rd shift people, in the am no server on the US was over light except 3 pacific time zone servers. 20 minute que times for pvp and unacceptable. They pick up boxes in Ilum. 8 man's a pain for them to fill. In EQ when I worked 3rd. I had to join a EU guild on E'ci then we moved to Zeb and then I went with them to one of the other EU servers when it open. My latency was horrible but I had some people to play with. Would raid from noon to 4 pm est time.


    Would have to leave before last bosses all the time and they worked around my days off for keying raids since I was one of two raid ready enchanters at the time. They have to much instant time and no reason to group. PvP premades get punished for having 4 people which is weird.


    Merge or Cross server stuff or the game will die with in a few months. I do not recommend this game to anyone. WoW was boring until WZ's, ZG, and MC was revamped. Forcing people specs is another failure the gaming industry needs to learn to get rid of or only have 1 spec or do a Shadowbane, AC, or similar game leveling style where you can put points into anything.


    I could say a lot more but tick tock... This game had a ton of time in development and more then most MMO's. Failed games at launch imo Planetside, AO, Matrix, DC online, and a few others. Soon to be Free 2 Play it should.

  2. The casuals are even stopping their playing. Merge the servers nerf Valor to a 65 cap to help fix the Ilum garbage. Delete Ilum make kill dailies and weeklies to open up open world pvp. I rolled a PvP server for a reason. Merge the dead servers. Prime time should have atleast Standard pop on both sides. Crafting was a joke I see they see their fault. PvP is boring grind no fun. My guild PvP for fun in SWG, WoW, Shadowbane, and DaoC. We are all ready to jump ship.
  3. Huttball,


    First time I have seen it happen more then once in a match. Almost every death now the ball will pass off even up to 5 seconds of the persons death. Not my machine the whole team seen it happen 7 times in one match by different people. So, what is it more server side lag issues? The thing is this was at 8 am est so no way no how the servers were overloaded.


    Seen it happen the night before as well. Not as many times but a few times here or there.

  4. Boost the other Trees then... Good lord, the dot tree Watchman is the only sustainable dps tree. Focus is group buff oriented and Combat you would think being the best 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 tree is terrible because of animation and I feel that Precision Strike does not work as worded.


    Alot of Watchman can not speak of Mara's, would go combat if melee lag and animations were more playable because of all the goodies in the tree.

  5. How are you not 50 even my mother who played one day a week 4 hours a day has hit 50 now and she is almost in her 60's. Their is casual and their is no one is logging in "." Fail *** Game. Also Fleet numbers do matter. When I play my repub with 4 man team ready we have sit as long as 20+ mins for a damn que. When we get on are Imps it is almost instant but it is hutball. Quit being fan Boi's. Seriously, they should of did a roll back on the ilum exploitation, done something with population, cross server ques or server merger.


    My last month anywho my wife subbed me for some odd reason this month. Told her do not do it this month. Cause if I see no improvements I see no point to this PoS. The imbalance with population and gear compared to the lower number faction is insane. I solo que and sit in que for 10+ minutes at times. Then no one wants to heal or tank and all pew pew. Seriously fail game, the pvp could be great with some balance.


    I also do not understand how the pve players who raid are not a little Pee'd off since 8 man is more profitable. Also fix the pure dps classes gunslinger, sniper, mara, and sentinel need to bring either more sustain dps to a PvE or PvP. Only reason a Sent or Mara is brought to any raid is because of Inspiration 15% damage/Heal buff. The Knights and Jugs have been getting buff because raiders preferred a range tank and dps. Sorry *** game with a sorry *** engine!

  6. Merge or cross server pvp seriously there is hardly enough Republics who are worth a #$%! to do a premade with on Vulkar Highway. The Fleet is floating around 25-45 during peak hours. Imperial is floating around 200+ I mean seriously *** are you thinking bioware. And allowing the lame exploits for that long the gear difference + population difference is to much for these scrubs to come back.
  7. Merge or cross server pvp seriously there is hardly enough Republics who are worth a #$%! to do a premade with on Vulkar Highway. The Fleet is floating around 25-45 during peak hours. Imperial is floating around 200+ I mean seriously *** are you thinking bioware. And allowing the lame exploits for that long the gear difference + population difference is to much for these scrubs to come back.
  8. To many Fan Boys for me... I grew up watching Star Wars and etc... I like Star Wars the story, characters for the most part, races for the most part, and style of fighting. I <3 SWG before NGE I am so sick of the WoW model. EQ, AC, DaoC, and SWG were all better games then WoW.


    The mechanics are what really have irritated me to no end. The FPS issue since release of 1.1, Melee Lag, Buggy Animations, Pure DPS working a lot more harder and bringing a lot less to group pvp and pve. This in my gut feeling is why there is no combat log and or parser. Yeah, I read they are adding it in later on. I would prefer everything else fixed mechanic wise before this.


    Since 2008, I have asked if Bothan, Wookie, Ewok, or even Yoda's race would be added or playable. No answers then and I hate to say it WoW proved adding a good looking race to the Horde help attract more Anime Lovers, Children, and Women to play on the Horde side.


    Also, I would have preferred to of played a pet class. Yea, we all get pets but anywho has done Necromancer, SK, Hunter, Creature handler, and etc. Knows it is not the same.


    Anywho fix the mechanics first.


    Fail *** Game



  9. The main issue is the god damn mechanics you fan boys. When you have a machine and are able to run BF 3 and CoD on ULTRA and have a 120ish FPS on 30 man + servers then this game has failed. Every patch they make it worst. They do not punish exploiters, trust me I know. The melee lag, pure classes being out damaged in PvE and PVP is bs. Pushing the Sents/Mara into the dot tree cause of lack of healers for pvp.


    Most of the BM did not work their way their they exploited. I am laid up from foot surgery To say the least I had a lot of time on my hands. The games mechanics are terrible, lag, fps loss, warping, wz exploits, ilum exploits, gear dependecy is one thing and I can live with that. But the mechanics should work they tested and work in beta, they worked before 1.1. Then 1.1 releases frame rates were cut in half, melee lag increased ! Alot of Sentinels I know prefer Combat spec but the animations are just to laggy to work with.


    Mechanic pure dps classes are lacking unless you spec 1 certain way. 1-49 is easy mode the most that are complaining is like myself who went through the Champions early on and beat my face in the wall till I got around 400 expertise then the Sentinel began to shine. I did all my Valor Leveling legit. Vulkar Highway is a sesspool of Imperials. 8 v 1 most of the time.


    All these BM's I see in WZ's and never seen them once before 50? Come on you fail *** fan boys open your eyes. I could live with the fail PvP exploits of gaining gear and the inbalance server but... I can not live with fail mechanics!


    Fail *** Game.


    Yogi Out.

  10. I canceled last month... Alot of my guild gave them a month just for simple fixes such as the FPS, Lag, melee lag, animations, and etc. They need to just scrap Ilum and admit they fail and hire Shadowbane, UO, SWG, and even hardcore pvpers for testing. I am done paying to be a beta tester. They keep making the game more and more unplayable each patch.


    They should of took it down and rolled back. Get rid of Ilum for now and take it back to the drawing board. Work on making the game actually playable.

  11. Ilum is not World PVP. It is a PoS sandbox that was not tested what so ever. It's obvious with the amount of bugs, exploits, and hardware issues. Scrap this PoS and just do a 25 v 25 zone. I am not your beta tester. We are paying to test your PoS. Tired of it.... The game has become more and more unplayable each patch.


    Roll some heads quit hiring people on contract and get some people in there.

  12. I killed 3 by objectives... Still no credit. I also logged totally out , rebooted, and relogged. Still no credit near or at objectives. Your devs are the worst I have ever seen. I build educational games for a living and this garbage would not fly. Better be glad it is SWTOR thats the only thing carrying this PoS.
  13. Well atleast you are getting people in Ilum. Vulkar Highway Republic side has no one. It was ok at 3 v 1 against us when the server came up then it turn into 30 v 7. This game just blows anymore. The melee lag is still there and the new bar activators blow.
  14. meh Gear plays a point but I still prefer how Shadowbane did it... You get the crafter documents once the city is built near a stat rune spawn or good place for you folks to level. With gear similar to Diablo drop style that can come out really nice from a automated crafter or drop from trash mobs.


    The runes and your build where the majority of your character stats came from. This sandbox crap is lame. And Ilum is not world pvp and people just make me want to facepalm everytime I read that.

  15. Yea I will not crit 5k on someone in Champion full or BM gear anymore fresh gear 50's aye I do. Other then that I do not believe I did not see 1 dispatch miss or be absorb. Must be a faceroll server. Should play on Vulkar Highway or Fatman for good pvp.


    But you do have gg skill.



  16. Melee need the animation and server lag fixed. Also whatever they did in 1.1 really killed my FPS and more melee lag. I am warping everywhere. Asked everyone I know who melee's pvp's a ton if they experienced it and it was a yes answer from everyone. I am warping now but my ping is great, connection great, and I have a mean machine.


    Get rid of auto targeting, fix lag, fix melee animations, and give the pure dps classes another buff to bring to the table or more dps.

  17. You're a carebear that wants to be a PVPer. The coming changes are welcomed by the actual PVPers.


    Your a scrub if you PvP in WoW before BC you would understand. I am not going to sit on my *** even more for PvE gear to be on par with already raiding players. It is a even playing field already.


    PvE people choose to PvE first before grinding PvP. Fresh 50's need to be allowed to collect bags from the get go turn everything into tokens. Add vanity pets, vehicle, dyes, or anything else as a nice gift instead of the piece. Allow level 10's to open the bags from the start.


    WoW pvp Warlord grinding was the worst I ever played. If Shadowbane was not point and click and actually patched it would rain supreme for PvP games. Put in a SWG crafting system I do not care but do not take my time I invested slamming my face in the grind even more so as a sentinel and maradur cause of their crappy laggie melee system to become even par with a range class.


    If the change to PvE is the best loot I am out.



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