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Posts posted by NashtheGreat

  1. The developers managed to solve a supposedly unsolvable problem, namely, separating your class story from your advanced class and allow an advanced class swap. The developers managed to solve another supposedly unsolvable problem, namely, weapons in Outfit Designer. The developers managed to solve another supposedly unsolvable problem allowing us to have many more strongholds and legacy materials storage and all sorts of things. This isn't a case of Scotty telling Kirk he needs 8 weeks to complete the Enterprise refit when its needed in 2. The developers are capable of solving all sorts of problems but they seem unwilling to explain why depriving long time veteran players of an important immersive experience, let alone the functional usefulness of changing your primary combat style, could not be solved in time for this expansion or why the expansion couldn't be delayed for this to be fixed.


    Not sure if anyone here plays Total War, but a few years ago development hit a snag with one of their game updates, which would ultimately delay new content for about 8 months. When Creative Assembly came to the community with this information, they followed it up within a week with a blog post, what was a transcript of their PR person interviewing the game director and the lead developer, explaining what went wrong and how they were going to make it right.


    I'm not sure why Bioware seems to be incapable of transparency, but that really needs to change.

  2. I'm not sure if I agree that they acted out of ignorance. They have done similar things too often in the past to make me believe that.

    Fair enough. I'm viewing this situation as primarily ignorance in the sense that Bioware absolutely knew about this before today. I'm assuming they either:

    1. Assumed the community's interpretation of how the class system would work fit with the implementation prior to this thread. (Ignorant)
    2. Vastly underestimated how the community would feel about the change and thus didn't communicate it sooner. (Ignorant)
    3. Knew the technical issues would ultimately lead to disappointment, and decided to ignore the issue and let it be discovered on day 1 of 7.0, unless it got questioned first. (Malicious, also fairly Ignorant)


    I also think that one of the sunk costs that you missed was the subscription fees paid by customers who based their decision of whether to pay them or not on the statements made by the devs. For those people, I can understand why they may feel like they were baited into subscribing, and are not going to get what they thought they were paying for.


    This is absolutely a good point, and frankly the community needs to be compensated for this somehow. It sounds like clearing the technical hurdles aren't possible, but they need to explore expanding beyond 2 specs, and they absolutely need to give free players 2 slots.

  3. that is false. if you have ligh/dark 5 legacy achievements unlocked, you can pick your mirror class as the second style. he is not forced to only choose dark side


    According to the dev posts you can't change it if the achievements are unlocked. Essentially, at that point you've passed the stage where you would have been able to choose this, unless I'm interpreting that wrong.

  4. Scenario:


    • I have a level 75 Sith Juggernaut.
    • The character has completed the entire vanilla origin class story through act 3, all the expansion stories up to Echoes of Oblivion.
    • The character is currently Light V
    • Dark V and Light V achievements complete in the Legacy.

    I am to understand that this character cannot and will never be able to set their PRIMARY combat style as Guardian, Sentinel, Sage, or Shadow. They will have to burn a combat style slot. This limitation does not exist for characters who have not completed Act 3, or who do not have Dark V or Light V as legacy achievements. Veteran characters are being penalized for having longstanding accomplishments in game. Correct?


    Correct. And you actually won't be able to select Guardian, Sentinel, Sage, or Shadow as your secondary, since you're 'dark locked' at this point.

  5. Not being funny but you guys have clearly known this for a while so when was this actually going to be communicated to the player base? Or where you just hoping we would all login on the 14th and not realise?


    Why has it took a player calling bioware out for you to tell us this?


    Asking the real questions here.


    I work in software development myself, specifically on the business side where we define new features and explain what they will offer to clients in terms of user experience. It is ESSENTIAL to put everything on the table and leave zero doubt when it comes to functionality. If you leave the slightest inkling of information vague around how something will work, you allow people to make assumptions and ultimately be disappointed in YOU.


    Bioware - You definitely have known about this issue for a while, yet all communications from streams to forums until this thread have allowed the player base to misinterpret how the class feature would work:

    1. People have been spending hours leveling new characters with the intention of switching classes, which they now cannot do. They can 'deal with it', or reroll and consider all that time spent a sunk cost. Some of these players have also probably spent Cartel Coins on in-game purchases, which they also need to now accept as a sunk cost.
    2. Subscribers get a secondary class that F2P players don't get, so in essence you've inadvertently made accessing a new class on an existing character a paid feature. It was NEVER communicated that playing new classes on existing characters would cost money.
    3. It sounds like the limitations around switching between 'mirror classes' for force users are tied to story progression, so this even impacts people that just wanted their character's aesthetic to feel correct for their character.
    4. Generally, when you create a new character, even though you get to pick your class from a wider range, you're stuck with it. Many of us assumed we would get to try out everything on a single character and stick with what we like.


    So, to summarize, regardless of what your statements in this thread say, the way it reads to the players is "You can't do the thing you thought you could do for free, but if you give us money you might be able to."


    Since I'm not sure, I'm going to apply Hanlon's Razor here, and assume you missed all of this out of ignorance and not malice. What I am sure about though, is if in my career I managed to disappoint to this extent with a new feature it would cost my company financially due to disappointed clients seeking business elsewhere. This was your most touted new feature, It's very much a big deal that you missed the mark by as much as you did, and whatever the 'technical hurdle' you encountered was, I hope for the health of this game you do right by its loyal playerbase.

  6. In west Philadelphia born and raised

    On the playground was where I spent most of my days

    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

    And all shootin some b-ball outside of school

    When a couple of guys

    Who were up to no good

    Startin making trouble in my neighborhood

    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

    She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'


    Preordered on the 23rd. AKA Ill get in at some point today. I don't doubt they'll get 500K people in today seeing how preorder numbers trended in July (under 200K)


    I just want to electrocute people already

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