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Posts posted by Brutanic

  1. It was... decent. Nice visuals, mostly good characters, not bad story (not as good as Ms Crispin's book trilogy, but still). Probably the best of Disney era movies.


    I feel no guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ.

    I feel deep sadness because LucasFilm discontinued Legends universe (I don't mind not following it in the new movies, just the fact that I don't get more stories).


    Definitely agree with all points in the latter - especially the last point regarding legend continuity and having it parallel this current continuity (I have been wondering recently if they will cave into that demand, just based on a hunch).


    I personally liked TFA, but like everyone else was deeply disappointed by TLJ. In regards to Solo, I think I am about the only person who has this criticism, but I didn't like it visually. I loved the story (really loved), and I loved the characters (I know others in this thread did not like Ehrenreich performance, but I thought he was both good in itself and also tremendously better than I thought he would be going into it). I think that they did a fantastic job when it came to all of those aspects, but at times I did not feel like I was watching a film set in the Star Wars universe. I mean that literally not metaphorically. It at times didn't look like it was set in the same universe visually. In the original trilogy and the prequels despite the use of physical locations in the former and CGI in the latter, they still felt visually consistent. Even in the TFA, R1 and also (yes I know) TLJ. But this is the first one I looked at visually and didn't feel like I was watching something that was part of the same universe.


    Of course this is part of Disney's plans to keep things 'fresh' and 'new' and I think many on this thread would argue that visually SOLO was pretty akin to the other films of the sequel trilogy and anthology series? I personally don't think so:



    Was particularly disappointed in this context with Corellia and the war scene of Mimban


  2. This game appears to be on the back end of it's life-span. EA / Bioware have taken away a lot of the dev resources for other projects and cuts. EA also appears to be in the early stages of working on a potential replacement star wars MMO (probably at least a couple years away still) . Then, the Solo movie came out and doom-and-gloomers can't stop worrying. Yet, that movie may have offered the first bit of hope for this game to have a potential revival.:




    So if this game survives a couple more years and an Old Republic movie comes to fruition, I do believe a revival is possible. I would hope such an event would spark consideration of a game overhaul using a much better, more modern engine. It's probably more of a pipe dream.


    Still, it would be ironic if this game had the plug pulled in 2 years to make way for a Star Wars MMO set around TBY and then to see a new Star Wars trilogy launched (with major success in the first installment) set in the Old Republic era. I really feel Star Wars fans are longing for new stories. They have exhausted the well for the Skywalker and Clone Wars themes. Making many of the Old Republic (or KOTOR) characters canon will be applauded and welcomed by many of the current Disney critics.


    I think it's intuitive that they will eventually move the film franchise to the Old Republic era. It is difficult to say whether they will ever make one centred around Revan or any of the other KOTOR characters however. If they do, do so then (obviously) much of the story will be re-written and I think Disney will opt to make a 'fresh' take on the characters (which concerns me). I think if they ever do a film revolving around Revan his acceptance and conflict with both the light and the dark will be explored (it's imo too juicy not to be explored and something they've not really done (even in the sequel trilogy)). With all that said though, I do not feel they will do so not even because of the risk of a tsunami sized backlash (if they screw up with Revan or the film in general) - as they have shown little recoil to such a reception with the past few films - but rather because they will want to depart from content as well as themes explored previously in the Legends continuity, including KOTOR.


    I think if any of the KOTOR characters will be re-introduced into canon (which to be honest also seems likely at some point) it will be in another source such as book/comic/tv series/reference in another film (they nearly made him canon him Clone Wars as I understand it).

  3. To be honest, I don't think there was ever any doubt that the majority of the Expanded Universe would remain intact. The only concern was Post-ROTJ. In my opinion though I don't believe this stops the possibility of their being a separate timeline, all it does is regulate and synchronize all Star Wars material so you don't get all this contradictionary ******** that we've seen in the Clone Wars. That in my opinion is the greatest news I've heard related to Star Wars in a very long time.


    Regarding what this means for Post-ROTJ material, well that's a matter of great debate. I think we've all resigned ourselves to the idea that the primary continuity will comprise of the new films and hence forth any novels, comics, etc. related to it. This will be apart of the "single timeline" that they've referred to.


    But that doesn't mean that the Post-ROTJ will not be introduced as an alternate timeline. It would not be considered canon, but as far as I'm concerned if they still produce novels related to this "non-canon timeline" I couldn't care a less.


    If they stop production on these books, then sadly, the Post-ROTJ material that some of us have come to love, will become obsolete. It's uncertain at this point what the ultimate fate of Post-ROTJ material will be, but I think it'll hinge greatly on how Disney treats Del-Ray, and what new novels it releases in the near future. If Disney retains it's licence with Del-Ray, then I think my theory will come into affect. Vice versa if it doesn't. We'll know for sure in the next couple of months I think, especially if the upcoming "Sword of the Jedi" trilogy is actually released. I do believe that the first book of the series has not been given a date, but is confirmed to come out sometime in 2014, but regarding the next two books, I can't be sure. Hopefully they will, and all is well, but if they don't as I said previously, it all becomes obsolete.

  4. I saw this coming a mile away. It's sad that it’s had to come to this, but the truth is, LucasArts hasn't been producing decent games in some time. I highly doubt that this is the "end" of Star Wars games in general. As they said, they'll still be doing the licencing.


    What worries me more about Disney making a decision like this is if they do it to other arms. Disney has proven that it can act boldly, and more importantly, it will. I'm worried about the idea of them suspending contracts with Dark Horse and Del Ray. I know it’s just an irrational sense of fear, but with the direction the companies going, it wouldn't surprise me.


    If you think about it logically as well, it would make some level of sense. A lot of the books produced by Del Ray are post-ROTJ. If post-ROTJ canon is indeed revamped, wouldn't it be logical to suspend the contract with Del Ray? For a while I admit to feeling that such a decision wasn’t going to happen. Like some people, I suspected that what they would do is just “separate” both sets of canon. But when I see decisions like this, the reality hits home that this may not happen.

  5. "Ania Solo is somebody that is not a part of [the world of Emperor's and royalty], and she doesn't have a personal connection to it. She may have even turned her back on it." - Gabriel Hardman, writer for the Legacy sequel.


    The last part makes it sound to me like she'll be descended from Alanna Solo and turned her back on her royal connection to Hapes. (And given how things are in that court who can blame her?)

    Hapes is a matriarchy, so maybe its not uncommon for surnames to pass from mother to child even if Tenel Ka gave her own daughter Jacen's last name.


    OR she might be a part of the Fel dynasty who disassociated herself from them, probably taking Han/Jaina's name to distance herself from the royal family.


    In either event, it sounds like they'll be continuing the theme from the first Legacy series of the main character having tried to leave their family's past behind but getting dragged back into it.


    This is exactly what I was thinking. However, I don’t think they'll definitively state what exactly the relation is until after Jaina is officially with child. My strong indication is it follows the former, rather than the latter. The writers themselves have stated how they want to build a character disassociated from the previous volume. This to me, combined with the fact that the writers seem to show that they have a fair degree of foresight, will aim towards the former rather than the latter. It would make more sense to build around Alana, because it’s unexplored territory.


    In addition it would explain more about the relation of Hapes and the Fel Empire. Beyond the relationship that Roan had with a Hapan, and despite what happened to her, I always found it strange that the Hapans wouldn't lend support to the Triumvirate during the Battle of Coruscant if there was a family relation. Of course it could be spinned so many different ways; One of Alana's relatives had turned her back on the family, or they had died, or deposed, the list goes on. It would be really interesting to see if Ania is the reason for this, and it would make sense based on what Gabriel has stated.


    In any case I think it’s wise if they build an association to Alana around her, there’s a lot of material to be used and it is unexplored territory.

  6. I've played all class storylines excluding Trooper, which I'm doing just now. I recognize that peoples favourite storylines will be influenced by there own personal preferences, but I personally strongly agree with this.


    The one thing that I really felt about the Agent storyline, is that it created a great sense of conflict within me. This is contrast to all the other storylines I've played. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike any of the other storylines, in fact I like all of them. But its just that there all cut and dry. I knew exactly where I stood with all the other classes, and it was very clear what decisions I wanted to make. With the Agent however, it was all shades of grey, and there was an overwhelming sense of conflict in myself, as a fan, in wanting to remain loyal to the Empire, as opposed to stopping and saying "go **** yourself".


    It was the first character I played, and I found myself unable to stop playing. I appreciate all the class storylines in part because of how loyal I am to Star Wars as a brand, but truthfully Agent was the only class where I really wanted to find out what happened next. It was unpredictable and never followed a status quo.


    Anyway, this was my interpretation of the storyline, and bringing it down to brass tax, I can tell anyone who hasn't experienced it, that your missing out, it really is an amazing storyline.

  7. Its intriguing to see some of the picks. If you guys are anything like me, where you appreciate all Star Wars material its so hard to put a list together on your favourite characters, because there are just so many of them.


    Looking at the lists, I've got such an urge to add some more charcaters like Wynn Dorvan, Bane, Pre Viszla, Gilad Palleon and Tyber Zhan, I thought those were awsome picks. I would love to see a Tallon Karrde or Komari Vosa pick or something along those lines.


    Either way, loving the picks.

  8. Yesterday I was thinking about some of my favourite characters in Star Wars, and I was wondering what others peoples picks would be.


    This goes for all material, EU/Movies etc - all of it.


    Mine is the following:


    1. Luke Skywalker

    2. Mara Jade (Yes the irony isn't lost on me).

    3. Plagueis

    4. Roan Fel

    5. HK-47

    6. Cade Skywalker

    7. Naga Sadow

    8. K'krukh

    9. Exar Kun

    10. Marr

  9. Actually after looking into this a little more. Apparently according the Codex entry "Hadra's forces" Darth Arctis is in control of the Pyramid of History.


    The codex entry is:-


    The twelve members of the Dark Council preside over twelve pyramids, or spheres, of influence within the Empire. The Dark Council member who presides over Dromund Kaas, Darth Hadra, is currently embroiled in a conflict with the Dark Council member in charge of ancient Sith secrets and history, Darth Arctis. Darth Hadra’s forces discovered an ancient Sith shrine outside Kaas City and claimed it in her name. Darth Arctis quickly challenged her claim to the discovery, arguing that the contents of the shrine were his domain. While the conflict over the shrine has not yet come to all-out warfare between the two Dark Council members, Darth Hadra has positioned her forces in the area around the shrine, with orders to attack anyone who trespasses. The rest of the Dark Council is turning a blind eye toward any fighting with Hadra’s forces while Hadra and Arctis “negotiate” for control of the shrine.


    Hence ignore my speculation pertaining the Pyramid of History.

  10. Guessing at the order is speculation. To be on the council itself is to be established as powerful, and I believe that Thanaton was probably a relatively strong member in comparison to the others. However its clear that he wasn't the most powerful.


    If I'd put a name on the councilor whos most powerful it'll have to be Marr. Hes been on the council for decades, and still shows no sign of fraility at all.

  11. I guess these could be Spoilers




    I was wondering if anyone put any thought into what they could be. I have heard of these


    ■Pyramid of Assassins - ?

    ■Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge - Thanaton

    ■Pyramid of History - ?

    ■Pyramid of Military Strategy - Vengean

    ■Pyramid of Intelligence - Jadus

    ■Pyramid of Science - Hadra


    but what are the others and who are the heads of them.


    I've speculated about this before, but more about the members than the Pyramids themselves. Pyramid of History sounds like Vowran or Mortis. Pyramid of Assains Sounds like Marr (least likely) or Mortis.


    Out of all the Dark Council members Darth Marr intriques me the most I'd love to know what Pyramid hes in control of - We may get an inside look of that In Drew's upcomming book:- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation as its featuring Marr.


    I'd also like to see who has replaced Hadra in the Pyramid of Science as Hadra is supposedly dead now. I'd also like to find out whos replaced Jadus in the Pyramid of Intelligence now that hes been "detained" for lack of a better word. For the Pyramid of Military Strategy I know that Vengean is dead, aswell as Baras who was his predeccesor, and Darth Ahro who was Baras's prdeccesor. So It'll be intresting who takes over that Pyramid now - That to me sounds like Marr, but it wouldn't make sense as hes been on the council for decades and obviously has a Pyramid of his own.

  12. I've got to say I'm cautious about this game. While I love aswell as appreciate the fact that this game will not be revolving around the Jedi, I'm weary of the theme. While I appreciate how they want to make it a more "mature" themed game, I hope its not so extreme as to completely Ignore all the key elements that makes Star Wars what it is. I'd like to see a balance.


    I'll be buying this game out of Brand Loyalty despite what side of the spectrum this game is on, but I'm watching very closely to see what direction this is heading into.

  13. A new novel called Crucible has been announced and is set for a Spring 2013 release and is being written by Troy Denning, it is set a year after Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse.


    "Denning says he's doing a novel about a year after Apocalypse ends. It stars the Big Three, and starts in a cantina, "and yes, Han shoots first." It'll be set in a new part of the galaxy, that's new to readers. Lando is involved, no grandkids."


    ―Newsarama.com reporting Troy Denning intervention during the SDCC 2012


    source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Crucible_(novel)


    What does everyone think this will be about? I think maybe

    more Abeloth and the daggers?


    Really looking forward to this novel. While I love and appreciate all of the other characters in th NJO and Legacy Era, I'm happy that there making a novel soley for Han, Luke, Leia and Lando.


    To address your point on what my thoughts are surronding a plot, I dont think it'll be about Abeloth or the Dagger. Abeloths just been killed, so it seems unlikely that they would revive her immeidately. Similarly the Dagger is unlikely to be addresed as a core element of the plot, as being a "Stand-alone book" Its more likely to be addressed as an indirect metion, or a refence to there progress finding the Dagger and the Monolith. The Dagger would more likely be addressed in greater detail in the next series.


    I think, like how "Millennium Falcon" introduced the setting of FoTJ, "Crucible" and I expect "X-Wing:- Mercy Kill" will introduce the setting of the next series.

  14. I love how hes featuring Darth Marr and Master Gnost Dural. I've always been very fascinated by both characters, and have felt that they deserve a greater role then they've been presently given in the game itself, but also - and I hate to say "swtor" in the context of a genre because I dont distinguish it with any other Star Wars material - the Star Wars universe itself.
  15. I have to ask the people that want server merges or transfers please identify what kind of server you are currently on. It looks at first glance that these people are all on pvp servers. I dont see this problem of empty planets on the pve servers I play on. Hopefully we can see if there is a trend to this complaint. Are a lot of people with this problem on EU servers? Lets have a clear tabulation of where the problem is.


    I'm on Niman - EU PvP. Your assesment on PvE and PvP servers are correct. I actually took a look at this because I'm planning to re-roll due to my servers population being near non-existant, and I noticed that it is indeed PvP servers who are facing this problem for the most part.


    I'm not entirely sure if its only a problem faced by EU servers, but from the comments I've seen throughout forums, it appears to be yes.

  16. So much possibilities. I've got to say: Muunilinst - It would be aswsome to see the Muuns role in galactic affairs during this era. I'd also love to see Ithor, Felucia, Fondor and Corulag.



    Mandalore. The Mandalorian homeworld? Guys.. do none of you want to know what happens to the Mandalorians? Endless possibilities for both Republic and the Empire...


    Definitely this aswell.

  17. That's okay. . . I don't really plan to, since I refuse to read Karen Traviss' works. If I do, I'l definitely be skipping Legacy of the Force. I've heard enough about that I just have no interest in reading it.


    If only I had that privilege...

  18. The thing that probably upsetted me most about Maras death, was that it poorly written, Karen Traviss writings have made me rage to the point of overload, but that scene in particular drove me crazy.
  19. Only read the first page of the thread so forgive me if this post is completely irrelevant.


    You know I was thinking about the exact same thing a couple of days ago, I still think It was one of the worst decesions Lucasfilm has ever made. The Idea was actually pitched by Karen herself - which is all the more reason why I despise the woman - and she felt "obliged" to write the scene.

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