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Posts posted by Silvas

  1. Hello!


    I know a few threads have already been put up about this particular item but as you can probrably tell by my advertisements in general chat on both the pub and imp side fleets...... i'm desperate *eye twitch*. Please, if anyone out there has this craft, I do have the mats ready and i'll pay whatever "tip" you want for your time as long as its reasonable :).


    Please send me a message or mail either my Imp character or my republic character of the same name.


    Imperial character: Lunace


    Republic character: Luñace --> (Hit Alt + 0241 on the NUMpad to make the N with the accent mark.)


    Hope to see you in game ^^;



  2. Hello!


    Really looking forward to seeing this event happen/participating in it and I was wondering: Where do we sign up if possible atm?

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