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Posts posted by Heley

  1. I know this would get trolled by all the crafters. They seem to be the only ones making money.


    Crafting and playing the GTN has always been the best way to make money in any MMO and likely always will be. If you inflate prices from cash drops and quests it simply creates higher inflation on the GTN.


    It's how economy works in RL and in games, and no that's not how games are designed, it's human nature.

  2. I had the exact same problem on my operative. No problems with my sorc or warrior though.


    My only theory is that all those mobs you skip by using stealth quickly add up to some serious xp. Any other class doesn't have the option to skip mobs as frequently.


    I remember having a similar problem with my rogue and druid in the other game. I guess that's just how it is if you use stealth to liberally.

  3. I have a full time job. I also have a girlfriend. 1 week a month I'm on call so no playing 1 month a week. I probably play 2-3 sessions of 3-4 hours on a normal week.


    I have two level 50's and another on the way. I'm legacy level 18.


    As someone else has posted, most people would even class you as casual.

  4. Ive been noticing some odd goings on with tactical advantage for a while, but I've only really just properly tested it.


    It seems that my frag grenades, and overload shots are generating tactical advantages, however it's not 100% consistent and seems to be linked to carbine burst in some way. it basically means I can carbine, then frag, and then carbine again.


    I've been over all of my talents and tooltips and can't see anything that's causing it. I have 14 points in concealment and then some points in the medic tree (level 33).


    Is this just a really nice bug or am I missing something obvious?

  5. I was always of the view that the original trilogy was worlds better.


    That being said, I watched the originals sometime last week, and came to the conclusion that actually, they're not better, not even slightly.


    IMHO it boils down to people who were around when the originals came out, (I'm 23, but was around when the remastered versions came out, and honestly, I was obsessed, this is years before the prequels FYI) have a fantastical view of the original trilogy. It's common in society for people for people to remember "the good old'" days with an almost romantic fondness.


    I honestly believe that this is the case. The prequels were a lot deeper, and had reasonably intelligent plot lines.


    The originally trilogy is has so e real over the top cheese in them (DEATHstar anybody).


    At the end of the day, both sets of movies are fantastic, and I enjoy all 6 of them. With the exception of Jar Jar Binks, the prequels don't deserve anything close to the amount of slating they get.


    Just my opinion.

  6. I agree with everyone's observations here. Droids are certainly AI's.


    Perhaps I get a sense of cross-pollination when I think of the Reapers and EDI, then Holiday... I'm sort of waiting for an evil AI to come and cause trouble in the SW universe when, traditionally, droids are hopeless and tend to stay out of the affairs of sentient races in SW lore.


    Hmm. Interesting, nevertheless.


    Directive 7 :)

  7. Unless you want to tank, I would probably say no.


    You will basically be playing through exactly the same story all over again. I'm a juggernaut and I really want a marauder, but I can't bring myself to do it.


    If you are wanting to DPS, then bear in mind Jugg won't output as much, at least at the moment.

  8. According to who..BW?

    Let me remind You that BW is lying with every statement they make.


    Most of the SWTOR community doesnt believe a single word BW says now.




    Raises hand..im one of em.


    I think you'll find it's illegal to lie about things like this. False advertising ring any bells? BW aren't going to risk a law suit over something so trivial. If the numbers were bad they'd simply omit them from updates.

  9. At this point, I could see cathar, togruta, zeltrons, duros, maybe even devaronians all working out without much need for gear alteration (togruta/devaronians/duros would all have to have helm slots automatically hidden).


    We wont see the taung, they're extinct. I doubt we'll see echani or arkanians, they're too human-like (though that argument goes against chiss too, and we have them...)


    I guess we'll just have to wait and see, only a month to go till march and the legacy system update. I hope that, at the very least, if they only do something like give miraluka to the sith side, they at least put in the extra effort to improve that species as a whole, the current selection of miraluka masks is terrible and none of them would be particularly fitting for a sith.


    Ok so initially I thought Cathar would be pretty cool, but since reading through the thread, and seeing that Cathar are mentioned in almost all of your posts, and according to you they are the only race that can be made playable, I've decided I'm sick of the damn Cathar, and I'm pretty glad my Op has just reached Taris so that I can go slaughter the things.

  10. This ^


    Also, why should I HAVE to test this game for them now that it is launched? Why has the player base become the pool of BW testers (this is an age old problem with ALL mmorpgs).


    I pay to play not test. IF BW/EA wants to PAY me to test instead of play I would be more than happy to do this. Until then we are all stuck with short cuts that this industry makes. Period. I have seen it in EVERY MMO I have played for the last 12 years.


    TL;DR Pay me and I will test untill then deliver a product worthy of my time and treasure!


    Erm, because that's what PTR's are for. And that post was so ridiculously bad, you hardly need a TL;DR on there do you really?

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