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Posts posted by EvilCoatrack

  1. Yes, make PvE even more ridiculously easy!


    Although if it were, I wouldn't really care. But I fail to see why the OP has such a problem with it as is.


    Reducing the amount of NPC knock backs in solo questing content doesn't make it easier. It makes it less annoying.


    In fact, if they replaced some of the knock backs with damaging casts that needed to be interrupted, the experience would be more difficult and more fun.

  2. An PvP player would surely write "L2P" here.


    I have been PvPing primarily as a sentinel/marauder since beta. This thread is not about PvP knockbacks and if you bother to read the thread title that should be abundantly clear.


    Knockbacks in PvP are fine (and I speak as someone who almost never plays as a class that can use one). They are fine because there are ways to respond to, plan for, and counter them in a way that rewards you for doing so. The same does not apply to the NPC abilities I noted above.


    As an aside - not all PvP habits should be transfered to PvE. Yes, I am looking at you, Tank-Who-Can't-Stand-Still-And-Forces-Melee-DPS-To-Chase-The-Erratic-Way-You-Make-The-Boss-Move.

  3. I spent a good deal of my evening running through much of Makeb tonight for really the first time. I wish I could say that my overall impression was that I enjoyed the atmosphere and the storyline. Unfortunately, I am left feeling more annoyed than anything. This is due to my character being a melee class and the seemingly inexplicable abundance of minor knockbacks and immobilizing effects that a huge amount of creatures on that planet possess.


    Here are the problems with doling out crowd control effects generously to Strong and Elite NPCs that players fight while questing:


    2. While forcing a player to deal with being stunned, immobilized, or knocked back can be an opportunity to lean how to better play, pretty much none of the instances I faced tonight could really serve as a learning experience.
      Firstly, when I am moving from one combat encounter to another, I will generally not be facing the exact same type of enemy often enough to make recognition that "oh, hey, the last one of these had a knockback!" set in. Instead, I am moving from mesa to mesa on Makeb facing a great variety of mobs, and I might only fight 3-4 of the same type of each Strong or Elite mob before I'm done with them forever (or at least until I start running dailies and have to suffer through them again). As a result, I might as well just assume that every silver or gold mob has some form of annoying CC (and I wouldn't be far off on Makeb).
      Secondly, there's nothing I can do about a knockback, stun, or root when I am a melee dps. Seriously, my options are 1) to hit the thing in the face while being interrupted by CC, or 2) to send my companion in first to be CC'd (which makes little sense because it is most efficient as a melee dps to solo with a healing companion).
    3. The only effect of these crowd control abilities is to frustrate me. They do not add additional challenge, unless the challenge is to resist the urge to log off. As I mentioned above, my behavior does not change when fighting a mob with CC vs a mob without CC - it just takes longer to kill the thing.
      The worst offenders here are the little 5-meter knockbacks that seem to be the most common among Strong mobs. I swear that more often than not, all that these little jolts result in is interrupting my 30-second cooldown Master Strike/Ravage channel, and making me bump a button on my mouse or keyboard to get back in range to keep hitting the thing. Oh, those and things that slow or root me upon knocking me backwards. Those teach me so much about how I hate being slowed and rooted while not being in range to hit the thing.
      Bonus points for these crummy little knockbacks coinciding with rubber-banding when I run through a pack and hit my Force Sweep/Smash. There's nothing quite like using the ability when you're in range, only to see your character awkwardly sliding across the screen while the graphical effect happens 10 meters from where you just used it, and NOTHING is hit by the attack.


    As an alternative to throwing small bursts of senseless frustration at us while leveling, how about this: You instead use mobs with abilites that force us to actively respond. When I'm stunned or bounced back, the negative aspect has already happened and I am forced to suffer through it and doomed to suffer it again because there is no adjustment I can make to avoid it while also still killing the thing.


    As an alternative, make me interrupt stuff or be hit with a stun or knockback!. THIS gives me a learning experience: Something bad happened, but there was actually a way to prevent it that I could put to use! And then once I have interrupted the annoying ability, I am then rewarded for my behavior by being able to actually use my devastating melee channel ability!




    //Thought the Talz packs on Ilum dailies were bad enough

  4. The noted exceptions are horrible.


    Specifically, the Aspiring Knight's gear is pretty unique in that it is non-robe/cape Jedi gear. It is quite popular because it is an example of a very aesthetically pleasing armor set. It is iconic because it most closely resembles what Satele Shan wears. Either make a version of it (and other popular low-level sets) that can be dyed, or start making new armor sets that look like it.


    You can even preview what this armor would look like if it were dyed, and it looks amazing. What reason is there for excluding some of your best armor from the dye system?

  5. Yeah, like that $18 or anyone elses for that matter will be reinvested into the game. I'm sure it all goes into nice bonus checks for the guys upstairs.


    Oh I'm sure it gets invested in the game - technically. It will be invested in making new cash-shop items.


    The unfortunate thing is that items like this make a ton of money (see WoW's $25 mounts) with relatively little effort and next to nothing added to the game. The success of items like this creates an incentive to keep on focusing on pixel-collectors instead of enhancing the actual gaming experience.

  6. The only time you have to actually move (not turn) your character to use the knockback is if two or more mobs are coming at you from two or more different directions. If that is happening, and you can't survive it, more is wrong with your group than your knockback. That might be a good time for a Force Speed, I think. But you don't like moving at all, apparently, so we'll try to avoid that.


    You do not have to change targets to use a frontal cone interrupt. All you have to do is turn your camera (hint, use your mouse) to face whatever it is, hit the button, and turn your camera back to face the thing you want to dps (that you still have targeted). The exact same time was lost from dps as it was with the old knock, unless you are really, really, ridiculously bad at turning your character with your mouse.


    This is SUCH a minor thing for PvE, and if used correctly, it's actually BETTER for it (you can knock the target back before it even gets to melee range!) if you use just a tiny amount of thought when doing it.


    I'm done with this.

  7. I have read the notes and feedback from everyone.


    This is 100% STUPID!! Let's take away a key element in the PVE that gives someone an advantage in PVP? So how about we just NERF it when in PVP then? Doing "BALANCING" for PVP that affects PVE really doesn't make sense. Implement on the PVP servers then and leave our PVE servers alone.


    I'm sorry.. I DISAGREE with this and will be extremely pissed off if this actually goes live. I don't want 120 degrees, I want 360 degress to knock back the swarm of mobs all over me. I don't know if you play the game much DEV TEAM, but MOB's tend to CIRCLE around you. Quick knock back and you have enough time to drop an AOE.


    MY PVE (Not PVP) GAME PLAY will SUCK MORE if this happens. Period.. complaint logged and when I UNSUB I will be sure to add this to the comments section in the list of "Stupid Nerf's made".


    You can accomplish the exact same thing :


    1. Run / Force Speed Forward
    2. Jump, turn around quickly (or just turn around quickly)
    3. ????
    4. Profit.


    (HINT: Step 3 is knockback)




    1. Backpedal a couple meters (S-key champions unite!)
    2. ????
    3. Profit.


    They removed the delay on the knockback as well. So you can use the time that would have otherwise been delay to instead position yourself for the actual knockback.


    I know I'm not going to change the minds of the people who are upset by this (because, honestly, reason cannot win over irrationality incarnate).


    HOWEVER, by itself, this "knockback nerf" is not a big deal AT ALL for ANY type of play. In PvE, if you pull aggro on a mob, you're already facing the mob anyway, chief. In PvP, it gave too much win for too little skill (for those complaining, play a class WITHOUT a knockback in Huttball and tell me you think blanket aoe knocbacks are fine). And in the hands of a good PvPer, a conal knocback with a 15-meter range is going to be more useful in objective-based gaming anyway (congrats, you just got longer range on your knocback!).


    I hate to say it, but this is only a nerf if you are a bad player.

  8. Also, not being able to knockback everyone surrounding you is the new issue this brings up, I sometimes need that 360 degree knockback to get a little breathing room (plus it's just massively fun).


    They compensated for this.


    Sorcerers and Sages:


    • Force Speed now has a 20-second cooldown (down from 30) for all Consulars and Inquisitors.
    • New Sorcerer/Sage ability, Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend: Heal yourself for a moderate amount. Only usable on yourself. Instant, costs no Force, 30-second cooldown. This ability is trainable at level 18.
    • Fadeout/Egress has been redesigned. Now causes Force Speed to remove all roots and snares and grant immunity to roots and snares for the duration.
    • Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity now additionally grants immunity to interrupts for the duration. Improved visual FX to demonstrate this effect.


    If you need to get distance, you can now pop Force Speed MUCH more often.


    If you get hit, you get a free, instant self-heal.


    Force Speed (that thing that you popped to get away), can now remove all roots/snares and make you immune to ensure that you DO get away.


    You ALSO have a new interrupt immunity, which makes BEING in melee suck less even if you CAN'T get away.


    You get ALL THAT and you can STILL get everyone off of you with a little footwork and the same knockback button you always used.


    Skilled Sorcs/Sages are going to be BETTER than they were before. The only people that these changes hurt are those who stubbornly refuse to pick up their game.

  9. They/re killing PVE again for the sake of PVP? Well time to cancel my sub.


    You read one OP's ill-informed thoughts on the subject and you want to cancel your sub?


    Believe me, Bioware's done (or failed to do) enough to make me seriously consider jumping ship as well, but at least I put some independent thought into my reasons.


    Read the upcoming changes yourself. Think for yourself.

  10. I know the Consulars are not going to be happy about the changes to Force Wave regarding PvE. Especially in Ops when they're pulling agro because the Vanguards can't gather enough mobs, etc.


    Sure, they can cry about having to think to knockback, or they can realize that they just got to use Force Speed 3 times per minute instead of 2. You know, in case they want to RUN AWAY from the mobs hitting them in the face instead of spamming a knockback button and wondering why it only hits the direction that the mobs are likely to be coming from anyway.


    Oh, and If a Sorc/Sage DOES get hit once or twice, it's not like they have an instant, free self-heal or anything now.

  11. PvE got EASIER.



    • Interrupt on Mercs/Commandos.
    • Flat-out buffs to Merc/Commando healers.
    • Sorcs/Sages get a FREE SELF-HEAL every 30 seconds.
    • Consulars/Inquisitors have their Force Speed cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.



    I'm not sure what the current abilities are for Shadows/Assassins, but it doesn't look like they much of a PvE nerf there either, if any.


    And OP is whining about having use a tiny bit of thought when he knocks stuff back?



  12. When you first get a mission to go to Alderaan from your class story, you also get one to go to Tatooine.


    You should do / should have done Tatooine first, as it is lower level.


    Tatooine also has a bonus series that you will find after you complete your class missions on the planet. It starts at the entrance to the spaceport.

  13. This thread could really, really benefit from some of that increased communication that the CMs were talking about a week or so ago.

    Hint. Hint.


    If there's no plan to charge subscribers additional money for one new planet, it's a simple thing to say, and would relieve a lot of people posting here.


    If there IS a plan to charge subscribers additional money for one new planet, it's a dangerous thing to say, as it would greatly upset a lot of people posting here.


    Bioware, EA, Community Team: Your silence on this issue is both telling and troubling.

  14. The problem with letting you combine your mission with others of your same class is that there are some (not nearly enough, imo) decisions in class storylines that will alter the outcome of later stories. This can create a problem, not just in having someone else permanently alter your own personal story, but also in continuity of the storyline.


    For example:


    Quest A is completed by Player 1 separately from Player 2. NPC Bob is allowed to live by Player 1 but is killed by Player 2.


    Quest B is completed by Players 1 and 2 working together. NPC Bob makes an appearance. Player 2 wonders why the hell he's still alive.

  15. I have a day left on my subscription. Saw the world even launched today, and I resubscribed for 30 days (not to be billed for another day).


    I got in, excited to try the event. Then I got to Dromund Kaas and saw what this "race" really meant.


    Sorry, I don't intend to spend my play time standing in one spot waiting to click a box.


    If THIS is the kind of content we can expect more of, F2P won't be enough to save the game.




    Once again, I am...

  16. I had such high hopes. Years of hype for this.


    Termination of half the staff, incredibly slow content generation, and a 6-month delay of features that absolutely should have been in at launch.


    As I sit here on my well-above recommended spec system looking at a 2+ minute Corellia load time (that I HAVE to sit through in order to get to the incredibly small and separately-instanced Black Hole), I really wonder if they even care anymore.


    And now we're supposed to believe that Free To Play will mean all these problems go away and we'll see everything pick up.


    Screw you, EA. I was a loyal fan here on Day 1 of Early Access, and suddenly NOW my subscription dollars are worth kicking up the rate of content generation?


    I am thoroughly disgusted.

  17. Its like a game that never ends, no sense of accomplishment cuz as soon as u get geared, new update

    Makes u grind again and it's a vicious cycle.

    With no satisfaction, and no destination.


    You should be enjoying the journey as well as the pixels you get to add to your character after playing the game.


    If you don't enjoy playing the game, i don't know what to tell you other than "stop."

  18. I'd been waiting since early access for the adaptive feature on social gear, since I do not play inquisitors or consulars and I really want to make my character look different than the herd of others in their PvP/PvE gear.


    With the introduction of 1.3, that (finally) happened, and it's really nice...


    ...for ONE piece of a 5-piece set, that is. Because unless you're rocking full War Hero or Campaign gear, you take a direct stat penalty by losing your set bonus because you wanted to use the new adaptive social gear. Because pre-1.2 sets for some reason still haven't switched over to carrying the set bonus in the Armoring.


    There might be a technical limitation here or whatever, but the result still sucks.


    This is how your character's appearance "upgrades" if you like using Adaptive Armor:



    Mod out different combinations of social/custom gear! Cool!


    Undergeared 50:

    PVE: Mod out different combinations of social/custom gear! Cool!

    PVP: Look the same as everyone else in Recruit gear.


    Very long gear grind at 50:

    Mod out my social/custom chestpiece ONLY because otherwise I lose my set bonuses! Not cool!


    End of gear grind at 50:

    Sweet! I finally got the rare, hard-to-get set! Now I can finally look like I did before I hit 50!




    TL;DR: The Adaptive Gear update in 1.3 is cosmetic only. Why are non-War Hero/non-Campaign players penalized for using it?

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