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Posts posted by bigsexee

  1. On my FIRST toon I got them all to learn where they were, once you learn the location that is the hard part. Next when you lvl alts you will notice quest bring you VERY close to MOST datacrons and they give exp....so why not get them....extra stats+ if you get then when lvling and change your "main toon" later on you might already have MOST datacrons....id say I get about 2/3 of them when I level up and do quest.
  2. Why am I still getting massive lag on this ONE map. I seen a dev post about this from LAST YEAR (like 1/15/14) I get 40+ FPS in the fleet and even higher FPS in other places, yet on this ONE ranked map my FPS drop down to 0.07! thats right POINT 07 FPS I cant move/type/use ANY skills at all. At first I just started staying away from the bridge cause that was what makes me lag, now I have noticed if ANYONE fights on it my FPS drop even if I am no where near the bridge. PLEASE fix or REMOVE this map! :mad:
  3. actually, Neural Dart/Insert Vanguard SST Name Here has about a 0.2 second travel time. but, it's also the price to pay for having the range. It would be OP if it didnt have a travel time...


    Other class's can still taunt from range....again its still a downside because of the travel time....and the time depends how far away they are, and even 0.2 seconds can be the difference in a win or death in pve and pvp (Nightmare mode in pve for sure)

  4. It has more than 1 downfall...in fact both our taunts do....its the ONLY taunt in the game with a travel time...In pve if a dps or healer is getting beat down and you taunt with ANY other class in the game it turns and targets you....BUT NOT OURS we have 2 wait for the taunt 2 get 2 the guy....


    I listed ONE example that does not mean their are not lots of other negatives

  5. We have the WORST AOE taunt in the game because it is a missile.

    I was just in pvp and targeted a sniper with 3 guys around him....I fire missile...he rolls...the AOE taunt hits ONE GUY.


    With 3.0 our chaff flare is gone and threat drop will be "aoe taunt" I get it this makes it fair like the other class's BUT ITS NOT FAIR because its still a stupid missile.


    How is this going 2 work in pve if I threat drop "aoe taunt" the boss but adds are not in range will it only threat drop off the boss?

  6. The sad part is that this could be a easy fix by changing kolto overload (no clue what vangaurds one is called) right now its so usless....pop it early your HP hits 35% and it stops and is wasted....pop it late and they burn you with it up and it does not mater.

    This could be an EASY FIX if they changed it to heals you over time for 35% NO MATER WHAT YOUR HP!

    and would help in pvp and pve

  7. Could we get a way to hide some quests?

    For example Daily's (I HATE daily's and will not do them so take the yellow triangle off my map)


    Another example is the Star fighter quest. I did some star fighter on my main and I will NOT gear out the same ship on other toons I will only ever do it on my one guy and I am so sick of seeing intro to star fighter when I go to get the pvp daily's / weekly's.


    Or at least turn Daily's a different color. I would go back to every planet and look for REAL quest that I have never done. The problem is those stupid daily's trick you and you see the triangle and go look a new quest but its NOT.


    You guys did a great job with story and I want to see as much as the story as I can but I stop looking for new quest because I am so sick of seeing a quest and it ends up being a daily

  8. Is their any point in saving ranked coms? I figured after the new season launched we would get a new lvl of PvP gear...but that didnt happen so should I spend my coms or would saving ranked coms help at lvl 60?
  9. Can we get some min requirement for solo que? I did a match last night and the groups healer had 22k and he was bragging about just getting back into pvp. Im sure you can guess we lost HARD core. This is just ONE example of under geared people....I have also had dps in FULL pve gear a few times.


    Would it be to much to ask to make the 2018 expertise a requirement ( and I dont mean recruit gear)


    (yes I know I dont have to do solo I can que as a group...but I dont like to be forced to group...

    id rather pvp solo but no games ever put a 1vs1 ranked (or unranked) in any game

  10. They killed pyro back when they changed a MISSILE'S range to 10m....guess the BH shops at ACEME

    And the nade range also 10m so all BH's must throw like girls (no offense =D)


    PvP has not been the same sense than....flamethrower spec is trash in pvp...

    but I am happy they fixed that stupid use tank cylinder while dps spec ..


    They need to bring back the old Pyro...part range + melee=FUN (and yes I mean more then 10M!!)

  11. Because as a powertech I think I have the worst AOE taunt in the game...I have 2 change my target and it shoots at them...where every other class can stay on their current target hitting them...and hit AOE taunt if he is close to the people he wants 2 taunt....where If i shot my taunt at a mara and he leaps at the same time....my taunt follows him away from the group
  12. Its not what they think...im sick of they crying that im not doing a tanks job (gaurd swapping taunting) that is not a DPS job....taunt should be a usless skill in pvp for a DPS 2 use..


    Its like if u played a lighting sorc and ppl cried all the time u did not heal them anuf....even tho ur not the healer


    Yes im playing this stupid spec....because its OP....aka broken...or as BW likes to say...works as intended...

    If I do not play the broken spec people cry that I need 2 play it and should gaurd them.....if i do play it they cry im not gaurd swapping and taunting anuf...I cant win...

    .(this is y my suggestion is ONLY full tank spec players get the taunt that reduced dmg in pvp)

  13. If u cant admit PT is broken..you are all ready past helping...

    YES i want my class nerfed if that's what u want 2 call it

    I just want to be able 2 DPS with out people crying and blaming EVERYTHING on me


    Its not really a nerf.....its making tanks tank....and DPS do DPS


    After 7 years of tanking in wow i JUST WANT TO DPS....NO taunting / guarding involved



    PS. Im NOT saying other class's are not broken lol MOST are I just hate what they did 2 mine

  14. First of all bring back the old pyro...(but that's a different subject)


    That being said this OP mix 10 points into tank tree and 36 in Advance prototype is really getting on my nerves....


    We win...i can have top dmg and top gaurd and get no MVP's and not even a nice job


    BUT omg if we loose "You did not gaurd swap...omg u should taunt more...omg cry cry cry....its all your fault"


    IM NOT A TANK for a reason and everyone in their brother wants me 2 use this broken (but yes OP) spec...





    and WATCH the troll's come out...."your just bad shut up" that has NOTHING to do with it... im being forced into a roll i NEVER wanted because the spec is 100% broken


    Taunt should ONLY reduce damage if they are SPEC INTO the tank tree....people need to stop expecting a dps 2 be a 100% tank....when I get on my sorc no1 wants me to heal 100% of the time...BUT off heals are nice.....yet on my powertech they think im a pure tank


    Bty yes thats my suggestion at the end...taunt should ONLY reduce dmg (in pvp) if they are in the TANK tree...

    I just had 2 vent


    AND for you trolls....I have #1 wins on a powertech / vandgaurd at the moment (bigsexee) so yes I know my class...no im not a noob....again Im being FORCED to play a roll I NEVER wanted


    Edit....#2 wins as powertech my bad

  15. Could we get a filter so we ONLY see a selected server? Like I only care about the one I'm on no need 2 see the rest...ill never face them unless you guys come up with cross server PVP soon


    (OMG i hope u do soon! Que times suck...but that's a different topic)

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