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Posts posted by DredSithis

  1. So im going to lose 9 charactors. that sucks bilge water. I have 17 charactors on 5 servers that are on the "free transfer" list,but all of them are set to go to the same server, So i assume after my 8 slots are full the rest go bye bye. Why am i not able to have a couple choices of servers to transfer too? and that ones always "very Heavy " or "full". I dont want to stand around with 10 other people waiting on the same 6 or 7 crates we need for a mission because they only respawn every 5 min or so.


    5mins? Ive never seen it take that long 30sec to a min and a half. respawns in WoW did on the other hand take every bit if not longer than 5mins

  2. Rock, paper, scissors; hide and seek, I spy... List goes on.


    damn it lol. Arnt we talking video games? they all cost loot and I dont play for fun so its not just a game to me but a name is just sad to unsub for. most people are so uncreative cant find a new name or change it a bit or they blame huge server numbers for lag when they say they lag on almost dead servers its just pointing fingers at others when the real problem is looking back at you when you look into a mirror. This message isent aimed at you but others who only complain about sever numbers being low and needing xfers then when they get it its a giant ***** fest couse of a name its F'in sad

  3. If it is "just a game," how can you justify spending money on it? If it doesn't matter to you so much that it "is just a game," why throw your money away on it? I mean, solitaire is "just a game," and all it takes is a one time small purchase that can be reduced further by making your own cards.

    Are you that irresponsible?




    If it was "just a name," then we would be allowed to make names that are nothing but jiberish. Even BioWare/EA know it is more than "just a name," so why don't you?


    all games cost money so try finding another point to use and for the name thing people can have one alt letter and its not jiberish.

  4. This does not make me happy at all. They are knowingly and willingly screwing over part of their customer base.


    Not only will a good chunk of people their their character and legacy names, but we're all getting squished into overfull and laggy servers.


    I have a hard enough of a time grouping with one other person in a flashpoint on a dead server and totally lagging out. I've held off on transferring as there is a good chance playing will be impossible on a heavy pop server.


    They really should have considered having say two medium pop servers instead of going for the Very Heavy / Full single servers. I would have thought when a server said 'Standard', that's what the population ideally should be on a server, not Very Heavy or Full. (I'm particular to light pop servers, but that my personal preference.)


    This whole mess is quite frustrating to say the least.


    Its not the amount of people on the server that makes you lag in a group its your comp need a better one or upgrade yours not biowares fault

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