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Posts posted by OriginalBrands

  1. A lot of time has passed since my time in Beta. I am sure some of these ideas have been mentioned already, but I have nothing to do and I would like to list off everything I feel would keep me subscribed.


    These are in no particular order of importance. :csw_destroyer:





    Character Creation: :sy_companion:

    Out of however many faces you have to choose from, I have maybe found 3 I actually like, the others look like Mike Tyson beat the Bantha poo right out of them and most never match the voice anyways.


    To be honest, I've had a better selection of faces to choose from in other Star Wars titles in the past. Also, so very stereotyped, it hurts.


    What I would want to see changed:

    Let's not even compare any other MMO's to this game for a moment, I want to see full customization implemented into this creation process. I want to be able to choose from lips, eyebrows, ears, eyes (not color) and we need "tattoos" available for all race selection.


    Now, let's simply look at the Hairstyles. It doesn't get any easier than the vast amounts of styles already available simply based on Expanded Universe and other Star Wars titles. I don't have a problem with the current hairstyles that are available, but the more the better. This was a pretty big complaint back in Beta, I am pretty sure it was completely ignored by anyone working on this game.


    Why do I feel that Character Creation is sorely important in this game? Because I feel you really, honestly need to connect a personal feeling with the Toon you play, especially when it comes down to Story and Environment. Now, I am not asking for a Skyrim or Star Trek Online customization process, but I am asking for a more personal based creation process.


    In short, Quality over Quantity of choices.


    Developers, You already have a massive Star Wars database to base designs from, please take just a moment to realize this is a pretty big thing in connecting to Story.





    Training: :sy_item:

    We'll, let me start off by saying, I usually just forget to Train in my skills in the first place. You have me running around everywhere and the Story does actually allow me to Level easier and feel less "grindy" and time consuming. Before Beta, I imagined the system being completely different, that learning our "Trade" was going to be something different in the way of online gaming with Bioware. Perhaps, something as simple as training an ability and being able to view a small scene of our character actually performing the ability, maybe just to show off and impress me, who knows.


    In short, please add a small Icon somewhere on the UI/HUD that glows to help remind older players like myself that Its time Train

    (yes, I understand that this function is available by pressing "P")


    I would love to see a more personal training system in place also, where a higher level player can train a lower level player of the same class, included would still be some kind of monkey sink system in place where you still have to purchase the skills, but from another player, it would add a whole new layer of personality to the game.

    In short, let High Level players of the same Class, train Lower Level players while still paying into the system.






    Mods, Dyes and Unify Color selection: :sy_armor:

    Honestly, I have been turned off by the current system. As I level I find myself "Downgrading" my appearance, instead of generally looking fantastic with a lot of "greens" I enjoyed. I want to have the freedom to generally wear what I want to wear that is available for my Level. Now, I doubt any developer is going to ever introduce any other type of system to the game, while we have the "orange, purple and blues". But if they do, you'll defiantly have my gratitude and keep me subbed.


    I don't expect everything to be able to moddable mind you, but if there was some way you could implement a system where I I can at least make it look like I'm wearing the items favor over the others, then you would defiantly make me a happy camper. Especially with color changes, Unify color works great if you actually like the color on the chest piece. Hell, even the Experimental Pilot suit I purchased looked great, but did not enjoy the Orange color at all, definably would like to be able to "dye" my costumes.


    In short, allow us to change our appearance without having to change our Stats, based on what is already available by Level. Add a Dye system and let us Unify Colors based on a specific Armor Piece, not just Chest Piece.






    Account Connected Friends and Ignore List :sy_title:

    Please, introduce a system that allows me to add just one friend or block one person and let it be that, instead of having to individually add or block several of the same person. This may be the biggest turn off in this game for me, always having to add my friend's Alts constantly, while either making new characters or them making new characters. Not only does this same type of system work in other MMO's but it actually keeps everything moving smooth.


    Also, I thought we got past this whole "Non-Cross faction" speaking like 6 years ago. There has to be an easier way to stay in touch with friends through private messages in this game, or at least specific custom created channels that allow groups of friends both Sith and Republic to speak to each other. This is nowhere near a new idea, but it is what I have relied on in MMO's for the last few years when Guild member or other friends need help with something, even if its only information.


    Also, instead of being Harassed by the same player on a different toon, blocking him once will block all of the rest of his alts on his account from interfering with my gaming experience. Sure the guy or girl could switch to a f2p account and everything, but again, better than constantly adding the same people to my Ignore list.



    We'll, not that I actually believe Development will actually respond or even read any of this, but if they really, honestly value Feedback of some kind that doesn't punch them in the gut all the time, here it is. I have more feedback, but its time to head to work.


    Thanks for Reading!

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