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Posts posted by Idunhavaname

  1. They really need to work on making the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds more in line with the other two strongholds in general.


    I really have no idea why they made the two most popular strongholds inferior to Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine.


    Dromund Kaas and Coruscant strongholds both could use a third floor...and the landing pad in front needs to be enlarged to support a ship.


    I agree. In fact, the space below the Centerpiece area is an ideal spot for a Ship hook. Coruscant and DK should be expanded so it can be on par with Tatooine (same goes for NS) and this includes number of hooks.

  2. That's far from the biggest problem on VS. The biggest problem is that the doors always decide the outcome of games. Some people like to argue that you can use the doors to your advantage but there are perhaps three people in this game capable of doing this so it's never in any team's game plan - and certainly not in normal pug games. I think we should have a pre-set personal spawn timer on 5-10 seconds instead, similar to how spawns work in most shooters.


    That's my problem with VS as well. It requires a GODLY coordination vs teams of equal footing to plant a bomb.

  3. The four matches I've played tonight where the winning team (mine or theirs) who's kill count was 45+/50 for gunships would argue with you.


    Then your team was horrible at targeting GS downs. Bombers and GS are pretty much dead weight againts a team of competent scouts. You know, the ones who dont fly in a straight line and actually aim for GS/Bombers first.


    I would say the onyl way GS and Bombers can be effective is if you have multiple ships guarding them. Their slow mobility prevents them from acquiring the biggest advantage- power ups. And a scout in damage and engine power ups can deal some serious hurt.

  4. My only real "gripe" is with the dialog Republic side. The dude on the holoterminal said the Imps were going to violate the treaty of Coruscant by attacking Kuat.


    Seems odd, given that by Act II in the story quest the war is back on and is in full swing.


    I may have not been paying attention but I dont recall hearing that on my 55. Maybe its just for players early on in story progression.

  5. And you play bomber or gunship?



    Seriously the maps were obviously designed to give these two classes the biggest advantage they possibly could.


    Game Mode: 10/10

    Map design: -100/10 (Fire the ppl that designed them)


    Lol what? If anything the map is designed AGAINTS GS and bombers. I went on a killing rampage as scout.


    Deathmatch is byfar 100x more fun than defending satelites all day.

  6. What's a "que"?


    And it wouldn't decrease wait times. As long as your server has the minimum population necessary, cross-server queues will not help. Unless you can find a magical server that's full of tanks who can't get a queue to pop nothing is going to change. The ratio of DPS-to-healer-to-tank is going to be roughly the same for all servers.


    Let's say there are two servers, each has 100 DPS and 1 tank. If you put those two together, you'd have 200 DPS waiting on 2 tanks. The ratio is 100 DPS per tank no matter how you slice it.


    It may not reduce que time but it increases the total of flashpoints formed. Take for example the folllowing and more realistic situation...


    Server A: 3 tanks, 1 healers, 8 DPS

    Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

    Server B: 0 tanks, 2 healer, 3 DPS

    Without cross server, this server can create 0 FLASHPOINTS

    Server C: 1 tank, 2 healers, 5 DPS

    Without cross server, this server can create 1 FLASHPOINTS

    (2 active flashpoints)


    In total, we have 4 tanks, 5 healers, 16 DPS.

    With cross server, you get 4 flashpoints up from 2.

  7. If you're not on tank duty, you are raids heals. What does raid heals entail? Well pretty much anyone that takes damage. As 16 health bars can be overwhelming to manage, alot of groups will place one healer in each group. In this situation, I just prioritize my group (with focus on tank) first.
  8. All the companions look kinda ugly imo but here goes....


    •Best looking male: Scourge (JK)

    •Best looking female: Elara Dorne (Trooper. Dat accent)

    •Best looking alien companion: Vette (SW)

    •Worse looking companion: Broomark or whatever (SW)

    •Scariest Companion: Khem? (SI)

    •Cutest Companion: Blizz (BH)

    •Most Dangerous companion: Scourge given his previous title (JK)


    •Most excited about acquiring companion: any healer companion

    •Least desired companion to tag along: Khem/Qyzen

    •Companion most warmed up to after getting: Kira Carsen (JK)

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