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Posts posted by Sharkvadar

  1. Cant wait for guildwars 2. A game wre at least they seem to give a crap about the PVP community. I mean there is no pvp on this game. Ilum is a joke, full of imps. They put those stupid armaments on the middle makimg it impossible to farm anything. Then we have only 3 miserable warzones, in which empire is so farmed. The only way to win a warzone on my server(velaa) is to play against my own faction (republic) on hutball.


    Pls let me know if u feel the same way or is it just me.

  2. Is anyone even trying to win warzones anymore? Everyone ignores the warzones objectives. Seems these days I can only win if I go with a premade or am lucky enough to have a premade on my team that crushes everything.


    As hell, EMpired is so farmed on my server(velaa . ONly way to win warzone is to play against republic on hutball. What a joke this game is turning to be. PLease hurry up GUILD WARS. At least guild wars acts like they give a crap about the pvp community.

  3. There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




    Wow some ppl have really small mind!!!! Guys like this is why bioware is getting away with doing nothing useful to fix game.


    Still waiting for a camera fix. So i dont have to scroll out every freakin second.

  4. There really appears to be a serious disconnect between the tiny portion of the community that spends all their time on the forums screaming and whining and crying and complaining bitterly and inconsistently and the devs...




    Wow some ppl have really small mind!!!! Guys like this is why bioware is getting away with doing nothing useful to fix game.


    Still waiting for a camera fix. So i dont have to scroll out every freakin second.

  5. its just you,sorc/sages is the only reason people still get the 5k dmg medal!


    Wait till some capable players roll marauder/powertech(and their counterparts) and you can see what is really over the top


    dude i play a sentinel watchman dots, i was always top damage in every warzone. My sentinel is a beast. I just moved bracket, and started having problems with everyone having shield on all the time. i know im low on expertise for 50 bracket, but the whole shield spamming have nothing to do with that. needs nerf. .

  6. You are seriously misguided. You cannot spec in a lower lockout of the bubble. The only thing you can spec in is 20% extra absorb, bringing it from 4k to 5k. HOWEVER, there is a set bonus on the gear that reduces the lockout from 20 seconds to 17 seconds. There is also a talent that takes it from a 6 second recast CD, to no CD. This does not help us, because we are still on lockout for 20 seconds. If you can't do 5k damage, and then kill a squishy sorc, you are just a horrible player. I'm a sorc, if you couldn't tell, and most melee beat me. Operative/snipers rarely get me, and other sorcs never get me. Sins, I have a pretty hard time with, same with mercs. There are your FACTS on the bubble.


    Rule #1 at beating a sorc: dot them if u have dots, and they havent seen you yet.

    Rule #2 don't stand next to a ledge and get knocked off and then kited.

    Rule #3 dont stand in a group of friendlys.

    Rule #4 Burst damage their first shield, if they pop it again, cc them. Honestly, it's 4-5k damage mitigation, you already do 15% extra damage to them because of the light armor.


    I have 2 other classes level 40+, and i have no trouble killing sorcs. Most sorcs are bad players, they just want to pew pew lightning.



    Seriously, if your having problems, learn the enemy or you cant beat the enemy.



    Top damage in evey single warzone buddy!!! get on my server Veela, and come and duel me.


    Eveyone knows that shield is op. By the way its not as easy as doin 5k damage, because what happens is another sorc or the same one casts a new shield when that one is over.


    think about it bro. every freakin player is got a bubble on all the time. specially if its a premade with 2 or more sorc.

  7. this quote has so much false statements...its pathetic.


    the sheild has a 20sec INTERNAL COOLDOWN.




    for 20secs you CANNOT CAST IT ON A TARGET that already has it.



    Healers can reduce the REAL cooldown for the skill, so they can cast it on multiple people, but they CANNOT reduce the 20sec internal CD.


    Ok , so you telling me there is no cooldown on it? if you can cast at everyone in your party. even worst. dude sorc op eveyone knows it. Hey your class is getting nerded soon, U mad bro?

  8. We're going to have an even bigger problem when all the people rerolling sorc hit 50.


    Check this out;


    6 out of 18 guild members all have practically main switched to sorc... they barely play their old mains anymore.


    The two friends I play with started levelling sorcs... they are having so much fun they never play their mains anymore.


    I decided to see what was up.. so I started a sorc... holy crap this class is awesome; I hardly play my main anymore.


    Just wait. Mark my words.


    When there's an alpha class expect everyone to flock to it.


    Or they going to get nerfed the hell up.

  9. Or it might be that your are underpowered, undergeared or .... well, you get the idea. The bubble is not all that strong to a well-geared player. It goes down in seconds and then it's all over.


    wow its a 30sec duration, and the cooldown on it, if u spec on it is like less tham 10 sec. And u can spec on it to absorb an extra 20%. Its the most broken defense ability atm.

  10. dude its not just you, sorcs are breakin the game with their dumb shield. Seems to me that bioware dont test and care about the games PVP at all. Anyone can see thats a problem, that stupid bubble. And im sure bioware got no one that plays the game and sees that.
  11. i give 3/10



    -Stun lock


    -No class balance


    -Pretty much no Opvp


    -All Jedi's and Siths are equiped with broomsticks, not light sabers. Jedi/Siths does less damage on this game. Haha not cool.


    -ONly 3 warzones for a game that has been on the make for 3+ plus years is sad.

    i mean they spent all that time with the open cinematic of each warzone, which is boring worthless, buggy... and memory consuming. For me a waste of time.

  12. minus the guy who tried to rage teach us about imbalance this is a thread the devs should read


    what you mean rage, your the only one raging to me. The guy talking about imbalance put a good point out. you're just being a goon.

  13. There are alot of sorcs, because it is a really fun class with alot of versatility, smugglers come out of stealth and kill targets in seconds with huge crits yet all I hear is sorcerers are op.


    I think some Jedi classes are op too, and rocks are harder to see than lightning, so no one says a word about the rocks.


    We need to stop trying to get our enemies nerfed and instead learn how to play against them and use the abilities we have to stop their attacks. The classes are fine atm people want this to be a 2 botton game like wow was, they need to learn thier classes and stop crying all the time.


    Interrupt the sorc's , cc them , smash them up close...there you go i just taught you how to stop them, try combining your spells so you maximize your damage and cc ability. I know how to stop smugglers when they come out of stealth, its just hard to do. I do not want them nerfed because they make me a better player and once i get them dialed i will be able to own them.


    Thats called gaming, thats called getting better by overcoming obstacles, dont cry for a nerf cause you are too lazy to try and get better.


    Smugglers are op, sure but at least they dont heal like a boss. Sorc do all that damage do crap loads of op heal without specing on it. And got all the cc any class in any mmo ever had.

  14. The new name i came up with is Broomstick WarsTOR. Reason why, I dont see no one with a light saber. Light sabers are deadly and very powerful. This game in order to kill something, specially in pvp, you got to beat the hell out of somebody with your broomstick.


    LOL let me know what you think. Am i right or what?

  15. The new name i came up with is Broomstick WarsTOR. Reason why, I dont see no one with a light saber. Light sabers are deadly and very powerful. This game in order to kill something, specially in pvp, you got to beat the hell out of somebody with you broomstick.


    LOL let me know what you think. Am i right or what?:D

  16. I understand what you are trying to say... iv'e got a sorcerer and a maraudeur (around lvl 30) my sorcerer is spec dps (madness) but I will put some point in coruption (healing spec) later in order to be more usefull in pvp... it is ture that as a sorcerer I deal great dmg and I can save a mate or two with ward and heals... it is often that I'm in the firsts as DPS and as Heal ... With my maraudeur I may deal more dmg than a sorcerer but with less survibility it's about the same (I am aware that at lvl 50, my maraudeur will do probably more dmg than the sorcerer) but the maraudeur can't tank nor heal.. (can heal myself but I can not save a mate) I feel less usefull in a pvp game.

    But than again this is a PVP vision, in PVE I never tried any mission as a healer, but I tried to heal a friend when we played duo, and it was power killing and far from being enough to handle big scary and mean baddies...


    And to let you know I enjoy playing my maraudeur as much as I enjoy the sorcerer , I may feel less usefull but hey, I'm a mean dude with two cyberlasers... :D


    ty sir, glad you see!

  17. Actually, it is... My guardian (who is tank spec) CANNOT do the damage output a sentinel can, proven fact.


    And you must've went through 3+ years of MMOing through 1-20 and never got to max lvl.


    Guardians are underpower. the end. Try a BH or trooper tank then we talk. By the way try a warzone or any pvp at all before posting. really.


    warhammeronline KOBS 40 renow 84, Warlion renown 74, warrior priest renown 70.

  18. 3+ years and still don't know that tanks and healers can DPS as well?


    Yea cool dps with heavy armor, nice. Have you heard of agro (hate or threat generator from what i see in warzones tanks are doin more damage overall with heavy armor.


    and then sages/inq. Doin all that damage without, you chase one they kite you around and heal like a champ without having any point in heal spec. whatever dude you just enjoy easy mode. you prob. playin a OP class and is happy about it.

  19. Hi and welcome to your first MMO in your life as your post clearly stands that you never been playing one before. I hope you'll enjoy it.


    Yea idk what game you playing, but looks like no SWTOR. Sentinel are the only class that cant dual spec, And don have the damage to make up for it, 95% of all jedi knights think the same, you are just too cool.


    I play mmo's for 3+ year smart pants

  20. I can tell this is your first MMO. Let me break it down for you.


    Someone with talents in healing who attempts to deal damage will find that in the early game, they actually can keep up with their damage spec buddies, just like how they'll find that their damage spec friends can heal just as well as they can.


    Fast forward to max level. Those skill points you get every level? Yeah, they add up. Eventually, a tank or healing spec who tries to do DPS will find that they can't put out anywhere near the numbers their party members can. DPS who try to heal will find their heals costing massive resources while healing very little. DPS who try to tank will find themselves crushed into paste.


    Dont know what game you playing. But thats not the case for SWTOR. Also i play mmo for 3+ years sir.

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